Global Learning Partnerships 2018 – Apply NOW

Are you passionate about teaching?  Do you want to be involved in the something that will energise you, inspire you, challenge your perceptions and even take you out of your comfort zone?  Are you ready to accept the learning experience of a lifetime?  If the answer is a resounding yes, then Global Learning Partnerships (GLP) is the opportunity for you.

Developed in line with the GTCS Standard for Career-Long Professional Learning (CLPL), GLP is a high-quality, values based CLPL programme delivered over a total of 36 days, spread across 18 months.  As part of the programme you will take part in a 30-day summer placement working alongside educators in Rwanda or Uganda to gain an insight into a new culture and education system and provide you with an informed context for teaching global education and LfS.  Throughout your GLP journey, you will be exposed to authentic first-hand learning experiences which develop your resourcefulness, resilience, communication and problem-solving skills.

GLP is open to all post-probation classroom teachers in Scotland, from early years through to secondary, and to GTCS practitioners who support the development and delivery of education within local authority departments.

If you are interested, please go to our website for more details ( or contact Kelly Work at

Application will be accepted until midnight on Thursday 30th November 2017.

Apply for Outdoor Learning Grant Funding


This list of grants (see link below) has been compiled by Creative STAR Learning Company to aid schools, youth groups, the environmental, outdoor and play sectors with finding funding for a range of outdoor ventures and initiatives. We hope you will find it of value. If you are able to send us any other relevant funding sources, then please let us know and we will add it to the list. We aim to up-date this sheet every six months.   Many thanks, Juliet Robertson and Lesley McLaren



Apply for Global Learning Partnerships 2017

glp-imageGTC Scotland registered practitioners from Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeenshire Council, Highland Council and Stirling Council are invited to apply for Global Learning Partnerships 2017.


  • 35 days of CLPL delivered over an 18 month period.  Global Learning Partnerships (GLP) provides participants with the opportunity to spend four weeks, over the Scottish summer holidays, living in host communities in rural Rwanda and Western Uganda.  During this time, participants will work alongside local educationalists and teachers, developing their teaching methodologies and improving the provision of education within host schools.
  • In addition to the four weeks in-country, participants will attend two pre-departure training weekends (March / June 2017) and a post placement debrief (October 2017)
  • GLP is accredited by GTC Scotland in Global Education within Learning for Sustainability.


  • The programme costs on average £3,600 per person.  Participants are asked to fundraise £1,250 towards this cost.  The remainder of programme funding is met by The Wood Foundation and local authority partners.
  • Costs include: all pre-departure training (accommodation and sustenance), placement costs (flights, living allowance, accommodation overseas, in-country orientation, mid-phase review and in-country support costs), and debrief (training provision, accommodation and sustenance).


  • Developed by The Wood Foundation, GLP is currently delivered in Scotland in partnership with Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeenshire Council, Highland Council, and Stirling Council.
  • In Rwanda, the programme is developed and delivered alongside Inspire Empower Educate Rwanda and The Lotic Group.  In Uganda, The Wood Foundation will work in partnership with Redearth Uganda.


  • Applications are open to permanent, GTC Scotland registered practitioners who work for one of our partner local authorities.
  • Application forms are available by contacting Kelly Work (, or by contacting your local authority champion (Fiona Saunders – Aberdeen City; Christine McLennan – Aberdeenshire; Christine Gordon – Highland; and Helen Winton – Stirling).
  • Applications will be accepted from now until 5pm on Friday 6th January 2017.

See flyer below:




Outdoor Learning on GLOW TV – Thursday 10th November 4pm

education-scotland-rgb-low-resOn Thursday 10th of November you will have the opportunity to ask a panel of teachers and practitioners all the questions you may have about using outdoor learning as a context for learning in your establishment. Whether it’s as part of a nurture programme, to raise attainment in literacy or numeracy or for developing your school grounds we will help to answer your questions and give some ideas and advice to utilising the wonderful resource that is outdoor learning.

To register for the event go to :

British Council: LfS Connecting Classrooms Course


Glasgow: 14 January – 18 March (Venue TBC)

Edinburgh: 21 January – 25 March 2017 Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh
Oban: 22 April – 25 June 2017 (bookings not yet open, please register interest)

This professional learning initiative by the University of Edinburgh in partnership with the British Council and Learning for Sustainability Scotland, is a timely opportunity for teachers to grapple with 
what Learning for Sustainability means, what existing and new skills and knowledge are required, and how this might all look in the your school context. Connecting directly with Curriculum for Excellence, involvement will enable you to effectively plan for and implement Learning for Sustainability approaches in your school.

This programme offers teachers the opportunity to engage and collaborate over a ten week period which includes two full day face to face sessions at the beginning and at the end of the period, supported by fortnightly inputs from online materials.

Teachers who successfully complete the programme will be eligible to apply for overseas study visits to partner schools in other countries. Learning can be used to strengthen international links at your school, enriching teaching and learning through partnerships and joint projects.

The professional learning is fully funded.

For more information on the Glasgow course, including what is involved and how to book please click HERE.

For more information on the Edinburgh course, including what is involved and how to book please click HERE.

If you would like to be included on the mailing list for future courses in other Scottish locations, please email Abi Cornwall.   


Campaign for School Gardening Courses

rhsCampaign for School Gardening Courses, Royal Horticultural Society
The RHS are running teacher training courses in Scotland this year, alongside their Campaign for School Gardening.

A Year in your School Gardening Club, Edinburgh -28th Sept; Renfrewshire – 14th Oct
This course is full of fun projects and activities to help you keep your gardening club flourishing in all weathers and seasons throughout the year. Click here for more details.

– Apply Primary Level Maths and English skills through the Outdoor Environment, Edinburgh, 26th Oct
Have you ever thought about taking your pupils outside for maths and English lessons? Being in the school garden or a beautiful local green space will inspire your pupils to learn, enjoy and achieve in these subjects. Please click here.

– Cultivating a Healthier School (Grow, Cook and Eat your own produce), Glasgow, 21st Nov
RHS horticulturists have teamed up with Chefs @ School to provide a practical course to enable you to put pupils’ health and wellbeing at the centre of your school with an ethos and culture of great food. Please click here.


Gardening and Woodland Courses

owlOutdoor & Woodland Learning Scotland (OWL) Gardening and Woodland Courses OWL will be running a series of courses on Gardening for Biodiversity , which will include a practical introduction to the Wee Green Fingers resource. Dates and Venues:

– Saturday 15th October (morning) – Hidden Gardens, Glasgow.

– Saturday 12th November – The Bield, Perthshire.

– Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh, date tbc.

The courses will be free and open to all OWL members, teachers and educators. Please email to provisionally book a place:

Coming soon: 2 workshops on Scotland’s Native Woodlands. For more information subscribe to the OWL Scotland bulletin.

Important – Our Websites are Changing

webPreparations are underway for a major update to the Education Scotland websites to ensure we continue to meet the needs of practitioners as Scotland’s education system evolves.

By November, four sites will be available, which will be search-driven to help users quickly access the information they seek.

  • Corporate website – with information about Education Scotland, policy and legislation, news, Scotland’s education system and our role in it
  • The National Improvement Hub – the dedicated source of education improvement materials and resources for education practitioners
  • Parentzone Scotland – the dedicated information site developed for, and with, parents
  • National Qualifications site – providing practitioners with support materials for qualifications.

In preparation, we have been reviewing the content on our current sites. Education improvement materials and resources that remain relevant are being moved to the National Improvement Hub. Some topic-specific content is being moved to partner organisations and will appear on their websites. Other content is being archived for future consideration, and may be deleted or re-worked and used again. Where content has already been moved, site visitors will find a relevant link or message.

The websites with sciences and learning for sustainability content will be affected as follows:

STEM Central – core content is being migrated to the National Improvement Hub. The site in its current format will no longer be available beyond end of October 2016.

Weather and Climate Change – core content is being migrated to the National Improvement Hub. The site in its current format will no longer be available beyond end of October 2016.

Exploring Climate Change – core content is being migrated to the National Improvement Hub. The site in its current format will no longer be available beyond end of October 2016.

NQ Higher Sciences – content is being migrated to the new National Qualifications site. The site in its current format will no longer be available beyond end of October 2016.

Giant Pandas – the site in its current format will no longer be available beyond end of October 2016. In time, some of the content will appear on the Beyond the Panda website developed by the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland.

Schools Global Footprint – this website is being deleted and will no longer be available beyond the end of October 2016.

Ready for Emergencies – the site in its current format will no longer be available beyond the end of October 2016. The content is currently being migrated to Scottish Government’s Ready Scotland website.

NQ Course Material Glow site – materials that have been developed for NQ Sciences by Education Scotland will appear on the new National Qualifications site. Most of the other material developed and shared by local authorities will not be available beyond the end of October 2016.

Sciences and Learning for Sustainability pages on Education Scotland’s Corporate site – core content will remain but there will be a significant reduction in content in the resources and sharing practice sections. Some content will be migrated to the National Improvement Hub.

National Assessment Resource – sciences content will no longer be available beyond the end of October 2016.

Due to the volume of content being migrated there may be a period of time at the end of October where some content being retained may not yet be available on the National Improvement Hub or partner websites.

If you have any further questions then please email:

Game of Cones

protreeWe really need to encourage a new generation of plant health professionals. Just think what life would be like if the resources we get from plants like food, timber and medicine were to be in short supply. Trees in Britain provide us with some stark examples of plant health problems. Since the 1970’s a fungus called Dutch elm disease has killed between 25 and 75 million elms. Today it is still spreading in northern Scotland. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated example. The Forestry Commission website lists seven pests and 13 diseases that currently threaten British trees. The problem continues to grow and the rate at which new problems arrive has been accelerated through accidental import as a result of global trade. Recently there has been considerable media coverage of tree health problems, often with dire predictions for the future.

Rather than just wringing our hands we need to do something about this situation. This is why a group of Scottish researchers have taken the unusual step of working with a computer games company to develop CALEDON a survival strategy game about tree health. Their aim is to switch on the younger generation to tree health through the very popular medium of computer games. Any biologist will tell you that diversity of species and diversity of genes within species creates resilience. The old saying about the dangers of putting all your eggs in one basket is absolutely spot-on in the context of plant health. So why is it that our forestry practices have for so long focussed on single species plantations that are often of restricted genetic diversity?

This question is at the hearth of CALEDON which has been developed as part of the outreach and education programme of the PROTREE project and has seen project scientists from seven Scottish research institutes working together. Designed to be an enjoyable game, inspired by the popularity of virtual worlds, CALEDON challenges players to keep a forest thriving under a series of different scenarios with different objectives that include tree species diversity and forest cover. Players choose what trees to plant and have to work within the limits of available funds. Income can be generated by tree felling and pest and diseases have to be contended with. The learning to develop an effective strategy in the game comes from prompts that appear during gameplay and from exploration of the games encyclopaedia.

CALEDON is aimed at early teens and has good links to the curriculum at Level 3 and 4, but experience has shown that much younger players enjoy the game and do understand how to develop successful strategy. Although it is a single player game small group discussion around how to keep the forest thriving is possible as the player is completely in control of the pace of the game and clicks a button to advance time by five years after making as many changes as they like or can afford to do. The game can be played online at and can also be downloaded for offline play. An iPad version of the game is available at the App Store.


New! LfS tile now available in Glow app library

It is now easier than ever to navigate to the Learning for Sustainability (LfS) community on Glow. Join the professional discussions or download and share resources easily just by adding the LfS tile to your RM Unify Launch Pad. That means every time you want to visit the community it is just one click away.

To find out how to add a tile to your Launch Pad then watch this simple video:

The video demonstrates how the TigTag app can be added to your Launch Pad but it is the same process for adding the LfS tile. Just look for the tile with the LfS logo in the app library instead – see image below.

Glow tiles



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