Tha sinn air leth toilichte gun d’ fhuair sinn Teisteanas Bratach Uaine bho Sgoiltean-Eco agus Keep Scotland Beautiful!
We’re delighted to say that we have been awarded our first Green Flag Award from Eco-Schools and Keep Scotland Beautiful!
Fhuair sinn moladh airson ag obair còmhla ri Glendale, na Gàrraidhean Falaichte, Sustrans, South Seeds agus Urban Roots. Bha iad cuideachd toilichte le mar a bha tachartasan ann thairis air am bliadhna leis a h-uile clas an sàs. Tha sinn a’ coimhead air adhart ri a bhith a’ cumail am Bratach Uaine gach bliadhna.
We were praised for working with our campus partner Glendale, the Hidden Gardens, Sustrans, Souths Seeds and Urban Roots. They were also pleased that we arrange activities throughout the year for every class to be involved. We are looking forward to keeping and renewing our Green Flag status as we develop even further as a school.