Monthly Archives: January 2013
Robert Burns
This week in primary one we were learning some Scottish words and also finding out about Robert Burns. In our art time we designed our own tartans and made them into swinging kilts.
Aigas visitors
Primary 1 had an exciting visit this week from Sue and Sarah, Aigas field workers. They told us lots of interesting information about some of the wildlife found in the Highlands. They showed us some photographs and had recordings of some of the noises made by some some of the birds and animals. The most exciting part though was when we got to touch and stroke the stuffed otter and pine martin. Their fur was so soft but the claws of the pine martin were very sharp and prickly!
Our new topic
Our new topic this term is Friends and Family. We will be looking at the reasons why our friends and families are important to us. We will also be talking about different generations of our family and hope to be painting some family trees!
We will also be trying to answer the questions; why do we need to eat healthy food to grow and what can we do to keep ourselves healthy?