Category: CyberFirst home pages

CyberFirst Colleges Project

CyberFirst College Pathways


Colleges are seeing a decline in the number of students undertaking the Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Cyber Security. Meanwhile, an increasing number of schools find it difficult to offer comprehensive pathways for learners in cyber security due to staffing and timetabling. This is having an impact on the number of learners progressing to Cyber Security courses offered by our colleges.


Education Scotland will be working with colleges across Scotland to pilot an approach that will offer places on colleges courses to learners directly from schools. The pilot will involve the college running a CyberFirst day where learners will be able to show the skills and knowledge they have developed as part of the NPA.

While attending the CyberFirst day young people will have the opportunity to take part in cyber security activities. These activities will be used by the college staff to assess whether the young people would be suitable candidates for the National Certificate (NC), HNC or Higher National Diploma (HND) in cyber security.  At the end of the CyberFirst day, all young people will be offered a place on a NC, HNC or HND course at the college.

West College Scotland and a Scottish based charity called Citizens of Cyber will deliver this programme of days.

  • West College Scotland – 6th March 2024, 20 places  
  • West Lothian College  – 4th March 2024, 13 places  
  • Edinburgh College  – 18th March 2024, – 18 spaces  
  • Borders College – 25th March 2024, – 36 spaces  
  • Ayrshire  College – 29th March 2024, – TBC spaces  

To find out more contact

Cyberfirst hubs

CyberFirst Hubs

Starting 2024/2025 we have partnered with 

  • West College Scotland.
  • West Lothian College.
  • Abertay University. 

These hubs will provide

  • Regional Computing Science Conference
  • Opportunities for CyberFirst Professional Learning
  • Networking opportunities for teachers to build their networks with Cyber professionals and business
  • Networking opportunities for children and young people to speak to Cyber students and professionals in college, university and industry

Cyberfirst hubs

Courses for Learners

CyberFirst Courses for Learners

The NCSC provide short courses designed to introduce the younger generation to the world of cyber security.  As part of CyberFirst Scotland programme all CyberFirst schools will be trained in deliver a number of these course (Trailblazers for S1, Adventurers for S2 and Advanced for NPA Cyber Security Level 6 learners).  

A CyberFirst teacher from your area will provide the resources and training or staff in your school.  The S1 and S2 courses can be delivered by any teacher after they have received the required training.

To find out more contact

CyberFirst Schools Award

CyberFirst Schools Award

The NCSC is formally recognising schools in Scotland, that are committed to providing a structured approach to excellence in cyber security education.

The NCSC has appointed Education Scotland as a regional partner and they will manage the assessment and evaluation of CyberFirst School applications; the growth of the CyberFirst Schools community in the area and help facilitate engagement between industry and schools in the region through events and cyber-related activities.


If you would like to find out more about the schools award contact 

Why become a CyberFirst School?

As a CyberFirst School you will get access to 

  • Professional learning delivered by the CF Teachers.
  • CyberFirst College Pathway Days for learners in your school. 
  • Funding for staff wanting to become dual qualified in Computing Science as part of the ATQ at UHI’
  • Early registration for National Computing Science conferences in November 2024.
  • access to Tryhackme for school delivering NPA at level 6.
  • CyberFirst merchandise, such as pin badges for all pupil that complete Trailblazers, Adventurers and the Advanced course.
  • Support from a CyberFirst lead teacher with curriculum development, resources and delivery of Trailblazers, Adventurers and the Advanced course. 
  • Learning and teaching resources for BGE and level 3 unit in Cyber Security and Living in a Digital World. 
  • Learning and teaching resources for BGE and level 4 unit in Cyber Fundamentals and internet safety.
  • Opportunities to build your network with Cyber Security business and industry in Scotland.   

Congratulations to our 2023/2024 CyberFirst schools


Girvan Academy, South Ayrshire

Hyndland Secondary School, Glasgow


St Margaret Mary’s Secondary,  Glasgow

St Matthew’s Academy, North Ayrshire

St Kentigen’s Academy, West Lothian

Stirling High, Stirling

Linlithgow Academy , West Lothian

St Andrew’s and St Bride’s high School, South Lanarkshire


Ayr Academy, South Ayrshire

Belmont Academy, South Ayrshire

Carrick Academy, South Ayrshire

Kyle Academy, South Ayrshire

Marr College, South Ayrshire

Prestwick Academy, South Ayrshire

Uddingtson Grammar, South Lanarkshire

Shawlands Academy, Glasgow

Rosshall Academy, Glasgow

St Andrew’s RC Secondary, Glasgow

Braidhurst High, North Lanarkshire

Queen Margaret Academy, South Ayrshire

Ardrossan Academy, North Ayrshire

Carluke High School, South Lanarkshire

CyberFirst Advisory Board

CyberFirst Advisory Board

The Advisory Group is made up of members from Education Scotland, Scottish Government, National Cyber Security Centre, a CyberFirst teacher ambassador and CyberFirst industry members.

Members of the group commit to engaging with, promoting and where possible supporting the work of CyberFirst programme in Scotland.

The members of the group will:

  • be CyberFirst members
  • endorse the yearly programme of activity
  • ensure added value and removal of duplication across the cyber activities for schools
  • foster positive relationships and links between education and industry

The group will meet quarterly for a maximum of two hours per meeting to monitor and review the progress of the programme in Scotland and help to shape the themes and make recommendations for change to future work. The diversity of the group will support its engagement with a range of sectors and stakeholders.

Advisory board members 

Scottish Government

Education Scotland




West College Scotland


Daydream Believers

Dewar Cyber Consultancy

Abertay University