There is still time to register for seminars at the Scottish Learning Festival 2015.
The Scottish Learning Festival (SLF) is the key education event in Scotland welcoming thousands of education professionals.
SLF 2015 takes place on Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 September in the SECC, Glasgow.
Below are some of the key seminars relating to learning for sustainability. Remember that even if the seminars are showing up as full when you register, it can be worth trying to attend on the day, as spaces often become available.
Staff will also be on hand at the Education Scotland stand to discuss learning for sustainability between 3:00 and 3:30pm on Wed 23rd and 12:30 and 1:00pm on Thu 24th.
Wednesday 23rd September
Learning for Sustainability: National Progress, Local Success
Ian Menzies, Education Scotland, SEMINAR CODE B1E
Participation – collaborating with children and young people to raise attainment and achievement
Paul McWatt, Education Scotland, SEMINAR CODE A1B
Scotland Lights Up Malawi
Alastair Davidson, Keep Scotland Beautiful, SEMINAR CODE K3A
If You Go Down to the Woods – Developing Forest Kindergartens
Marian Cairns, Forestry Commission Scotland, SEMINAR CODE B2C
‘Joined up Thinking’. Using the John Muir Award
Phil Thompson, Ardroy Outdoor Education Centre, SEMINAR CODE A2E
Social Studies Resource Launch
Lynne Robertson, Education Scotland, SEMINAR CODE C2E
The Unexpected Outcomes of Youth Achievement Awards
Aileen McGovern, West Lothian Council, SEMINAR CODE C1E
Establishing and developing a successful link with France
Thomas Chaurin, Institut Français d’Écosse, SEMINAR CODE K3C
How do the Scottish Teacher Education Standards and the GTCS Code of Professionalism & Conduct set parameters for teacher professionalism in Scotland?
Tom Hamilton and Lindsay Thomson, GTCS, SEMINAR CODE L2D
Better Eating, Better Learning – practical ideas to put the guidance into practice
Lorna Aitken, Education Scotland, SEMINAR CODE C1B
Thursday 24th September
Working in tandem – using bicycles in the curriculum
Sustrans Scotland and Harestanes Primary School
Think about it! Philosophy with children and young people
Joe Walker, Education Scotland, SEMINAR CODE M1F
Making it into Higher Education
Martin Davidson, The Outward Bound Trust, SEMINAR CODE A1G
PAS promoting education for all in the planning process
World War One Whole School Context – a collaborative approach
Jenny Watson, Middleton Park School, SEMINAR CODE N1H
Collaboration, shared self-evaluation and partnership with the third sector
Alona Murray, Education Scotland, SEMINAR CODE D1I
Making Rights Real: A Framework for Rights Based Learning
South Lanarkshire Council, Curriculum Quality Improvement Service, SEM CODE L2I
Embedding international education in school: A whole school approach to raising attainment
Lucy Young, British Council Scotland, SEMINAR CODE D2I
Air Quality Learning and Teaching Package
Ben Jackson, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, SEMINAR CODE M1I