Two weeks ago when Miss Shimmield was away at Loch Insh with the P7s, our caterpillars began to form chrysalides so that they could change. We took a photo of the chrysalides. We watched them closely, but we had to be careful. Whilst a caterpillar is inside the chrysalis they are changing. It is important that you do not disturb them. They will shake if they think predators are near.
We waited and watched…
On Monday, we checked the caterpillars to see how they were doing. We realised that something exciting happened during the weekend…they are not caterpillars anymore!
We now have five beautiful butterflies!
They are very pretty and they have lovely patterns. We are watching them closely.
Soon we will realease our butterflies into our school garden when they are ready!
We have been looking after some caterpillars. We have looked at them each day to see how they have grown. – Hannah.
We named them Love, Rosie,Prezzie, Fred and Dave. – Marc.
When caterpillars get bigger they hang up side down in a cocoon and then, in a few days, they will turn into butterflies. – James.
The caterpillars are black. – Jack
The caterpillars are growing bigger and bigger – Finlay.
We have been looking after five caterpillars – Lily.
When they turn into butterflies, they flap their new wings very fast to pump blood around them so that they grow stronger. – Isabelle
We will be looking after some caterpillars and hopefully they will grow into beautiful Painted Lady butterflies. This will help us to learn about how living-things grow and life cycles. Our plan is to release them into our school garden!
We have been learning about weather and climates this week. – Zoe
We have been telling the time. We have been looking at o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. We also have been working with digital clocks – Iain
In maths, we have been doing time. – Kacper
We were have been looking at all different kinds of weather. I like it when it is sunny and rainy – Chloe
We have been learning about different types of climates. Polar climate, desert climate, temperate climate and tropical climate! – Lucy. W
We are learning about how fast the world moves. It moves so slow you can’t feel it. – Isabelle
We’ve been learning about the world and there is 7 billion people in the entire world – Eve
We had great fun this week – Hannah
We’ve been learning about condensation and evaporation. It is the Water Cycle – Ruby
We have been learning about the Water Cycle. It rains and the water goes up. This is evaporation. Then it makes and clouds and rains again. – Grace
We have been learning that the Earth moves around the Sun. – James
Last week, we did some wind painting. We were learning about primary colours and how they can mix to make new colours. The primary colours are red, blue and yellow. We used these colours on paper plates and then held the plates against the wind. We were amazed by the pretty colours and patterns we created. We could also work out what direction the wind was blowing in by which way our patterns were made across the plate. It was great fun!
We completed our rainfall experiment at the start of last week. The weather has changed a lot recently. We have had rain and sunshine! We discovered that we did not collect as much rain as we thought we would. We have come up with different reasons why we think this happened…
– It didn’t rain enough
– The wind blew our containers and the water came out
– The sun dried up the rainfall
– Not that much water falls in the same place
We are investigating this further. We are interested to find out where rain comes from and where the water goes because we agreed puddles don’t seem to last forever but lochs and rivers do. We have started to look at the Water Cycle to find out more!
We hope everyone had a lovely holiday! In P2S, the pupils have come back excited and ready (and a little taller!) to start the new term. We have also grown in numbers a little bit by welcoming two new lovely pupils to our class!
Our new topic is called Planet Earth. At the start of the week, the whole class discussed what the topic will involve and what kind of things we would like to learn about. A large majority of the pupils showed a keen interest to learn about the weather, the atmosphere and different areas from around the world. Here are some of the pupil and teacher questions we would like to find answers to:
– Why does it snow?
– How do things fall from the sky?
– Do all animals have four legs?
– Why is the time different in different countries?
– What is the planet made of?
– How do we decide if something is living or non-living?
– What impact does the climate have on living things?
– How do people record the weather and monitor the changes?
As you can see this will involve a lot of learning! Therefore, the topic is split into smaller sub-topics: Weather, Living and Non-Living and Climates.
This week we have been busy bees and started a weather experiment to record how much it rains. We had a talk about how much it rains and put out some containers in the playground. We will be checking the containers next week to record our results. Some photos of our experiment are added below.
We think this topic will be interesting, challenging and fun! If anyone has any ideas or thinks they could help us learn more about our topic then please let us know.
We have been working hard on our Victorian Adventure performance since February. Victorian Adventure is an Oxford Reading Tree book that we turned into a play as part of our Children in the Past topic.
We had four teams working on the project, the art team, the music team, the directing team and the acting team. All the pupils were involved and everyone helped to organise the event.
We came up with the idea that we would like to show our performance like an old cinema. We filmed the performance in black and white and invited parents to a cinema morning with singing and popcorn!
Lots of parents said they really enjoyed the morning which is super! We have enjoyed everything about this project: learning our words, making the backdrops and props, making sure everyone knows what they are doing, making programmes, tickets and posters, creating sound effects for different scenes and of course putting it all together!
It has been very busy in the afternoons for the last few weeks in P2S because we had to use and develop our learning from different areas of the curriculum such as literacy, expressive arts and social studies for this project.
Thank you to all the parents and carers who came along to see our performance yesterday and we hope you all have a lovely break.
Last Tuesday, we were very lucky because we had a class trip to the Museum of Childhood in Strathpeffer.
At the museum, we met a lady called Alison who showed us different old toys and games from the past. She also let us dress up like children from the past. The girls wore pinafores and the boys wore waistcoasts.
We had a look at the artefacts in the museum and Alison told us stories about some of the special toys they have.
It was very snowy, but we made it back safe and sound!
We would like to thank the parents helpers who helped with our trip and Alison who organised the day for us!
Today the pupils celebrated the fun fundraising day – Comic Relief 2013! The pupils dressed in something red and had a fun afternoon designing silly dinosaurs. Congratulations to Iona for the winning dinosaur entry for P2S! We also talked about the important bits – who Comic Relief helps, what the money is spent on and how it is raised. A great finish to a great week!
Last week, we made beautiful cards for Mothers Day. The whole school was set a challenge by the ECO committee to create our cards from things we had already used. We made cupcake cards! We made the icing and from glitter left over from Christmas activities, we used dollies a a ‘plate’, the cupcake case was made from strips of old magazines and our ‘cherry’ was an old button! We also wrote a special acrostic poem for the inside using WOW words. We hope all our mums enjoyed our cards and we had fun making them..(we were covered in glitter by the end!)
Last Thursday, we were very lucky to have Pat Macleod visit our classroom. She works at Dingwall Museum and she brought along objects that people used long ago. Some things we thought looked familair, but other things we had to try guess what they would have been used for! It was great to imagine what life might have been like a long time ago. Pat brought in some things that she remembers from when she was a child and she brought in things that were much older. Thanks Pat, we had a lovely afternoon learning about the differences
Wow P2S! We are all so amazed about the amount of researching, questioning, visiting, creating and discussing you did during the week long break. I was very excited on Monday to look at the things people had brought in, to hear about what people had found out and to see their lovely scrapbooks or posters.
We really enjoyed Monday listening to each other and sharing what we had discovered. We also found a lot of similarities, like a lot of people used to walk to school, there was a playground game called Peevers that children used to play and doing the chores was hard work!
Below are some pictures of a small selection of what people had brought in (some sneaky ones took them home before I managed to get a picture!) Thank you to all the wonderful family members that helped the P2S historians!
After last year’s success- Culduthel’s got talent is back!
Message from the Culduthel Christian Centre:
“Do you have a talent? If so, audition for Culduthel’s Got Talent. Cash prizes are up for grabs at the final on Saturday the 2nd March with a prize and certificate for the p1-p3 category and £50 first prize, £20 second and £10 third prize for p4-p7.”
Pick up a registration form at Culduthel Christian Centre, or download it by clicking the link below.
The closing date for entries is Friday the 1st of March, so be quick!
We are starting a new topic this term which is called, ‘Children in the Past.’ We are going to be investigating how children lived long ago and whether it will be different from how we live now. We talked about the new topic as a class and we found that we know lots of information. We also thought of some questions for things we didn’t know. Some of there were:
Where did they sleep?
Did they make their own things?
Did they have a cooker?
Who looked after the babies and where were they born?
How long did poor people live for?
How did they wash their clothes?
How did people survive this long?
In order to help us find our information we thought we could use books, the internet and ask people who lived long ago. We also began to think about old things that we had at home that we could take pictures of or share with the class.
We are all very excited about starting this topic! If anyone, thinks they could help learn more about our topic then please let us know.
We watched the live webcams during the Autumnwatch series on BBC2 (we once saw a beaver swimming!) and so we were excited to watch the Winterwatch live webcams all this week. We watch the webcam feed during registration in the mornings to see what we can spot! We have seen all different birds, cheeky squirrels and sleeping beavers! Two Aigas field workers, Sue and Sarah, came to talk to us about the wildlife they have at Aigas and in other protected areas in Inverness. We remembered our trip to the Aigas centre in P1 so we really enjoyed listening to Sarah and Sue and looking at their stuffed friends that they brought along! We hope you enjoy the pictures that we took and a thank you from P2S to Sarah and Sue, what a super start to Term 3!
We hope everyone had a good break and keep an eye on our blog to see what exciting things we will be doing and learning about during Term 3!
There are many un-named items in lost property. Most of them have been there for at least the past term. These items will be available in the school reception area from 2:30-3pm Mon 17th Dec – Thu 20th Dec. Following this all unclaimed items will be put to the Blysthwood box.
Items include numerous gym shoes, hats, gloves, scarves, school jumpers, school polos, drinks bottles, lunch boxes as well as those listed previously on the website.
Remember the best way to avoid lost property is to put your childs name on all items that come to school with them.
Have a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Sharon McArthur (Parent Council)
Today, we had a super end to our week! We had our P2 Christmas Party! It was so much fun. We played all different games in the hall and it was nice to be all together. We were very good at playing musical statues and we loved playing pass-the-parcel. After we had been tired out by Christmas disco dancing, we had some scrummy food that we all brought in to share and we had festive activities in the classroom. I think we will all sleep well tonight, including the teachers!
Thank you to all the parents/carers who donated food for our party. All the food was delicious and we had a great time having a christmas classroom picnic!
Wow! Yes, P2S had another visitor! Yesterday we were lucky enough to have a visit from Woody! Woody is a retired guide dog and he came in with his owners to talk about how the guide dogs services can help people in need in our local community. We found the visit very interesting and we thought Woody was lovely!
We would like to say a big thank you to Carol and Woody for our lovely afternoon!
Wow! We are having such a fun and busy week! Today we were excited to meet the police. They came to talk about our topic, ‘Our Needs and Help in the Community’ and to answer some of our questions.
We are able to have a look inside the police car, try on handcuffs and have a look at batons and hats. We learnt about what the police do to look after us in our community and how we can look after ourselves by staying safe. They even pretended to arrest Miss Shimmield!
A big thank you to the police officers who came to visit, we loved it!
We had such an interesting day today. Paramedics and people from the ambulance service came to visit our classroom today to help us answer some questions about how the ambulance service helps people in our community. We got to look and talk about all different things. We got to go inside the ambulance and hear the siren! We could check how much oxygen was in our blood and listen to our heartbeats. We even got a chance to dress up like a paramedic wearing the special clothing and safety equipment. Miss Shimmield tried a special piece of equipment that works like an inflatable stretcher that helps to lift people up so the paramedics don’t hurt their back
We learnt lots and lots more! And we would like to say a huge thank you to Kenny, Milne, Hazel and Fiona who came to visit us today.
Due to photographs being taken in two phases by Tempest photography, the original date for payment (Wednesday 14th November) has been extended to accommodate both sets of photographs.
We have been working on take-away sums in maths and written super spooky witch recipes! Our feeling flowers are on our display wall next to our room, please take a look!
We had great fun at the Halloween Disco too! The costumes were super and scary…
Our topic this term is Our Needs and Help in the Community, we are looking for visitors who might be able to talk to us about how they help in the local Lochardil community. If you think you know someone who could help please contact us through the school!
We have had a great start to Term 2, it can only get better!
To finish off our Healthy Happy Smile! topic, we decided to make some delicious healthy smoothies! We had a competition during our writing time to see who could write the best recipe!
Miss Shimmield picked two really good recipes that Grace and Iain wrote and we all got to make and taste them! We had great fun making them with Laura and Mrs Reid. It was a fantastic afternoon for the last week of term!
HALLOWE’EN DISCO Monday 29th October 2012 P1 – P3 @ 6pm – 7.15pm
P4- P7 @ 7.30pm – 9pm
After the success of last year’s Hallowe’en Disco, Primary 6/7 are again organising the event as part of their Enterprise Project. Our aim is to make around £400 to put towards our entry for Rock Challenge (A charitable arts event) in February.
This week P6/7 begun selling tickets for the disco. There has been 100 people from P1-5 already buying tickets this week. This is a disco like NO OTHER. On the night we have music, food and entertainment all for £2!
Bring an extra £1 and you can play some of the FANTASTIC games that P6/7 have created for the night. Don’t miss out on your chance- P6/7 will be selling tickets each morning until the event!
We learnt that you need to brush your teeth or they will get holes in them. We learnt that water is ok for your teeth. We put eggs in tubs to make them yucky. We left eggs in different kinds of drinks over night. This is like if we didn’t brush our teeth. We used eggs because we didnt want our teeth to have holes and egg shells are made of the same things as our teeth. The next day, they looked disgusting and horrible. It is really important that you brush your teeth or they will look like the yucky eggs!
Written by Calum. M, Jack, Fraser, Finlay, Iain, Callum. W, and Olivia P2S
This week we have been learning about healthy eating. We tasted and we talked about different fruits and vegetables. We liked some of them, but some we did not like at all! Our favorite fruits were mango, banana, pear, orange and beetroot!
We have been reading the book, ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle. Then we wrote our own Hungry Caterpillar stories and we are
Sunny is so tired after a busy week that we have put him to bed!
In maths time, we have been doing add sums up to 20 and we have been writing double-decker sums.
Finally, we had some visitors at ‘Meet the Teacher’ afternoon. It was lovely to show everyone our classroom and to talk about all the fun we have been having.
We thought you would enjoy having a look at some of the wonderful artwork P2S have created!
The pictures are inspired by a book we have been sharing and discussing, ‘The Littlest Bear’ by Gillian Shields and Polona Lovsin. It is a lovely book about different feelings and building a friendship. Our artwork depicts the scene when the Littlest Bear sees the Northern Lights. We used paint for the colourful sky and fluffly cotton wool for our bears.
It has been a very busy first two weeks in P2 and now beginning week three!
We have been doing lots of fun things to get to know each other and to get to know our new classroom. We have completed some lovely artwork based on the story, ‘The Littlest Polar Bear’ and wrote wonderful list poems about going to school. Photos to follow soon!
We have also started our new topic ‘Happy Smile! As a class we decided that within this topic we would like to look at healthy eating and growing healthy food, looking after our teeth, what makes us happy and who looks after us. Throughout the topic, the pupils of P2AS will be recording their learning in a video or slideshow all about being healthy and happy which we hope to share with you.
Keep an eye on this blog to see what exciting things we will be doing and learning about for our topic!