10th January 2019
On the 8th of January I started a new digital technologies module as part of my journey as a first year BA Education student. I chose this module because I wished to learn more about the technologies that are available for use in the classroom as well as better improve on my currently limited skills and gain new strengths in using these. I therefore feel that the skills I gain in this module will allow me to better my practice within the classroom as I would have the ability to incorporate these confidently within my lesson plans. It is important to have technology as a part of how you deliver the curriculum as children will come in to your classroom as digital natives. This is due to them growing up surrounded by numerous digital technologies. Therefore, it is and will continue to be a large aspect of their life in which skills will be vital and therefore is necessary to be not only a part of home life but school life too (Prensky, 2001). It is also recognised by the Scottish government as a crucial part of education. This is shown by a strategy that came into place in 2016 which wished to increase the effective use of technologies within Scottish schools in order to tackle the attainment gap (Scottish Government, 2016). This blog will follow my journey through the module and will be used as an opportunity to reflect on how the sessions went and record the skills which I have gained which I will be able to refer to in the future.
Scottish Government. (2012) Enhancing learning and teaching through the use of digital technology. [pdf] Available at: http://moodle1819.uws.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/39814/mod_resource/content/2/Digital%20Learning%20and%20Teaching%20Strategy%20.pdf [Accessed on: 10/01/19]
Prensky,M. (2001) Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. MCB University Press. Vol.9 (5) pp.1-6.