Author: Brian Clark

Computing Science: Skill Building CLPL for CfE Level 3

Join us for one or more computing science skill building sessions every Tuesday at 4pm for 6 weeks from 10th January.

This first set of sessions are designed to support teachers build their own knowledge and confidence in aspects of Computing Science at 3rd Level (CfE) including:

  • Coding with Scratch to create animations, simulations and games
  • Web Development with HTML and CSS

Each workshop will last 1 hour and include template resources and activities.

These workshops will suit those who are / would like to offer Computing Science experiences at 3rd Level of the BGE and would like support in developing their understanding of these topics.  Sign up to all or some of the sessions using the button at the end of this post.


Tuesday 10th January

  • Animating with Scratch – learn how Scratch can be used to bring a story/topic to life using code

Tuesday 17th January

  • Creating interactions with Scratch – learn how to code simple programs that interact with the user (eg quizzes)

Tuesday 24th January

  • Creating Games with Scratch – create simple games with Scratch, building on skills and knowledge from the two previous sessions.

Tuesday 31st January

  • Build a simple web page that includes text, media and links with HTML and CSS

Tuesday 7th February

  • Learn to style web pages using cascading style sheets

Tuesday 14th February

  • Create multi page websites, building on skills and knowledge from the two previous sessions.


Sign Up To Sessions


Practitioner enquiry


Practitioners should be able:

  • To engage in self and collaborative review to measure the impact of digital tools and technologies. 

  • To produce and share practitioner enquiry into the use of digital tools and technologies. 

Support and Examples

Explore Practitioner Enquiry from The General Teaching Council for Scotland

Find out more about the Educator Leadership Programme from Education Scotland

Research and evidence informed practice


Practitioners should:

  • Engage with the main theoretical perspectives and research in the digital learning domain.

  • Be critically aware of the evidence and impact that digital tools, spaces and cultures can have on childhood and society and how digital learning and teaching can adapt to meet the needs of learners. 

Support and Resources

Digital Education Research Articles from Imperial College
Over 60 collated articles on the topic of digital education, including: “
How multimedia can improve learning and instruction”, “Using Cognitive Load Theory to improve slideshow presentations” and “Using technology to promote metacognition”

Digital learning research | Teaching and Learning and Leadership
This collection of research from the Australian Council for Educational Research includes recent papers such as “Rapid review of effective practice principles in the design and delivery of digital resources for teachers” (Syeda Kashfee Ahmed, Pru Mitchell, and Jenny Trevitt) amd “What sources of data did teachers use to inform remote teaching under Covid-19?” (Anne-Marie Chase, Kathryn Richardson, and Nathanael Reinertsen)

Using Digital Technology to Improve Learning 
From 2019, the Educational Endowment Foundation set out 4 recommendations
1. Consider how technology will improve teaching and learning before introducing it
2. Technology can be used to improve the quality of explanations and modelling
3. Technology offers ways to improve the impact of pupil practice
4. Technology can play a role in improving assessment and feedback

Digital Learning and Teaching on the National Improvement Hub
This page from Education Scotland will support policy makers and practitioners from all sectors to embed digital learning and teaching across the curriculum.

Call Scotland
Call Scotland have been a Research and Development centre as well as a working Service unit since 1983, supporting teachers and learners overcome barriers to learning.  This site provides access to support and resources to enable all learners access the curriculum using digital teachnology.


You may wish to look at digital learning theories and approaches, such as RAT, SAMR, TPACK, Digital Blooms, Connectivism, Design Thinking andPeeragogy 

Other Interesting Links

Identifying digital competence gaps 


Practitioners should be able:

  • To understand where one’s own digital competence needs to be improved or updated.

  • To be able to support others with their digital competence development and be able to advise how to improve.

  • To seek opportunities for self-development and to keep up-to-date with the digital evolution. 

Support and Resources

Many vendors have professional learning programmes, specifically designed to support your understanding and skills of their technologies and services.  

Explore the site, in particular :

Useful Documents

Features of highly effective digital learning, teaching and assessment in schools is a self evaluation tool that you will find useful when reflecting on your digital practice

What Digital Learning might look like is a document exemplifying possible examples of digital learning in the BGE.

Other Links

Digital Future Programme – Microsoft  UK 


Identifying needs and technological responses

Pedagogy in a digitally enabled learning environment Home

Practitioners should be able:

  • To assess the needs of all learners and to identify, evaluate, select and use digital tools and possibly assistive technology to support these
  • To adjust and customise digital environments to personal needs (e.g. accessibility). 

Support and Resources

Explore the accessibility features available on Microsoft, Google and Apple platforms, as well as the advice and resources provided by Call Scotland.

Video Gallery

Digitally enabled learning environments

Pedagogy in a digitally enabled learning environment Home

Practitioners should be able

  • To make effective use of digital environments in order to increase access to the curriculum. 
  • To provide, and continue to develop, simple and streamlined processes to engage with learners and peers.  
  • To make use of automation when appropriate to process and manage data and repetitive tasks, for example processing digital forms, utilising self-marking tools, resource booking systems, social media alerting/posting.

Support and Examples

School leaders and practitioners make use of the digital environments available to them to increase the curriculum offer.  For example, inclusion and support for local authority / regional virtual school offers, delivery of specialist knowledge via digital services eg national and local code-a-longs and sharing expertise across a cluster.

Practitioners make use of the virtual environment to share learning materials on a regular basis, eg through the use of teams / onenote / google classroom.

Practitioners make use of the metrics and reporting data available via digital platforms to better understand learner engagement.

Practitioners ensure that learners are aware of further support through national offers such as

  • esgoil
  • westOS
  • locally developed anytime learning resources via your local authority or RIC

Use of digital tools to provide effective feedback quickly, such as assignment marking using rubric, pre-prepared feedback based on responses to quiz questions, audio notes

Auto Quiz Feedback

Videos and Forms

Using Rubrics

Digital resilience

Pedagogy in a digitally enabled learning environment Home

Practitioners should be able

  • To have the skills, knowledge and confidence to prepare digital technology for use with learners.

  • To react, respond and recover to problems when operating devices and using digital environments. 

Examples and Support

Developing, Integrating and re-elaborating digital content

Pedagogy in a digitally enabled learning environment Home

Practitioners should be able:

  • To create and edit digital content in different formats.
  • To modify, refine, improve and integrate information and content into an existing body of knowledge to create new, original and relevant content and knowledge. 
  • To be aware of how copyright and licenses apply to data, information and digital content, including whether you have the right to use digital information.
  • To find free to use content and the importance of referencing and attribution.

Examples and Support

Copyright webinar  

Creating Videos for Learners – DigiLearn 

Planning, teaching, learning and assessment

Collaborating through digital technologies

Communication and Collaboration Home

Practitioners should be able:

  • To use digital tools and technologies for collaborative processes, and for co-construction and co-creation of resources and knowledge with learners, other staff and parents /carers. 

Support and resources

As part of networks in school, cluster or wider, teachers participate in collaborative planning and moderation:  

  • Creating and/or sharing lesson plans, resources and activities  
  • Create and/or share learning intentions and success criteria models  
  • Share examples and evidence of learning for moderation purposes, including discussions about standards  

As part of communication with families, documents may be shared to elicit responses and ideas from the school community, this can be used to shape events or papers.