Posts, pages & Menus

If you are going to create a blog, as opposed to a website you will probably mostly use posts and may not have much need for pages or even menus.


The Classic blog consists of a series of entries arranged in reverse chronological order. You make a new post and it goes to the top of your home page, pushing previous entries down. This is a post.


Pages are a special type of post that stand outside the time line and can be hierarchical (posts can have parents).

You will need to link to the pages, perhaps in a menu, for visitors to find them.

This site consists mainly of pages. These are linked to from the left hand navigation sidebar (unless on mobile where they are converted to a drop down menu).

If you are making a School website you may want to use pages for providing the bulk of the information and posts for news.

The reverse ordered posts do not need to appear on the home page. You can set your sites home page to be a static pge and have a separate page that will display post. This site uses the Posts page for that.


Glow Blogs are not the best place to store video. Services like YouTube abd Vimeo re format and serve your video in suitable formats for different devices. Some schools and Local Authorities do not allow the use of these services and publishing there may not be appropriate.

You can upload video to Glow Blogs but the size is limited and you need to get the video into a suitable format (we suggest mp4 or m4v) to play.

Handbrake is a useful application to use on the desktop. It is powerful and free.

With Poster Image

Edit Video
Edit Video

Video Player Tips | Glow Blog Help


Is you are posting a set of photos it may be better to add them as a Gallery rather than one at a time. Uploading a camera roll full of photos without out editing and captioning might not be a great idea.

Featured Images

Featured Images are inserted above or beside your post, depending on theme.

They may be used by the blog on an index page or slideshow of posts. They can be used with the display posts plugin and show on the Local Authority home page and if you paste a posts URL into twitter.


Herron Skull
Herron Skull inserted Fullsized


Herron Skull Large 1024 pixels max
Herron Skull medium 300 pixels max
Herron Skull Thumbnail 150 x 150 pixels

When you upload an image to Glow Blogs it is automatically resized down to the setting in Settings->Media (defaulting to 1260 pixels across) and several other copies are made, depending on your theme and settings.

Media Settings Screen in Glow Blgos
Media Setting

More Details Adding Media | Glow Blog Help

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