‘These are our learnometers. They show what helps us learn and what gets in the way of doing our best.’
‘My AHDH and autism get in the way. Whenever I try to get on with work I get hyper for no reason. I find it hard to listen. When this happens to me I go crazy and walk out the classroom.’
‘Art helps me cope with being at school. That and P.E. is what I like.’
‘Lunchtime helps me because I am always hungry. Food refuels my belly and gives me the energy to learn.’
‘When people listen to you it helps me learn. It makes me feel good that they are listening. I feel important and special.’
‘Being in a good mood in the morning helps me start school. If you’ve woken up and are happy, it makes me ready to start my day.’
‘People shouting makes me go off my work as it annoys and disturbs me.’
‘My friends help me learn. Working in a group is great as we can help each other with ideas.’