16+ Learning Choices newsletter

The February/March 16+ Learning Choices newsletter is available here (Glow log in required)

In addition to articles from Skills Development Scotland, this edition contains news from a number of local authorities, including, Argyll and Bute, Falkirk, Renfrewshire, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Shetland and Fife.

Schools and the Traverse Theatre

Building relationships for the future – A Discussion Event for Teachers.
Glow TV is delighted to be returning to the Traverse Theatre once again on Monday 23rd April at 4.30pm.

Join Artistic Director (and former Drama Teacher) Orla O’Loughlin and Head of Traverse Learning Noëlle O’Donoghue, as they highlight how the Traverse Theatre can support schools to deliver the new curriculum and how we hope to engage with you and your pupils during our 50th anniversary in 2013.

The session will feature an informal Q & A so come armed with your questions!

Sign up and join us in Glow TV!

Live from the Traverse Theatre: Write Here – Open View

The Artist Man and the Mother Woman by Morna Pearson
Director Roisin McBrinn

Join us on GlowTV, Thursday 19th April 2012 @ 16:00h

Forty-three year old art teacher Geoffrey still lives with his mother. He decides it’s about time he got his first girlfriend.

Come and see a Traverse Rehearsal in action!

When the Traverse commissions a writer, we work closely with them to develop the best version of the play they want to write.

Open View is your opportunity to observe this normally very private process, and see script development as it happens, at the source.

Sign up and join us for this Glow TV first! Find out more here

Enquire newsletter

Enquire’s March e-newsletter is now available online.

It includes two useful articles on how Speech and Language Therapists and Learning Assistants work with children who have additional support needs. It also includes a section called ‘ASL Myths’ which aims to clarify and simplify additional support for learning. This month’s myth looks at Co-ordinated Support Plans.

Energy Security: Interconnectedness

Are you working with STEM Central to explore the role of STEM subjects in sustainability. Or looking ahead to the implementation of Senior Phase, and planning for learning and teaching around Energy Security for learners working towards new national qualifications in Environmental Science, Science or Physics.  

Is the future interconectedness?

Food Security: 6th World Fisheries Congress

Perhaps you are working with learners exploring food security as a context for learning? The 6th World Fisheries Congress is opening its doors to the fisheries scientists of the future. With the world population increasing to 9 billion within our lifetime and a rapidly changing global climate, the science needed to deliver sustainable foo from our seas, rivers and lakes is becoming increasingly important.

From 8-11th May 2012 Edinburgh will host the 6th World Fisheries Congress that with address “Sustainable fisheries in a changing world”. The Congress, the first ever in the UK, convenes only once every four years, and gathers the world’s most eminent experts on all issues that relate to wild capture and aquaculture in freshwater and marine ecosystems.

The Congress will open its door to the scientists of tomorrow to provide an insight into the exciting and rewarding challenge of ensuring sustainable world food supply.

The Congress is inviting applications from secondary schools in Scotland to send up to five Higher level learners plus on teacher to the event with free registration for the learners and the teaching.

The detailed programme can be found at www.6thwfc2012.com. Applications should be submitted no later than 19th April 2012 to info@6thwfc2012.com with the e-mail subject Secondary Schools WFC and should include the following information:

Name of the school

Location of the school (e.g. town and local authority)

Name of teacher accompanying learners

Names of learners






Please indicate which days you would like to attend (delete as appropriate those not attending)

Tues Wed Thur Friday or all days

Compete the following sentence using no more than 20 words:

“We want to attend the 6th WFC because…”

Substance Misuse Report – Peer Education

Engaging young people in a dialogue around substance misuse and effective substance misuse education, and providing credible information to young people is key to the prevention arm of the Scottish Government’s national drugs strategy – The Road to Recovery: A New Approach to Tackling Scotland’s Drug Problem.

As part of this Young Scot was asked by the Scottish Government to consider the views of young people throughout Scotland on peer led approaches to substance misuse education. Throughout this piece of work it was important that young people were regarded as part of the solution and not part of the problem.

The report below details the background and purpose of the consultation, the methodology used to complete the consultation, and the outcomes of young people’s views.

The report is available at the link below:

Click to access sme_report_-final.pdf

World of Work Wednesday and groundbreaking Life Sciences Research in Scotland

If you are interested in signing up for the World of Work Wednesday Glow meet on 9th May at 2pm on Working in Life Sciences, these articles from The Independent “Scientists rewrite rules of human reproduction” and “Eggs unlimited: an extraordinary tale of scientific discovery” may be of interest. This article describes the ground breaking work with stem cells taking place at the University of Edinburgh in partnership with Harvard Medical School, and ties in perfectly with the contexts for forthcoming advice, guidance and exemplification for new NQs in Biology.

Wednesday 9th May at 2pm

You don’t have to do the traditional route of university, and a PhD to have a career in science. It maybe seems like the kind of job for which you have to spend years and years qualifying and training. Well, this is not always the case. Young people, some not long out of school, are working in science right now and you could be too.

Science requires individuals with many skills and interests – and not all scientists work in a laboratory. The panel for this session all have different jobs and their qualifications, training and experiences are varied.

With Life Sciences, you are already at an advantage when it comes to employment opportunties. Scotland is regarded as one of the most successful countries in the world for Life Sciences. The Scottish Government have made Life Sciences a Key Priority Industry, which means that they see it as a means of us expanding our economy in the future. The industry has roles in sales, business development, research, clinical trials and many more.

Click here to sign up to the event (Glow log in required).


Learning and Teaching Energy Security

Are you working with the STEM Central to explore the role of STEM subjects in sustainability? Are you looking ahead to the implementation of Senior Phase, and planning for learning and teaching around Energy Security for learners working towards new national qualifications in Physics?  Recent news articles provide a way of keeping the learning and teaching topical and relevant, providing inspiration for exploration through open ended investigative practical or research work e.g.

Survey Finds Scottish Home Running Costs at 10 year high

Fife Energy Park to host new offshore turbine concept

New UK attempt to capture carbon

Coal fuelled power station plans for Grangemouth

Samsung wind turbine project to create 500 jobs in Fife

Scotland’s nuclear stations could stay open

Salmond Hails Hydrogen Energy Facility in Fife

The BBC’s Bang Goes the Theory episodes The Human Power Station and Exploring the Science of Fuel may also provide useful enrichment for learning and teaching.


Listen to an interesting talk by Carol Craig from the Centre for Confidence and Wellbeing on how materialism has undermined our wellbeing in scotland.


World of Work Wednesdays – Working in Sciences

Wednesday 9th May at 2pm

You don’t have to do the traditional route of university, and a PhD to have a career in science. It maybe seems like the kind of job for which you have to spend years and years qualifying and training. Well, this is not always the case. Young people, some not long out of school, are working in science right now and you could be too.

Science is part of our everyday life and Life Sciences are particularly important, with stories on the news nearly every week telling us about new medical technologies and treatments for diseases.

Science requires individuals with many skills and interests – and not all scientists work in a laboratory. The panel for this session all have different jobs and their qualifications, training and experiences are varied.

With Life Sciences, you are already at an advantage when it comes to employment opportunties. Scotland is regarded as one of the most successful countries in the world for Life Sciences. The Scottish Government have made Life Sciences a Key Priority Industry, which means that they see it as a means of us expanding our economy in the future. The industry has roles in sales, business development, research, clinical trials and many more.

This World of Work Wednesday comes at an ideal time to enhance practitioners knowledge and understanding of this area of work, to tie in with the forthcoming advice, guidance and exemplification for new NQs associated with health and disease, and inheritance.

Click here to sign up to the event (Glow log in required).

National challenge: Design a billboard for Scotland

Education Scotland has launched a national challenge for learners to design a double-sided billboard to be seen by people entering and leaving Scotland.

The challenge is aimed at those working within second, third and fourth curriculum levels.

The challenge can be incorporated into planning for a number of curriculum areas including art and design, social studies, religious and moral education, technologies and sciences, and the themes of sustainability and global citizenship.

To find out more about the challenge click here.

Attention all teachers of Spanish!


The Spanish Consejeria de Educación in Scotland, together with the University of Dundee and SALT, have put together a variety of Spanish Workshops in Scotland for 2012.
Following on last year’s successful experience,  they will be offering special workshops both for Primary school teachers as well as for Secondary, Higher and Further Education teachers. In an effort to come closer to teachers from different regions all over Scotland, this year the workshops will be held in Dundee on the 12 May 2012.

This is a unique opportunity to get some new ideas, share good practice and catch up with colleagues. The teachers who successfully complete these workshops will receive a certificate. For further information, please, click here to access the programme and application form (deadline 27 April 2012).  You will need your Glow password.

National Training and Development Network for CLD

We would like to invite you to the next National Training and Development network event at the Stirling Management Centre on Thursday 3 May. Up to this point a small group has been involved in planning the purpose and focus for the network. The purpose of the network is to provide a platform whereby those who are responsible for developing CPD within the context of CLD in Scotland, can be actively involved in developing a sustainable learning culture. This will contribute to the CPD framework that is currently under development to support the CPD Strategy for the sector.

We would like to invite you to register your interest in this open network to:

  • Ensure we have a consistent representation from across partnerships and the 3rd sector.
  • To gain an overview of the resource we develop through the network to encourage a culture of learning and sharing experience and resources.
  • To establish a picture of what members are looking for to support their role in developing CPD within their role in CLD

For more information contact Mandy Toogood, Development Officer Upskilling mandy.toogood@educationscotland.gov.uk or Neil McIntosh, Development Officer Youth Work neil.mcintosh@educationscotland.gov.uk

To register please click on the link also attached is a draft programme.

Building the Curriculum 4: Moving into the senior phase

Building the Curriculum 4: Moving into the Senior Phase. How Skills for learning, life and work develop within qualifications

Wednesday 18th April 2012 @ 16:00 on GlowTV

This Glow Meet is appropriate for all practitioners in secondary schools, and a recording of the session will be made available shortly after the event for practitioners in colleges and community based settings

Building the Curriculum 4 supports the planning, design and delivery of the curriculum in early years’ establishments, schools and colleges. It sets out skills for learning, life and work showing the importance of developing them for all Scotland’s learners.

How can we build on skills learners have from their broad general education when they move into the senior phase? Should they be ‘naturally occurring’ or are they too important to leave to chance? During the session we will discuss how they feature in the new National qualifications, think about how they are/might be incorporated in subject areas to develop what learners need for their life now and in the future.

A key aim of this Glow Meet will be to promote discussion and to inspire practitioners to explore different approaches to skills development in the senior phase. Participants will have a key role in this session – to share enthusiasm, ideas and practice.

To sign up for the Glow TV Event click here (Glow log in required)

To read Buliding the Curriculum 4 click here.


Here’s the recording of the Glow Meet…


…and you can click here to get the PowerPoint which was used.

Literacy across Learning (Un)conference


The Literacy across Learning (Un)conference will be held at Stirling Management Centre on 25th May. This free event will build a community of educators who want to develop 21st century learning and literacy skills. Come prepared to share experiences, practice and resources and to contribute to the learning. More information and sign up details below.

Literacy Event Flyer

New Enquire Film Launched

In Enquire’s new film, young people share their views and feelings about how their school experience is affected by being in care, being a young mum, having Asperger’s or other learning difficulties, and the support that has helped them get the most out of their education.

Launched at the 2012 Enquire National Conference, the film looks at a variety of key themes, including: –

  • How different staff and agencies work together to support pupils;
  • How approaches to learning can be tailored to meet the needs of individuals;
  • What young people think is important in terms of planning their learning and support.

You can watch ‘The Learners’ Perspective’ here.

Enquire is the Scottish Advice Service for Additional Support for Learning. They can help you understand children and young people’s rights, to get extra support to enable young people get the most out of their education.

Contact: Enquire, Tel: 0845 123 2303 [ e-mail | website ]

Cut it Out Road Safety Project

The “Cut It Out” programme is two school periods long, (one hour and fifty minutes in total), and covers the main contributory factors in Road Traffic Collisions such as speeding, drink/drug driving and seatbelt use. It aims to raise awareness and challenge attitudes in young people with regards to the dangers associated with our roads.

The programme has been designed in conjunction with education, road safety departments, Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), Strathclyde Police, West of Scotland Road Safety Forum, NHS and Scottish Ambulance Service and in such a way as to be delivered by specially trained fire service personnel in partnership with other emergency services. It is a curricular based, interactive, multi-media programme designed for S5 and S6 pupils.

The programme, which relies heavily upon the interaction between students and facilitators, requires students to ultimately take on different roles and ‘investigate’ the cause and problems associated with a Road Traffic Collision. They are also asked to look at how the incident could have been avoided and to report their findings back to their peers.

If you want to know more about “Cut It Out” or want to book the programme then please contact your local Strathclyde Fire & Rescue Area Headquarters or Service Headquarters for details.


Would You Credit It Workshops

The SCQF Partnership are running a series of “Would You Credit It?” workshops throughout 2012/13.

These FREE interactive workshops will introduce participants in some detail to the SCQF and the criteria which will determine whether a learning programme is suitable for Credit Rating. It is designed to support individuals and organisations who are developing, or who already have, a learning programme which they are considering having Credit Rated for the SCQF.

The workshop will provide key information about the SCQF, how it can be used, and how Credit Rating processes are carried out. It will consider the development of programmes which are suitable for Credit Rating.

After completing the workshop, participants will have a sound knowledge of the SCQF and will be able to make an informed decision about whether a learning programme is suitable for Credit Rating and the next steps they need to take. No detailed knowledge of the SCQF is required to take part in this workshop.

The workshops will be held on:

  • 18 April – Glasgow
  • 22 May – Glasgow
  • 11 June – Edinburgh

The booking form is available here.

Contact: SCQF, Tel: 0141 225 2922 [ e-mail | website ]

Wise up Wednesday – new online resource

Studying Scotland is a resource that will help build confidence in the learning and teaching of Scotland within the curriculum, making it a rewarding and valuable experience for both learner and practitioner.

The resource includes new and exciting learning and teaching ideas as well as resources for learning. There are ideas on how to teach about Scotland within the Early Level.

There is also a Glow page on the Early Years National site which has gathered together all early years relevant resources on this subject.

Visit today and be inspired!

Training: What are my outcomes?

Everyone is talking about outcomes. But what exactly is an outcome?

What is the difference between an outcome and an output? This half-day workshop is for you if you have just started a new project or piece of work and want to set your outcomes. Or maybe you’ve been working for a while and thought you knew what your outcomes were but have got confused!

At this workshop you will:

  • Learn what an outcome is – and what it is not.
  • Set the right outcomes and outputs for your project.
  • Learn some simple methods to start you on the road to measuring outcomes.

Who is the event for?

Staff or volunteers from voluntary organisations


Friday, June 01, 2012, 9.30am to 1pm



How much does it cost?


How do I find out more?

To enquire about this event please email: info@evaluationsupportscotland.org.uk

Marks on the Landscape – new design challenge

Education Scotland is today launching an exciting new design challenge. Aimed at 2nd to 4th curriculum levels, the challenge can be incorporated into planning for a number of curriculum areas including art and design, social studies, religious and moral education, technologies and sciences, and the themes of sustainability and global citizenship.

Learners are invited to create a design for a 2-sided billboard to signal the entrance and exit to Scotland. The work should offer different perspectives for people who are arriving and people who are leaving. Themes might reflect why people need to leave their native countries or why they would want to come and live in Scotland today.

Support materials and further instructions for this challenge can be found on the Marks on the Landscape website. Entries should be submitted by 21 June 2012.
A number of the learners’ designs will be displayed on the Education Scotland website.

For further details please contact:
Pat Campbell Pat.Campbell@educationscotland.gov.uk

Feeding the 7 billion

An expert panel discusses the main issues around food security and how science might help fill your plate in future. Part of Edinburgh International Science Festival.

Food shortages, price rises, civil unrest and riots are all real threats as demand for food rises and the amount of land suitable for food production decreases. Journalist and broadcaster Viv Parry will lead our panel – Professor Julie Fitzpatrick (Moredun Research Institute), Professor Peter Morgan (Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health) and Professor David Hopkins (Head of Life Sciences, Heriot Watt University) – in an accessible and interactive exploration of the main issues around food security and how science might help secure the future of our food. Presented by Moredun Research Institute and the Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health.

This event is also being run in Aberdeen as part of the British Science Festival on Saturday 8th September.  The panel will be the same with the addition of Dr. Cesar Revoredo-Giha from SAC. 

 Phone: 0844 557 2686

Website: www.sciencefestival.co.uk

Drug Awareness – Glow Meet

As a development officer in health and wellbeing with responsibility for substance misuse education, I am often asked by newly qualified teachers and more experienced members of staff about the delivery of effective drug education. Staff sometimes lack confidence in this particular area as they don’t feel well-informed about drugs and worry that children and young people know more than they do. On Tuesday 27th March at 4pm Constable Dougie McClounie from the Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency will be delivering a CPD session on Drug Education. This is a great opportunity to hear the key messages and dispel some of the myths surrounding current issues. Dougie is also keen to answer any ‘tricky’ questions that may arise from this input.

The Glow meet will be of interest to everyone working with children and young people.
You can sign up here.

Team Update

The Early Years team are busy preparing for our Pre Birth to Three conference taking place on Thursday 29th March at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. We are looking forward to hearing about ‘Creating Nurturing Environments’ and ‘Supporting Parents’ just to name a few of the presentations that will take place.

If you would like to learn more about Pre Birth to Three visit:


…and on Glow…www.bit.ly/PB23Glow

In the meantime keep an eye out for:

  • news of our Saturday Conference in May “Learning about Scotland in the Early Years” which will take place at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall 19 May 2012 – save the date!


  • Our latest issue of Early Years Matters focusing on involving parents, featuring articles on our new publication Every Day’s a Learning Day, examples of practice from nurseries on involving parents and research findings from the Early Development Instrument.

School Open Day – St Paul’s High School, Glasgow

9:30am – 3.00pm, Thurs 10th May 2012

Theme:  Sustainable Development Education and Education for Citizenship 

St Paul’s High School is an inspiring example of a school that has adopted a whole school approach to global citizenship. The school’s achievements in this regard have earned it national recognition as a finalist in the 2011 Scottish Education Awards (Sustainable School Category) and as a winner of the 2009 Scottish Education Awards (Active Citizenship Category).

The school’s approach and vision for global citizenship has made an identifiable impact on learners, helping them grow in confidence and providing them with real-life opportunities to develop their skills and transform their local community. The school has supported a wide range of activities to achieve this, most notably:

  • Dedicated time within the social studies curriculum for learners to choose and engage with local community projects and tackle anti-social behaviour in the wider community
  • A strong school ethos which puts respect for others and service to others at the heart of school life and the curriculum
  • A sustained commitment to learner voice and a well-established school parliament that provides learners with decision-making powers and a budget to make things happen
  • A diverse range of activities and initiatives which support a whole school approach including a Fairtrade group, Eco-Schools group and pupil campaign group
  • Planned opportunities for personal achievement through S1 electives, S2 citizenship and S3 skills academy.

This CPD event offers practitioners and school leaders from across Scotland the chance to visit St Paul’s High School to meet with the Head Teacher, staff and learners and also tour the classrooms, buildings and grounds.

Those participating in the open day will also have time to reflect and share their own experiences.

Download Programme for St Paul’s Open Day >>

How to book

To book, please email: globalcitizens@educationscotland.gov.uk or Tel. 0141 282 5172.

Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment. This is a free event!

School Open Day – Bo’ness Academy, Falkirk Council

School open day – using international education to develop a whole school approach to global citizenship

Venue: Bo’ness Academy, Falkirk

9:30am – 3.00pm

Thursday 17th May 2012

Note: this event was due to place at an earlier date in the year but has now been rescheduled for the date above.

Theme:  International Education

This CPD event offers practitioners and school leaders an exciting opportunity to visit Bo’ness Academy and attend Falkirk Council’s Global Citizenship Showcase Event.

Bo’ness Academy is an inspiring example of a school that has used international education as a vehicle to engage the whole school in global citizenship activities. Through the Comenius Programme and other well established links the school has developed a rich international programme connecting it to countries across the world including: The Gambia, The Netherlands, China, France, Germany and The Czech Republic.

A focus of the event will be to identify and share the practical lessons and ideas that have helped the school move forward on its journey including: 

  • Making global citizenship a key priority in the school and a focus for the implementation of Curriculum for Excellence
  • Using international links to explore important issues in a global context and to create engaging, meaningful and challenging learning experiences
  • Developing strong international partnerships which can be sustained and which have made an impact on every learner.

Participants will have the opportunity to meet and talk with the Head Teacher, International Coordinator, staff and learners and also tour the classrooms and school. Time will also be set aside for participants to reflect and share their own experiences.

Download Programme for Bo’ness Academy Open Day 17May12

How to book

To book, please contact Megan Farr, Policy Officer, Falkirk Council. Email: megan.farr@falkirk.gov.uk or Tel. 01324 506671.

Places for the open day section of the event are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment. This is a free event!

National Youth Worker of the Year Award Winners 2012

The Overall Winner of this year’s National Youth Worker of the Year Awards was New Spin Project Team from Citadel Youth Centre & Pilmeny Development Project from Edinburgh.

Please click here and visit YouthLink Scotland’s website for a full list of all the successful winners and runners up.

Remember nominations for next year’s Awards will open on 1 October 2012!

Shakti Roadshows 2012: ‘Honour Based Violence’

Shakti Women’s Aid have organised a series of road shows exploring Honour-based violence and Gender-based violence with a special focus on BME Children and Young People in different cities in Scotland.

The first road show will be held at the Auchterderran Centre in Fife on 13th June 2012

 Speakers will include:

  • Pragna Patel (Southall Black Sisters), 
  • John Fotheringham, (Lindsays Family Solicitors) who will talk about the new Forced Marriage Act
  • the FGM charity DARF on Female Genital Mutilation
  • Shakti Women’s Aid

 The event is free but booking is required: for more information & booking contact Ola on 0131 475 2399 or email info@shaktiedinburgh.co.uk

CHANGE- learning disabilities sexuality resources

The CHANGE sex and relationship pack includes 5 accessible books on a variety of SHRE Topics

The books encourage understanding of sexuality and awareness of safe sex and can be used to support open discussion about all aspects of sex and relationships.

The books are accessible which can be used as a useful tool for people with learning disabilities, people who speak English as a second language or people who find reading difficult.

CHANGE is a leading national human rights organisation, working for the rights of all people with learning disabilities. They also employ people with learning disabilities on an equal, living wage to produce accessible resources and deliver training.

The books are available either as a pack or as individual books from the CHANGE website

Social media and community learning and development

Places are still available at the time of writing for the Digitally Agile Scotland seminars organised by The Scottish Community Development Centre, Youthlink Scotland and Learning Link Scotland.  The project involves research and case studies of good and interesting practice in the use of social media and new technology in the community learning and development field.  The programme is being supported by Education Scotland and funded by the Scottish Government.

The 3 seminars are in Aberdeen – 22 March 2012, Edinburgh – 27 March 2012 and Glasgow – 29 March 2012.  The seminars are for people working in adult learning, youth development and community capacity building and are designed to allow participants to hear about interesting practice involving social media and new technology.  Participants will have the opportunity to learn from others, share practice and exchange experience and knowledge.  You will also have the opportunity to have your say about the challenges and the importance of guidance in being digitally agile for your personal and professional development. 

The seminars are free of charge but places are limited. To book you place on the either one of the 3 seminars please click on the link below: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DACLDseminar. If you require further information about the programme please contact Paul Nelis paul@scdc.org.uk

In addition, the following items might be of interest to anyone thinking about using social media in the contxt of community-led health or community development:

  • This link for news on a separate upcoming social media event organised by GCVS in partnership with Be Good Be Social
  • This article from the Guardian, on research by the Young Foundation which finds that social media is a useful way for communities to connect, but it is not a panacea for community empowerment.


Community Toolkit Online Resource

Skye and Lochalsh Council for Voluntary Organisations have developed this online reference tool for community groups of all sizes – from small clubs to larger social enterprises. Containing information on a wide range of topics, the Community Toolkit guides you through consultations with your local community, setting up a group or project, managing and developing your activities and looking after the people that use your services.  The Community Toolkit also includes a section on Generating Income and a funder’s database to help you find suitable funding sources. Find your local Community Toolkit at http://community-toolkit.org.uk/local-toolkit.htm.   

Drug Awareness – Do You Know the Signs?

Substance Misuse is a problem in many schools across Scotland but do you know what the signs might be and what to look out for? Possibly not so this special CPD event is aimed at you.

Constable Dougie McClounie from the Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency will deliver this Glow Meet on Tuesday 27th March from 4pm looking at the key issues surrounding drug education in Scotland.

He has wide range of experience including community policing and supporting young people in further and higher education. He was the drug awareness officer for Glasgow city centre and west end where he delivered a wide range of drug related presentations including inputs to all schools in the division.

Constable McClounie is now a member of the Interventions team at the SCDEA. He has a great interest in delivering drug education and awareness to support young people in making the correct choices in life. He also works in the planning teams for both Choices for Life and Shared Responsibility.

This Glow Meet will be useful to all practitioners working with children and young people. The importance of effective partnership working in substance misuse education will be discussed and there will be an opportunity to ask ‘tricky’ questions.

Sign up and join us in Glow TV – Health and wellbeing – Substance Misuse

Archaeology – An Introduction

Do you have an interest in archaeology and want to learn more? Why not join us for a Glow TV session on Thursday 22nd March at 4pm which introduces participants to archaeology and takes a step by step exploration of the work of an archaeologist.

The session will demonstrate how archaeology can support teaching of the curriculum, especially with regard to multi-disciplinary study and cross-curricular themes, such as numeracy, literacy, Health and Wellbeing and Outdoor Learning. It will finish with practical examples of archaeological activities which can be used in the classroom and resources which are available, including ways in which Archaeology Scotland can provide support.

On completion of the course, participants will:

• Be aware of the resources and support available to them by Archaeology Scotland
• Have gained information and ideas on how to use archaeology across the curriculum
• Have gained information and ideas on how to use archaeology to support outdoor learning in and around school
• Have gained practical examples of archaeological activities which can be used in the classroom.

So why not sign up and join us on the day in Glow TV – Archaeology – An Introduction

Working in our National Parks – A Series of Events

Join us for the first two Glow TV events in a series looking at outdoor learning and skills for work.

Our first session comes live from Hermitage Academy on Thursday 22nd March from 11-12pm where pupils will be meeting two employees of Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park to give you an insight into the pathways to and the roles of a planner (particularly around the built environment) and a ranger (with roles in education and conservation). You will learn what qualifications, skills and areas of expertise are required and developed in both roles and have opportunities for questioning our experts.

In our second session on Tuesday 27th March from 2pm join our panel of experts, including some pupils involved, to learn about rural skills. A similar session to the one on Thursday 22nd March is featured, along with footage of a rural skills course in action with interviews from pupils, teacher and National Park ranger delivering the course.

Hear about the skills for work opportunities and how a course such as this helps the development of a suite of ‘soft’ skills which are transferable and support transition into work. There will be opportunities to interact and have your questions answered during both sessions.

Sign up and join us in Glow TV for Working in our National Parks – live from Hermitage Academy on Thursday 22nd and Working in our National Parks – Rural Skills on Tuesday 27th March. We look forward to seeing you!

It’s Not Too Late to Sport Your Trainers!

Did you Sport your Trainers and get involved in the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games on 12th March? If you didn’t take part though it isn’t too late you still can by registering in the Sport Your Trainers 2012 Glow Group and letting us know how you will continue to take part.

We challenged you as a school to try and reach a partner country by Commonwealth Day on the 12th March of this year and show your support for the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games by getting involved in this year’s Sport your Trainers campaign. You were free to choose what country you wished to partner from the Official List of Partners and then you needed to find out how far away they were from your school!

We now want to know what you did or are hoping to do as we will be keeping the challenge going!

You can take part by walking, jogging, rowing, cycling, and spinning or even skipping, the choice is yours and all activities count, so get creative!

Last year 820,000 people across Scotland pledged their support, and we want 2012 to be even bigger! By taking part in this fun challenge we’ll all be doing our bit to support the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games.

Official Glasgow 2014 shoelaces are up for grabs for all schools that take part so you just need to sign up below to let us know that you are taking part!!

So what are you waiting for, get active!

Did you miss our Sport Your Trainers 2012 event in Glow TV – well Watch Again and check out the pictures on our Your Pictures and Resource page too!

The Doran Review

A message from Children in Scotland in relation to the Doran Review

Doran Review: Have Your Say on Complex Additional Support Needs

Children in Scotland is inviting interested parties to a series of free half-day consultation events for parents, carers and support groups and would very much appreciate it if you could pass the information on to any parents, carers or colleagues you know who would be interested in contributing their views.

On behalf of the Scottish Government, Peter Doran is currently chairing a review of how best to provide education for Scottish children and young people with the most complex learning needs. The Doran Review will be providing recommendations to the Scottish Government in June 2012 on how the system can be improved.

These consultation events are to gather the views of both families and parent support groups on the key issues, which will be submitted to the Review.

You will be asked for your views on:

● how satisfied you are with the processes to identify your child’s care, health and learning needs

● how well informed you feel about schools and services that could help your child

● how well your child’s nursery or school and other services such as health and Social Work are meeting his or her needs

● how well supported you and your child feel when he/she is preparing to leave and settling in to a new school or leaving school to go on to adult services.

Dates and locations
22nd March, 12 noon to 3pm
Aberdeen Thistle Altens Hotel

27th March, 9.30am to 1pm
Edinburgh Hilton Grosvenor Hotel

29th March. 9.30am to 1pm
Glasgow Hilton Grosvenor Hotel

The events are open to parents, carers and support groups from across Scotland who have an interest in the provision of education for children and young people with complex additional support needs.

You can book online at www.childreninscotland.org.uk or by phone on 0131 222 2446

Literacy in Action

Literacy in Action: Supporting Colleges to Influence Early Years Practice

 The Literacy in Action: Supporting Colleges to Influence Early Years Practice Conference took place at Stirling Management Centre on Saturday 25 February 2012. This event was organised by Education Scotland to give Further Education lecturers an opportunity to hear about the Scottish Government’s Literacy Action Plan.

 View video of the keynote speakers here.


Guitar Hero

The ICT development team from Aberdeenshire Council was one of the first to engage with the Consolarium and as a result of this a number of games-based learning projects were identified. The idea of using the context of Guitar Hero as the main driving focus in a collaborative story that would enable cross-curricular work was one of the ideas that we wanted to explore.

A Sony PS2, the game and the guitars were placed with a willing teacher in a P7 class after the Easter break. This was the last term for the class so the teacher decided to use this as the main driver for the remainder of the term. Having teenage sons who played the game the teacher quickly became familiar with how it worked and devised a series of tasks that she believed would enable ‘connected learning’ to take place.

We then left the class teacher and the class with the resource and returned in the last week of term to discover a rich seam of creativity, learning and engagement from a class who had lost themselves in the world of rock and roll …

Click here to read the case study.

Wise up Wednesday – see our exciting new early years resources!

Every Day’s a Learning Day 

Two new books have been published by Education Scotland to help parents and carers of young children to make the most of the learning experiences that exist in everyday life.

 Every Day’s a Learning Day (Birth to 3 years)’ and ‘Every Day’s a Learning Day (3 to 6 years)’ aim to help parents support their child’s development in the crucial areas of health and wellbeing, literacy and numeracy.

 Both books are available in English and Gaelic language versions.


There will be a copy of each of the books with the next issue of Education Scotland’s Early Years Matters.

The books will be distributed in the Scottish Booktrust’s Bookbug bags. The Birth to 3 book will go to parents when they visit their health visitor for their child’s first vaccination from March onwards. The 3-6 book will be in Bookbug bags for children when they turn 3 and join nursery.

STEM Central: Rescue Vehicles

In the next few weeks we will begin working on a new context for STEM Central – Rescue Vehicles for second level. With learning journeys planned which incorporate forces and friction, based around boat design for stability, and looking at the RNLI vehicles and and helicopters used in rescues, sadly very topical in light of the tragic events of January’s cruise ship accident.

Sustainability Event – Echt School share through GlowTV

Dual post from Glow Scotland Blog.

Echt School, Aberdeenshire, is holding a Sustainability Event on March 16th 2012 to share and showcase the learning the children have been engaged in this term around Sustainability and Global Citizenship.

From Nursery to P7, they have been involved in setting up a wormery, looking after chickens and hatching eggs, looking at our school’s Food and Waste Footprint, finding out about making paper to make their own compostable paper bags, Fairtrade and finding out about solar energy.

Go to Glow TV to find out more – click here (Glow log in required)

BEd3 at UWS Ayr Investigate STEM Central

Today I visited the University of the West of Scotland (UWS) in Ayr to complete  Technologies workshops with BEd3. We began by discussing the misconceptions surrounding Technologies within Curriculum for Excellence, and spent the rest of the time looking at draft second level learning journeys for STEM Central. The students thought the website was easy to use, and the  ideas on the website made it easy to plan a lesson.

You can find the presentation here. (Glow log in required)

We ended by looking at some of the other resources available from Education Scotland to help with teaching Technologies:

STEM Central in Motion

Technologies Staffroom (Glow log in required)

Glow Science (Glow log in required)

Technologies area of the website

Exploring Climate Change

Weather and Climate Change

Working in the Energy Sector

All Our Children: Positive Experiences, Successful Outcomes for Looked After and Other Vulnerable Children

Glasgow – 4 to 7 September 2012

CELCIS are organising the 12th European Scientific Association on Residential and Foster Care for Children and Adolescents conference.

The call for papers is open until 23 March and organisers are keen for Scottish practitioners, policy makers and academics to submit contributions of innovative practice, such as effective partnership work that supports young people in care, leaving care, foster care or through care, as this conference is an excellent opportunity to showcase work that is going on in Scotland.

Details of how to submit an abstract can be found here.

Information on the EUSARF 2012 Conference can be found here.

Contact: EUSARF, [ e-mail | website ]

Youth Employment Seminar


Did you know that 102,000 16 to 24 year-olds in Scotland were unemployed from October to December 2011? The employment rate was 52.9% in Scotland (50.2% for UK).

FEdS is organising a seminar on Youth employability: The opportunities and challenges of a changing recruitment market on 28 March at the Edinburgh Corn Exchange, involving Education Scotland as a FEdS member  and recruitment specialist Bright Purple Resourcing. The seminar coincides with the first National Career Guidance Show to be held in Scotland, organised by Prospects and the Institute of Career Guidance. Follow the link for more information or contact coral.rayfield@feds.co.uk to book your place.

 FEdS is a small, specialist organisation that provides a neutral space where senior, experienced people from business, education and government can think creatively and work collaboratively.

FEdS was established in 1996; it has a membership of over 50 organisations and a significant network of associates drawn from a wide range of sectors. FEdS aims to create greater understanding between business, government and education, leading to better policies and practices.

Climate Week – 12-18 March 2012

Climate Week is a national campaign to inspire a new wave of action on climate change. Culminating in a week of activities and events, Climate Week showcases the practical solutions to climate change being developed in every sector of society. By highlighting real examples, the campaign aims to inspire thousands more, renewing the ambition to create together a more sustainable, low-carbon future.

Click here to find resources to support Climate Week.

Learning connections with game based learning

Nintendogs game for the Nintendo DS, has been used to create a rich, dynamic and inclusive educational context for learners as part of a game-based learning initiative run by Learning and Teaching Scotland and Aberdeenshire Council.

The initiative looks at how the challenging, demanding and appealing world of Nintendogs can help support effective teaching and learning in Curriculum for Excellence.

The initiative provided content for learning in a P2 class. The teachers involved in the initial project and subsequent teachers that have used Nintendogs, made the game the central focus for projects that created connections across learning.

Caring for and nurturing your virtual pet was central to this game. Teachers created purposeful and relevant activities that involved learning in Art & Design. The videos showcase in more detail accounts of what the teachers and the children did and how the game impacted on their learning.

To read this case study click here.

Fabulous new Fair Trade materials – French

Many thanks to Linda Stormonth at St Machar Academy, Aberdeen City who has very kindly been willing to share her Fair trade materials with the rest of us across the nation!  they are well worth a look as they “raise the bar” in terms of the kind of language they exploit and exemplify ways of incorporating literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing into our lessons.  A very motivating and grown up topic – these materials could easily be used as an interdisciplinary project. 

To access the materials click here ( You will need your Glow password)

S3 Profiling and Profiles

Schools and local authorities are working with the Assessment Team on continuing to develop profiling 3-18.  In particular, 18 schools from across the country are going to be working on developing approaches to S3 profiling and profiles.  In June, at the end of this supported development, materials will be published on NAR.  Presentations made at the start of this development can be found on the National Assessment Glow Group.

World of Work Wednesdays – Explore Your Future in Oil and Gas

Do you want a career with global opportunities? Are you interested in working for a pioneering industry? Do you want the chance to earn as you learn?

Join our World of Work Wednesday event to hear from oil & gas professionals to hear what types of jobs are available in the industry and what it’s is really like to be part of a dynamic sector that offers excellent rewards for hard work!

Also you’ll get the chance to ask real-life professionals anything you’ve ever wanted to know about oil & gas.

From HR to PR, drilling to design, accountancy to apprenticeships, onshore and offshore there’s something to inspire everyone.

So why not sign up and join us on Wednesday 14th March at 2pm to find out all about it?! – WOWW – Explore Your Future in Oil and Gas

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