These 30 ideas for adults come from the children who are Imagining Aberdeen…. Go on! Pick one!
My new year’s resolution is that I will:
- Spend less time on my phone
- Give up smoking
- Drink less alcohol
- Spend more time having fun with my kids
- Be a good role model for children
- Realise children make mistakes and so I won’t get angry with them
- Give children more respect
- Stop swearing in front of children
- Take more interest in my children’s work
- Always treat people the same
- Not be sad, be happy
- Always smile
- Get on better with my family
- Help my children to learn to stay safe
- Shout less
- Give help to people when they need it badly
- Give more love to my kids
- Do what I can to stop racism
- Do what I can to stop bullying
- Do what I can to stop killing and bombing
- Not leave my children in the house
- Get on better with my children’s grandparents
- Won’t lie to my kids (surprises are okay)
- Stop drinking in front of my children
- Help my children with everything
- Eat healthier
- Do more exercise
- Go to the gym
- Stop taking drugs
- Do stuff with my children that they want to do
Strong message for all here-thank you Imagineers!
That’s quite a list… i’m going to go for going children more respect