Capacity & Risk Register

To ensure a consistent, robust overview of self-evaluation activity across the authority, the Capacity and Risk Register is maintained. This provides a clear summary of core self-evaluation activities, school review and inspection and scrutiny of quantitate and qualitative data.  It provides an overall assessment of the level of capacity and/or support required for each school.

At the beginning of each session, the Quality Improvement Manager along with the Quality Improvement Team and other lead officers review each school’s capacity for continued improvement. They agree a support band of high, medium or low based on the following drivers for improvement:

  • the school’s self-evaluation within Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan
  • attainment and achievement data, inclusion and exclusion statistics
  • known levels of parental engagement and satisfaction including questionnaires  and complaints
  • quality of teacher professionalism : engagement with authority-led professional learning  ;leadership and masters’ level learning
  • relevant local knowledge, for example new or acting Headteacher, personal circumstances, staffing, societal, environmental factors such as new school build, ASN impact or Headteacher request.

Bands of high, medium or low support, are shared and agreed in consultation with each Headteacher during a meeting which takes place within term 1.

This agreement informs appropriate levels of proportionate and intelligence-led support and challenge from the Quality Improvement Team or other Council officers. It also informs centrally provided CPD. The Capacity and Risk Register is reviewed frequently by the Quality Improvement Team and any changes discussed with head teachers.