Category Archives: Pilot model

Bellshill Academy: Issues with workflow

Bellshill Academy
Workflow issues to be resolved

Willie Davidson (The Learning Centre) discussed with us some of the challenges that he felt were faced with the iPad in relation to workflow. He felt that moving learners’ work to and from the devices had presented a challenge. He acknowledged that there were a number of third-party tools (many paid for) that could address this issue, but he felt that he was yet to see the perfect solution to address this issue.

Mr Davidson told us how the school had decided to use Dropbox to address the file sharing issues, but he expressed his concerns about the security of this solution and he also gave examples where pupils Dropboxes had been ‘broken into’ by other pupils. He also felt that, although the Dropbox solution was the one he felt offered the school the best and cheapest option at that time to address the workflow issue, he believed that it would prove to be unsustainable if a secondary school such as theirs attempted to roll the Dropbox solution out across the whole school. The workflow issue is one that, if resolved, Mr Davidson believes could help make learning with devices in school an even better experience.

Bellshill Academy: workflow issues Mr Davidson (The Learning Centre) discusses workflow challenges he has faced with the Apple pilot

Bellshill Academy: Pilot overview

Bellshill Academy
An iPad for every S1 pupil

The device pilot at Bellshill Academy in North Lanarkshire involved every pupil in the S1 cohort and every teacher who volunteered to be part of the pilot being given an iPad. In this interview Anne Munro (headteacher) and Willie Davidson (The Learning Centre) discuss their school’s involvement in North Lanarkshire’s device pilots and explain their thinking behind allocating an iPad to every first-year pupil and the importance of ensuring that they had buy-in from the staff.

bellshill_overview Mrs Munro (HT) and Mr Davidson (The Learning Centre) give an overview of the iPad pilot at Bellshill Academy

Anne Munro also discussed the thoroughness of the preparation required in the build up to running their pilot and what was involved in planning for parent information evenings to support their plans.

Bellshill Academy: Preparation Mrs Munro (HT) discusses the planning that took place prior to the pilot starting

Bellshill Academy: Technical challenges with their iPad pilot

Bellshill Academy
iCloud details are the same as school network logins

Willie Davidson (Learning Centre) at Bellshill Academy was a central figure in the planning and implementation of the iPad pilot at the school. In our discussions he talked of the many technical challenges that he faced in order to ensure that the pilot moved forward, such as those associated with wi-fi, iTunes accounts, parental issues and infrastructure.

One of the first challenges he recalls was associated with the  purchase and management of apps for the iPads. He told us that when the pilot began there was no way of managing apps for a number of iPads centrally and as a result he had to buy 150 iTunes cards at a local store, scratch off the material to reveal the 15 digit number, then type those numbers into the computer for every card. This proved to be a time-consuming and laborious process and at the time was one that he was concerned about in terms of the sustainability of this process. He is aware that this issue has now been addressed to some extent with Apple introducing Apple Configurator and Volume Purchasing, services it is hoped will make the purchase and management of apps an easier process.

Bellshill Academy: Technical challenges Mr Davidson (The Learning Centre) discusses the technical challenges that the pilot faced

When the iPads were set up it was decided that the school would retain control of absolutely everything. iCloud accounts were set up using the school network login credentials that had already been allocated to pupils. Pupils were informed that they were not allowed to change the details of these accounts and this rule was written in to the Acceptable Use Policy. The pupils and their parents/carers were informed that the apps installed on the device were the property of the school and parents/carers were advised against tying their credit card to an iTunes account due to the fact that any purchased apps would still belong to the school and also because it would limit the chance for their account being hit with the costs of many purchases.

As part of the pilot a new wi-fi system was installed; however, this needed to be reviewed, particularly when it became apparent that the signal was not reaching the areas that it was intended to. Mr Davidson stressed in the interview the need to have a strong data connection for any school that intends to embark on a similar device pilot to theirs.

Mearns Academy: Sharing and managing devices

Mearns Academy: Learning tools
Sharing devices at Mearns Academy

We spoke with Stewart Fleming (class teacher) at Mearns Academy in Aberdeenshire about how teachers at the school planned to manage and share the devices that they had available to them in their Android pilot. Mr Fleming stressed that the school was still in the early stages of the pilot and that initially they had decided to focus mainly on using the browser as the means by which learning tools could be accessed. At the time we visited the school no concrete decision had been made about the ways in which the devices would be managed centrally in terms of accessing and installing apps, although they had been looking at Learnpad and Splashtop for this purpose. Mr Fleming was of the opinion that a shared and managed device scenario might make it a bit more challenging to address the personalisation and choice agenda but where he could accommodate this he would.

Mearns Academy: Sharing and managing devices Interview 1 with Mr Fleming

Mr Fleming stated that the principles for curriculum design for Curriculum for Excellence were such that it was important that the school explored different ways in which technology could play an integral part in the learning and teaching experience. He also discussed the importance of teachers and schools recognising the appeal that digital contexts have for learners and how methodologies can be adapted so that positive outcomes for learners can be maximised.

Mearns Academy: Embracing new tech and ideas Interview 2 with Mr Fleming

Mearns Academy: Android pilot overview

Android devices at Mearns Academy

Mearns Academy in Laurencekirk in Aberdeenshire is currently trialling Toshiba Android tablet devices. We paid them a visit towards the end of 2012, not long after their pilot had begun, to see how things were starting out. The school had access to 29 devices and had decided to make them available to staff via a booking system. If a teacher wanted to use them then they would book them out in advance.

Mr Stewart from the Social Studies department was one of the teachers we spoke to about his early experiences of using the devices. He told us that they were being used by pupils mainly to access short video clips, for exam revision and for accessing research notes. He commented on how much better it was to have devices that were instant on in the classroom as opposed to having to access the computer suite.

At that time the school was not focusing on using apps that were available for the Android platform, but they had decided to use the browser to access the learning materials/resources that were recommended by the staff.

Mearns Academy: Mr Fleming gives an overview of the pilot Interview with Mr Fleming

The school was keen to have us back later in 2013 to see how progress was being made once the pilot had been given time to bed in and develop. Look out for further posts from Mearns Academy.

Sciennes PS: What’s best, 1:1 provision or sharing devices?

Sciennes PS: Individual or shared?
A mix of individually owned and shared devices

Much of the discourse around the advent of tablet devices in schools has been focussed on developing models where 1:1 provision is seen as the aspiration. In the schools that we have visited so far we have seen models where devices are being shared and models where learners have access to their own individual devices. Irrespective of issues such as cost and sustainability we were keen to get the developing thinking of staff on how their access to devices, be they shared or enough for individual use, was impacting on learning and teaching.

Sciennes PS: Shared device or individual device Interview with Mrs Gallagher

Lucy Gallagher (depute headteacher) at Sciennes PS is a strong advocate for the 1:1 model. She argues that, although the context of the school, the readiness of the staff and the resources available all have to be taken into account, fundamentally her experiences have led her to believe that individual access to a device in 1:1 setting should be the aspiration for schools. Sciennes PS has some classes that have 1:1 provision and also classes that share a set of iPads and the shared experience is always one that does not quite match up to the always-on, always-connected experience of the learners and pupils that have 1:1 access. Mrs Gallagher did not feel that individual access meant that learners were isolated in their own learning as a result of having their own device, but that on the contrary there was increased collaboration, discussion and sharing in the classes where the learners had their own devices.

Sciennes PS: Enhanced learning dialogue and self-directed learning

Sciennes PS: Enhanced dialogue around the device
Enhanced dialogue around the device

Lucy Gallagher  (depute headteacher) at Sciennes PS in Edinburgh was keen to share with us her perceptions of the impact on learning of the iPad pilot that she was supporting in her school. She believed that what has been happening had surpassed her initial expectations and that this was down not to the device in itself but to the professional and informed integration of the devices by the two class teachers who were leading the classes involved. As a result of the procedures and processes put in place  Mrs Gallagher said that there is now much more emphasis on talking about learning between learners, teachers and parents. She argued that, because of the way devices enable access for learners to their school work, parents are much more aware of the wider school learning experience, as opposed to just seeing homework.

Sciennes PS: Enhanced Learning Dialogue Mrs Gallagher talks about enhanced learning dialogue

Mrs Gallagher also commented on what she saw as a change in the learning culture in the classrooms where the devices were being used in relation to the development of a dynamic that encourages the learner to be the main active agent when choosing which app to use when. She  discussed the ways in which the teachers involved  may have had different approaches in the early stages of the pilot in relation to how they introduced apps: one teacher retained more control of what was explored by giving direction to learners while the other was more comfortable being a little less prescriptive and giving learners the freedom and autonomy to explore the device. Even though there might have been differences in approach, Mrs Gallagher has observed that both classrooms now have learners who thrive in a learning culture that actively encourages personalisation and choice of how to address learning tasks and to direct their own learning.

Sciennes PS: Self Directed Learning Mrs Gallagher talks about self-directed learning

Cedars School of Excellence: 1:1 iPad overview

1:1 iPads across the school

Cedars School of Excellence in Greenock is an independent school catering for children ages from 5 to 17 years. In 2009 they were inspired by the announcement of Apple’s new iPad that would lead them to become the first school to offer 1:1 iPad provision for learners and staff. Since that time they have been working to integrate the use of this technology in to the fabric of learning in their school. We visited them in October 2012 to find out what their experience with their 1:1 approach had been.

We met with Mrs Speirs (headteacher) who explained the context for the decision to go with the 1:1 iPad provision. She told us that a few years back the school was looking to move the technological experience of their pupils on a bit further from where they were. The school’s vision at the time was to increase learner access to tools that would allow them to have more access to the internet and to word processing.

The school had looked at a range of devices, but just as they were in the process of evaluating which device to go with the iPad came out, and so they made the decision that this would be the one for them. The school’s website tells this story in greater detail.

cedars_aspeirsimpact Interview with Mrs Speirs (headteacher)

Mrs Speirs thinks that that the decision has been a very good one for her learners and that the 1:1 approach fits very well with the school’s educational ethos, which is all about individualised learning. She thinks that she has seen the greatest impact on the engagement with learning by the boys in her school and that the functionality and flexibility that the tool offers has led to greater depth and detail in the feedback that her teachers now offer.

Cedars School of Excellence: Managing and deploying apps to iPads

Cedars School of Excellence in Greenock is an independent school catering for children ages from 5 to 17 years. In 2009 they were inspired by the announcement of the Apple’s new iPad that would lead them to become the first school to offer 1:1 iPad provision for learners and staff. Since that time they have been working to integrate the use of this technology into the fabric of learning in their school. We visited them in October 2012 to find out what their experience with their 1:1 approach had been.

We met with Fraser Speirs (computing teacher), who has been responsible for the planning and management of the school’s iPad deployment. We asked him about the challenges there might be with managing apps to over 100 iPads in his school and he explained that there had been issues with this aspect of their iPad initiative but with the advent of Apple’s volume purchase and configurator tools that this had now become a much easier and smoother process.

Cedars School: Managing apps Interview with Fraser Speirs about managing apps

Fraser was accompanied by Andrew Jewell to explain the use of their syncstations to help manage the apps on their iPads. They also discussed practicalities such as charging the iPads and explained that this was the responsibility of the learners at Cedars School of Excellence with an expectation that they came to school with their device charged and ready for the day.

cedars_syncstation Interview with Fraser Speirs and Andrew Jewell about the process of syncing the devices (apologies for slight interference in this recording)

Sciennes PS: iPad pilot overview and the need to trust learners

Sciennes PS, Edinburgh

Sciennes PS in Edinburgh has a long history of engagement with handheld digital technologies. Over the years they have trialled a variety of devices such as Palmtops, uMPCs, PDAs, laptops and now that they are using iPads they have quite a good deal of experience to help them implement as effective a pilot as possible.

Lucy Gallagher (depute headteacher) at Sciennes PS has been instrumental in managing and establishing the vision for the iPad pilot at the school. Like so many teachers in schools across Scotland, Lucy is someone who has been actively involved in working with technologies to ensure that they are used to best effect to help ensure that there is a positive impact on learning and teaching.

Mrs Gallagher gave us an overview of the pilot at Sciennes PS, a pilot that has 1:1 deployment across three stages. This pilot also allows the learners to take the device home so that it is an always-available learning tool. Listen to our interview with Mrs Gallagher:

Sciennes_LG_overview Interview 1 with Mrs Gallagher

Many of the schools we have visited have also decided to let the learners take home the device that they have access to as part of the pilots that are happening. This decision has been one that has come about as part of in-depth discussions about safety of the devices, integrity of the pilot and misuse outside of the school environment; however, this deficit view is not one that Sciennes PS decided to subscribe to. They wanted to trust in their pupils and their families and to ensure that the device could play as full a part as possible in enhancing learning both in and out of school.

Listen to Mrs Gallagher discuss the initial reservations that the school had and how their subsequent decision to allow the devices to go home was the correct one for them with any concerns about misuse etc not being realised:

Sciennes PS: Trusting learners Interview 2 with Mrs Gallagher