Month: April 2020

Online professional learning opportunities

FV&WL RIC CLPL workstream – online professional learning opportunities

For those practitioners who are looking to engage in CLPL during this time, the Forth Valley & West Lothian Regional Improvement Collaborative Career Long Professional Learning workstream have reviewed and developed this list of professional learning opportunities originally posted on Twitter by @lauratsabet.  Where a course is included it is not an endorsement by the FV&WL RIC – this list is intended to signpost to a range of opportunities available and is by no means exhaustive.  This resource is a result of a collaborative effort between colleagues in Clackmannanshire, Falkirk, Stirling, West Lothian, Education Scotland and the Forth Valley and West Lothian Regional Improvement Collaborative.

A 5-Step Guide to Making Your Own Videos: boosting learners’ engagement

This model, built around self-made videos that empowered students at all levels to learn at their own pace and build mastery skill-by-skill, was originally developed by  high school teachers pre-COVID . The teachers used these screencast-style videos:

  • To replace traditional lecture-style direct instruction, freeing them  up to work directly with individual students;
  • To give directions for projects and other complex tasks; and
  • To provide remediation on skills that students might need to practice.

Click here to see example of a short video on inference. It  introduces an important concept, provides several examples, and gives the students a task—all in just over 4 minutes.

Access the full article here.

Please share  your  results via the blog or @fvwlriclit

EEF : support resources for schools


To help support home learning and maximise the impact of work set, the EEF has produced some initial planning and reflection tools. EEF intends to draw upon the expertise of schools, further developing resources that can help everyone ‘bounce back’ when schools do re-open.

The EEF research underpins the RIC Literacy plan and these resources draw existing evidence together. There is, for example, support  for home reading/talking  that can be accessed via the “Communicating Effectively with Families”  section.

There is also a checklist/flowchart that makes recommendations for disadvantaged learners/families with  supporting links . Many of  the recommendations  will be familiar as they are  integral to the effective pedagogy underpinning the RIC Literacy Academy’s programmes .

There are, of course , the usual links to resources  but  there are also very useful  frameworks  for texts to parents that provide unpatronising advice about supporting learning at home. They also provide good advice about  how to minimise the  flow of information to parents/carers, especially those with limited access to the internet or  difficulties with data usage and cost. The advice also provides guidance about managing  expectations re work/study at home.

Resources available here include:

Please share via this blog or  Twitter @fvwlriclit  how you have used these resources.

Literacy Academy Support

Each week our Twitter offers will follow this pattern:

Monday – reading recommendations and tasks related to reading for primary and secondary #buildingareadingculture #RICLitReads

Tuesday – writing tasks and recommendations #ExcitingWriting

Wednesday – novel tasks for primary and secondary #buildingareadingculture

Thursday – writing tasks and recommendations #ExcitingWriting

Friday – film recommendations #FunFriday


We have also created a series of wakelets and will continue to develop these. So far: s4-6 Novel Tasters; S1-3 TV Tasks; S4-6 Discursive Writing. These are varied and versatile with a range of tasks and extension activities.

We are happy to source specific materials for teachers/schools and/or to take “requests” for resource development. Please contact the Literacy Academy Lead:

Daily CLPL from ResearchED



CLPL for the summer term @researchEdhome! Smart cookies beamed live (or recorded for later) at 11:00 every weekday over the summer term. Week 1 kicks off on 20/04 with the superb @DTWillingham.

All are welcome, there’s no cost.

Please let us know @fvwlriclit what you think!

Edutopia: 4 Tips for Teachers Shifting to Teaching Online

An educator with experience in distance learning shares what he’s learned: keep it simple, and build in as much contact as possible.
“The coronavirus has caused widespread school closures for an unknown duration. Teachers are scrambling to find ways to support students from afar through distance and online learning. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by this daunting task, you’re certainly not alone.

I’ve also struggled to reach students outside of class. For several years, I taught in communities where students struggled to attend school consistently. To help absent students access my courses, I developed a blended, self-paced, mastery-based instructional model that empowered all my students to learn, whether they were in my room or not. Today, I run The Modern Classrooms Project, where I help other teachers do the same.”
Read the article here