Support for Inspection

Following inspection by HMI, schools are given specific strengths and areas for improvement. In collaboration with officers arrangements for monitoring and review of progress are agreed including timescales, governance and reporting to elected members through the Education Performance Committee.

Low Risk

Where Education Scotland inspectors indicate that they will not be returning to the school. The improvement team will monitor progress with aspects identified in the summary of inspection findings. A summary of progress after one year will be prepared by the HT and officers and presented to the Chief Officer.

Medium Risk

Where HMI stipulate a requirement by the local authority to monitor progress. A supported self-evaluation review will be carried out by officers to take a closer look at the progress made with the aspects for development made at the time of the inspection. In these instances a formal report will be provided following the review which will be submitted to the Chief Officer.

High Risk

Where HMI stipulate they will return to a school to monitor progress, the quality improvement team will work with the school to agree interim evaluation measures. This will include visits to classes, presentation of progress by SLT and collection of other evidence including focus groups.



Resources for Inspection :

Early Learning Childcare –

Primary Schools –

Secondary Schools –


School Improvement Planning Poster – Education Scotland

QI Poster – Ed Scotland