Term 2 Topic:Citizen Scotland

I can explain how the needs of a group in my local community are supported.                                                                                                           SOC 2-16a

How are elderly people cared for?

What do elderly people need?

What facilities benefit elderly people in Inverness and are there enough?

I can discuss issues of the diversity of cultures, values and customs in our society.                                                                                                SOC 2-16c

What is diversity, values, customs and cultural differences in our society?

I can discuss the rights and responsibilities of citizens in Scotland.                                               SOC 2-17a

Are there any places that show rights and responsibilities?

What are our rights and responsibilities?

Term 2 Week 3 Homework

Spellings (x2) Write 5 sentences using your words. Underline the  adverbs you have added to your sentences.

Maths – Times Tables booklet P 9 -12

Language Booklet – Adverbs page

Remember Blythswood Shoe Boxes for Wednesday 6th November

PE – Indoor kit for Tues and Thurs.  Outdoor kit for Wednesday. (Miss Schimmield in on Wed this week)

Some Emergency Closure and Family Information Forms still to be returned.