Homework Week 7

Spellings (x2) Write 4 synonyms for big, nice and bad.

Homelinks 35,36 (fractions)

Language booklet P 3 (selected sentences – prefixes)

This week

M and M productions – Monday morning

Achievement assembly – Monday afternoon

PE – Tues, Thurs and Fri – Country Dancing for party

Wednesday – Open afternoon (2 pm – 3.15  pm)

Christmas lunch – Thursday

Sitting Pretty and saying thanks!

We’ve had a makeover in Room1 and feel very posh with our new furniture. Keep eating the porridge everyone as some legs need to grow a bit!

We were sad to say goodbye to Ross and Brian, the ICT Youth Coaches today.We really enjoyed our Footwork sessions. They appreciated the thank you cards we had made for them.

Homework Week 6

Spellings – written twice. Write three sentences. Try to use  an interesting opener, connective, a “wow” word and some extra  punctuation. Please return Spelling by Thursday.

Maths – Homelinks 32 , 33 (dividing by 8,9,10)

Opposites page 1 in Language Booklet

Three facts about St Andrews Day

Home Baking for Recipe Book Launch and Christmas Fayre (Thursday)

Story winners

We all made up stories for nursery children and we look forward to sharing them with the little ones shortly. Two girls   from our class won gift vouchers for the bookfair which we all visted last week.

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We are really enjoying learning Gaelic with Mrs Macdonald. If you’re keen to try some extra practise at home why not give these a try!


BBC Alba

Keep up the effort and enthusiasm for this important aspect of our culture and heritage.

Christmas Fayre and Book Launch!


29th November 6.30pm – 8.15pm

The Lochardil Parent Council will be hosting a CHRISTMAS FAYRE, as well as launching their ‘Family Recipes Cook Book’.

It is set to be a fantastic night with craft and gift stalls, raffle, refreshments in addition to some fantastic games. A night for the WHOLE family!

£1.50 for adult entry, which includes refreshment. Children and concessions are FREE.

We’re looking for your help:
P1-P3 families- Filled jam jars for the tombola. (See images below)

P4-P7 families- Home baking donations.

Christmas Fayre FLIER- CLICK HERE!

Any volunteers to help, please contact:

Division, Stories and Spots!

This week certainly had challenge for lots of us as we  got to grips with division! The skill is proving very useful as we look forward to winning and sharing  the £25 prize for the best Nursery Story Competition. We’ve made a superb effort and worked at using some of  the classic features of texts for that age group. We worked in pairs and threes and produced such a variety of tales!

Caley Thistle were back again on Wednesday and improved our footwork skills!

Everyone looked dotty in their spotty outfits today. Thank you for all donations to the Children in Need Appeal.

Blythswood Shoe Boxes

A big thankyou to everyone who donated a shoebox in support of the Blythswood appeal. Pr 5 counted 102 as our school total and the Blythswood Box collectors were extremely impressed with our efforts. We helped to carry the boxes out to the van.

Let’s hope they bring comfort and happiness to lots of needy people.

Homework Week 4

Week 4

Spelling words written twice. Each group has its own activity linked to their words.

Maths     Homelinks  27,28   Division using 2x,3x,4x,5x  tables

Plurals page from Booklet

Find any  interesting facts about Scotland and the Slave Trade.

Caley Thistle on Wednesday so bring PE kit for Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

Last chance for Blythswood Boxes! They are being collected on Tuesday.

Many thanks to everyone who has brought in such lovely boxes. They look small compared to our experience of Christmas, but mean so much to those who receive them.

Caley Thistle

We were put through our paces this morning with a full fitness circuits workout from the Youth Coaches from Caley Thistle. Lots of glowing red faces at the end of our session. We liked the range of up beat music to help time and move us on round each activity. We’re looking forward to the next three weeks of activities. Not a football in sight today so hopefully some top skills tips coming our way now we’ve improved our fitness!

Vue Cinema Visit

Pr 5 enjoyed our trip to see Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days this morning. The cinema was packed and lots of excited pupils from several Inverness Primary Schools settled to watch the third film in the series. The film had some funny parts and some serious issues to think about as well. Thank you  to our willing parent helpers.

We have written our Film Review and will discuss some of the issues raised in the film at Circle Time later this week.

What’s Happening in Week 3?

Monday – Vue Cinema (9.30 am – 12.00 pm) Bring water and snack.

Wednesday – Inverness Caley Thistle – (11.30 am – 12.00 pm) PE Kit required.

(No halltime on Thursday)

Friday – Eden Court Opera visit The Magic Flute (11.30 am – 2.45 pm) 

Wear good walking shoes, a waterproof jacket and bring a packed lunch.


For Friday 9 November

Spellings (x2) and learn for Quiz. Firework, action, adverb poem. 

Adverbs pages from Language Booklet.                          

   Times Tables P 11. 12, 13 and 15.