Key Learning:
We began by looking at fossil fuel (coal, oil and gas) and what we use them for which highlighted clearly that we dependent heavily upon these. Continuing on to look at the sustainability of these resources and how little we have left to use. The effects of using fossil fuels for example global warming and global dimming. We also considered alternative energy sources to power vehicles, generate electricity and make materials. Ways in which we can generate electricity could include wave power, windmills and solar panels. Hydrogen can be used as a fuel in order to power vehicles and biofuels (bioethanol and biodiesel) can be used to make materials.
In Andrew’s input we looked at different experiments to do with electricity. One of the exeriments involved building a circuit and investigating a selection of materials to find out of they are conductors or insulators. Other experiements were demonstrating fuse blowing, wave power and solar power.
In Louise’s input we had a class debate on using windmills as an alternative source of energy to fossil fuels. This began with each individually reading an article then joining a group to join ideas of ‘for’ and ‘against’. The class was then split in half, one group debating for using windmills and the other argued against using windmills. Another task we undertook involved creating kites, windmlls and anemomometers.
Impact on my views/lifestyle/practice
Looking at the figures of how long fossil fuels in relation to how much energy we use has been a wake up call as I had a preconceived idea that it would not happen within my lifetime so I am now aware of how important and relevant this topic is. By doing these tasks ourselves, it highlights the issues that children may come across when we are teaching these. It also highlights the dangers of safety which we may encounter and measures we should take in order to ensure safety when we are teaching these types of tasks.
Areas of interest to further explore/develop
I have always found physics to be a very dull topic however found these tasks to be quite enjoyable as well as educational so I will further investigate different types of tasks to teach.