Category: CRIS by stage

what makes an engaging cris lesson?

3. What Makes an Engaging CRIS Lesson?

“Ensuring the elements of effective teaching are present – for
example clear explanations, scaffolding and feedback – is more
important than how or when they are provided.” Education Endowment Foundation (2020)


A good lesson is a good lesson, regardless of curricular area. HGIOS (4th edition) makes clear that high engaging learning, quality teaching and effective assessment, will improve educational outcomes for all learners.

road graphic showing progress from consuming content to creating then communicating it

As with any other area of the curriculum, in CRIS learning the context should be meaningful and relevant to the leaders – for many children and young people the internet and web are routine aspects of their lives already. Therefore, learners should be given the opportunity to share what they already know about the internet and web and the educators can use effective questioning and engaging activities to spark the learners curiosity about CRIS even further.

As educators we may need to develop our own knowledge and understanding of CRIS in order to support and challenge our learners’ thinking, and to make the contexts relevant and meaningful.

Finally, assessing the learners’ progress is vital to identify next steps and improve their educational outcomes. There is certainly scope to use formative assessment as learners learn, summative quizzes to check their knowledge and understanding recall but also to assess their ability to apply their learning in new contexts, such as with new apps, devices or curricular areas.

This lessons explains what the internet and world wide web are, with opportunities for learners to engager with research, share opinions and apply their learning.

cyber resilience

What is Cyber Resilience?

cyber resilience. recognise react recover

Share what cyber resilience looks like in your setting Please fill out this form

The Scottish Government (2015) states that: “Cyber resilience is being able to prepare for, withstand, rapidly recover and learn from deliberate attacks or accidental events in the online world. Cyber security is a key element of being resilient, but cyber resilient people and organisations recognise that being safe online goes far beyond just technical measures. By building understanding of cyber risks and threats, they are able to take the appropriate measures to stay safe and get the most from being online.”

Cyber resilience deals with events and issues that are cyber dependent – that means it can only be an issue when an internet-connected device is involved. Cyber dependent issues include hacking, phishing scams and malware, such as ransomware.

In order to deal with cyber threats and to become more cyber resilient it is important we support learners to make their devices and platforms as safe and secure as possible – this includes steps such as setting passwords and two-factor authentication (2FA).

Cyber Advice

Passwords and 2FA

Cyber threats

national cyber security centre

Supporting Financial Education

In the UK, we spend more money online per capita than any other nation. So, if our learners are spending money online – how are you supporting them to be as safe and secure as possible? What threats are they likely to face when spending money online?

your money matters textbook

Your Money Matters is a FREE financial education textbook for Scottish schools – chapter 6 looks at cyber resilience in financial education.

cyber resilience in financial education

This page has more cyber resilience in financial education, as well as other numeracy and mathematics contexts.

Barefoot Computing Resources

These lessons plans with activities were created by Barefoot Computing. They are free to access from Barefoot Computing and link to CfE.

You’re the Cyber Security Expert

The Phisherman Game

You’re the Jury

Code Cracking



Upcoming CRIS Webinars