Category: Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety

curricular area and keeping learners safer online

cyber competitions and challenges

Cyber Competitions and Challenges

There are a range of different competitions and challenges, aimed at all ages, that support and challenge learners to learn about Cyber Resilience.

CyberFirst Girls Competition 2021

The NCSC are working hard to get more girls interested in a career in cyber security. The CyberFirst Girls Competition provides a fun but challenging environment to inspire the next generation of young women to consider a career in cyber security.

The competition is a team event, with each one made up of 4 female students from Year 8 in England and Wales, Year 9 in Northern Ireland and S2 in Scotland.

Find out more info here

Register here

Hear from last year’s Scottish winners and UK finalists – the Greenwood Challengers:

Cyber Skills Live

These interactive lessons don’t need any technical knowledge. By taking part, learners develop digital skills while learning about cyber security topics. The lessons are designed to give individuals an insight into one of the fastest growing industries in the UK, creating more career prospects for the younger generation.

View the lessons

cyberfirst girls competition

CyberFirst Girls Competition

The NCSC are working hard to get more girls interested in a career in cyber security. The CyberFirst Girls Competition provides a fun but challenging environment to inspire the next generation of young women to consider a career in cyber security.

The competition is a team event, with each one made up of 4 female students from Year 8 in England and Wales, Year 9 in Northern Ireland and S2 in Scotland.

Find out more info here

Register here

Hear from last year’s Scottish winners and UK finalists – the Greenwood Challengers:

childnet logo

Step Up, Speak Up! – Childnet

Step Up, Speak Up! – Childnet

“Online sexual harassment is unwanted sexual conduct on any digital platform and it is recognised as a form of sexual violence.”

Step Up, Speak Up! is a practical campaign toolkit to address the issue of online sexual harassment amongst young people aged 13 – 17 years and includes a range of resources for young people and the professionals who work with them, including teachers, pastoral teams, senior school leadership and police forces.

cris across the curriculum

CRIS Across the Curriculum: literacy, numeracy and HWB

The internet and interconnected devices play such an important part in all of our lives. Therefore, it’s more important than ever that we help our children and young people stay as safe and as secure as possible. Below are links to ideas for embedding CRIS across different areas of the curriculum, such as literacy, maths and health and wellbeing.

run your own CRIS event

Run your own CRIS event

We have created this pack to support you in running your own Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety event. It contains information to support you when discussing different areas of CRIS (no one knows everything!) and provides activities to engage young people and adults to share their experiences of the online world.

If you do deliver your own CRIS event – please share your story with us here.


Download the pack