New Pupil Led Lunch Clubs

New Pupil Led Lunch Clubs

We have some brand new, pupil-led lunch clubs starting at Dumfries Academy. This is a brilliant opportunity for our learners to meet with like-minded people, doing something they enjoy! This will also give our pupils an excellent opportunity to develop leading, communicating and collaborating meta skills. Well done to all pupils who are taking responsibility for running a club! Wednesday: Thursday:

100 by 100 Fundraiser

100 by 100 Fundraiser

To enable the Arts and Creativity Faculty at Dumfries Academy invest in creative resources to prepare pupils for creative careers, we are reaching out to our community to help us with fundraising. We are aiming to curate 100 pieces of artwork created by 100 gifted art pupils, past and present. We are asking our artists to use 100 minutes of their time to create an artwork which will be used

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Success at D&G Burns Competition

Success at D&G Burns Competition

Our pupils achieved successes in Saturday’s Dumfries & Galloway Burns Association Schools Competition. All 3 pupils who entered the reciting competitions were placed.  Mia Stott, S1, achieved bronze in her first ever reciting competition in the S1/2 category. Teigan Weir, S4, achieved silver for the 2nd year running in the S3/4 category. She will now represent D&G in the National competition in March. Finally, Tess Harper, S5, achieved gold in the S5/6

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