It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Mr Cook

That’s us reached the Christmas Holidays – what a quick two terms in Primary 1. I think we’re all looking forward to a much deserved Christmas and New Year break.


In Literacy we’ve learned now learned the first 33 phonic sounds inside the Sound Pouch in your child’s homework folder. We’ve worked hard learning the ‘Look and Say’ words in our Word Pouch. Some of us have begun the ‘Look and Say’ Word Sheet. We’ve been writing stories, lists and letters – learning how to overwrite and underwrite. We learned how to form the letters g, q, e, b, p, h, n and m. We’ve all begun reading the Oxford Reading Tree books with words.


In Numeracy we’ve been continuing to count objects within ten and we’ve learned how to form numbers 6-10. We’ve begun using the language of ‘more than’ or ‘less than’ to identify numbers, as well as beginning adding two numbers together within ten.


Through our topic ‘Mr Benn’s Fancy Dress Shop’ we explored role-play in terms of playing a character. We learned how to use money to pay for objects, and really enjoyed using our real till. ‘The Nativity’ topic investigated the Christmas Story and was brought together by our fantastic Nursery – P3 Nativity. The Nativity is currently being edited, and will be available to watch on a password protected website next term. We’ll be in touch with more details after Christmas.


We have said goodbye to our Fancy Dress Shop and our Santa’s Grotto where our busy elves have been working. We have an exciting link with P3 for our next topic which you’ll hear more about after Christmas.


Your child should have arrived home today with a 2014 Calendar and  a Christmas Card which they’ve been busy making this week. There’s also some Reindeer Food to leave out – helping Santa and his reindeer to find your house on Christmas Eve.


To continue to support your child’s development over the Christmas break, you may wish to practise:


  •  ‘Look and Say’ words either within the Word Pouch or Word Sheet
  •  Phonic sounds and actions (Sound Pouch)
  •  Word building using cards within Sound Pouch e.g. c – a – t = cat
  •  Writing letters ‘o’, ‘c’, ‘a’, ‘d’, ‘g’, ‘q’, ‘e’, ‘b’, ‘p’, ‘h’, ‘n’ and ‘m’
  •  Writing numbers 0 – 10
  •  Ordering numbers 0 – 10, including asking questions e.g. ‘What is 1 more than/less than?’
  • Adding two numbers together to make a sum of 10 or less


Have a FABULOUS Christmas and New Year. I look forward to seeing you all back on
Monday 6th of January at 9am.

Mr Cook