Developing the Young Workforce is the Scottish Government’s Youth Employment strategy to better prepare young people for the world of work.

The Team

Mrs McQuarrie – DYW Coordinator

As the DYW Coordinator, Mrs McQuarrie is responsible for ensuring that our pupils are prepared for their future pathways and transition into the world of work. She works with local employers and agencies to provide pupils with as much information as possible to allow them to make informed choices when planning their own pathway.

David Leadbetter and Gemma Wiez – Careers Advisor

David and Gemma are careers advisors from Skills Development Scotland. They work with pupils on a one-to-one basis and in groups to develop their career management skills.

Skills 4.0 and Meta Skills

Skills 4.0 is a framework by Skills Development Scotland designed to equip pupils with the necessary skills to cope with the ever-changing world of work. The paper sets out a set of skills which, if developed, with allow young people to adapt to the world of work regardless of any technological or societal changes.

The 12 meta skills from Skills 4.0.

My World of Work

As part of our ongoing career education, pupils engage with MyWorldOfWork, Skills Development Scotland’s tool for providing information about careers, pathways and advice. The website contains activities designed to get to know user’s strengths and personal attributes and suggests potential careers accordingly.

Pupils then compile a profile and CV which will help them when it comes to later applying for jobs or university/college places.


Opportunities for work experience or potential future employment are shared with young people via Microsoft Teams.