New Pupil Led Lunch Clubs

We have some brand new, pupil-led lunch clubs starting at Dumfries Academy. This is a brilliant opportunity for our learners to meet with like-minded people, doing something they enjoy!

This will also give our pupils an excellent opportunity to develop leading, communicating and collaborating meta skills. Well done to all pupils who are taking responsibility for running a club!


  • S1/2 Football Club – Games Hall from 1:15 – 1:40pm – led by Ali White (Active Schools Coach), Aiden Robertson (S6) and Dylan Hunter (S6)
  • S1-6 Dance Club – Old Gym from 1:15 – 1:40pm – led by Nieve Haliday (S4), Zara Callander (S4), Lacey Smith (S4) and Connie Hulme (S4)


  • S1/2 Badminton Club – Games Hall from 1:15 – 1:40pm – led by Matt Gabriel (S6) and Jack Findlay (S6)
  • S1-6 Gymnastics Club – Old Gym from 1:15 – 1:40pm – led by Keevi Carrick (Level 4 Gymnast, S2)

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