Tag Archives: bootcamp

Blogging Bootcamp #2

Scran is limbering up for Blogging Bootcamp #2 on Glow this afternoon.  jackies2_09309212

We’ve even got our favourite sturdy pair of Doctor Martens from 1994 ready for the occasion. The Scran staff hope to learn a bit more about blogging – as well as sharing information about Scran, copyright, digital assets and our schools outreach work.

If you are taken by our lovely green Docs and fancy more fashionable footwear, why not browse through historical and contemporary shoe designs here.

Image © Victoria & Albert MuseumPair of Dr Martens bootsLicensor www.scran.ac.uk

A Recipe For Success

We are P7 pupils from Gourock Primary School.  We took part in the Blogging Bootcamp last year and we are looking forward to participating again and taking part in new challenges this upcoming year.

Primary  seven is a big year for us because we are getting ready for moving up to the high school, which means we need to push ourselves to our limits  and ‘take every opportunity’, which is our class motto!

We have been looking at poetry and figurative language and decided the best way to introduce ourselves was through a ‘Recipe for Success’.

We have used alliteration in our recipe to make it sound more interesting. We hope you enjoy it!

Matthew Orr.

P7 Recipe for Success
P7 Recipe for Success

Blogging Bootcamp

This is my first post on the blogging bootcamp.

As Faculty Head of Business Education and Computing I feel I need to get myself into the new Glow fast!  I had previously used Glow in another authority but mainly for Glow Groups and these have all lapsed now.  So a new adventure for me.

I would like to explore the possibilities of blogging for pupils and for staff.

I would like to set up an interactive blog for my National 5 Business Mangement class as they can work very independently already.

Out & About with Scran

Are you planning to visit a local historic property? If so, you may be interested to know that we have a whole host of new Pathfinders on Scran, investigating Historic Scotland properties.  They are bursting with fabulous maps, photographs, film footage, reconstruction drawings, aerial views as well as information for teachers, attached in PDF format.imgzoom-image-0757-07570012

From Arbroath to Urquhart, many of these informative guides are also available in Gaelic, for use in the classroom or on site during a school visit.

So, if you are studying a particular castle, abbey or historic site in Scotland, these resources are a must.

Image © National Library of Scotland, Plan of St Andrews, c. 1580. Licensor www.scran.ac.uk

Sports Leaders

We have been learning sports leadership skills and leading sessions with our buddies in P1. The first thing we had to do was in a group we planned our session using the STEPS principles which is Space, Time, Equipment, People and Speed. We had to organise a warm up, main activity and a cool down. Since we have a wheelchair user in P1, it was really important to think about the activities and how he would be able to take part in our session. We decided to play Boccia which is a sport that wheelchairs users can play, (my buddy is a wheelchair user) it is like bowls and it is really fun! Then we collected any equipment and practised it first to check the space we needed and timed it.


Leading the session was hard at first because at the start the P1s were a little hyper but we managed to calm them down and then get some of the shy ones to come out of their shell. Sometimes it was hard to stop them from running about and get them to listen. It was good teaching them some cool activities they can play when they are in the playground with their friends or even show their parents. It was our first time teaching P1 and also we were the first P7s in Whinhill to do Sports Leaders.

We will be doing it again tomorrow so we had to reflect on how our last session went and write an evaluation before we planned our next session. The session we planned this week is a bit more advanced. We had to change what sort of sponge balls we were using because we needed bigger ones for the P1s who found it hard and smaller ones to make a challenge for the good ones. The first session went really well and next we are going to work up the classes and lead more sessions. We have learned loads of new skills so far like planning and organising the session and working with others in a group. We hope you enjoyed reading this post by Scott and Nathan in P7.

Exploring Europe!

This term we have been learning all about Europe.  We decided for our topic that we would like to participate in the Inverclyde Euro Quiz. There were some useful resources we used to help us get ready.

Euro Quiz team

To help us study, we used books and the internet to gather lots of information. We have been making fact files on different countries too. Each group in our class has a different country to become experts on and we have to design our own wall display, TV challenge and think about what we will have organised for our table at the Europe Day celebrations.

Mrs Falconer has taught us about the European Union, focusing on the history, the Euro and map work. We had challenges set each week, for example; learning all the member states, recognising each of the flags and identifying all the capital cities on a map. One of the hardest was learning the dates each country joined the EU!

We have been using a really good website to learn more about Europe. It’s the Europa website which has a Kids’ corner. This website has games including an online board game you can play alone or with family and friends.  It tells you about different currencies, famous people and landmarks, flags, languages and the European Union.

Europa Screenshot

It definitely helped us because we got a good place in the Euro Quiz! We came 5th out of 16 teams!


Learning in P6

In P6 Mrs Falconer tries to make learning as active and fun as possible. My favourite subjects are science, p.e and there are a lot of intelligent people in P6 and Mrs Falconer is a really fun teacher. There are lots of after school clubs such as skiing, basketball, athletics and football that we all take advantage of!

A Picture of Learning in P6

In P6 we love art, the latest thing we did in art was recreating famous paintings from famous European artists. I think this is useful because it gives us a chance to build on our observation skills.

We also love our Europe topic and 2 weeks ago a group of pupils from our class went to the Euro quiz and came 5th out of 16 teams! We are really proud of them! We have also been studying 7 specific countries for our Europe day celebrations.

In maths we have been learning how to multiply while using decimals, this is useful as it will help us when we are older for any jobs we get. We know we have to use decimals for lots of things like measure and money.