For each year indicate the score you achieved in both OMA and OLA and then write appropraite reflective commentary in what this may mean…
I finally got round to sitting my first attempt at the OLA. I must admit I was pretty apprehensive at first as I haven’t studied mathematics in well over a year now. Anyway I couldn’t put it off any long and accepted that its time to get back into the swing of things.
As I sat the test it really highlighted the type of maths that I had completely forgotten about such as area of shapes, qualitative/quantitative Data and fractions.
I scored 46% in my first attempt which I was expecting somewhere along those lines so I was too disappointed. This can now motivate me to get back into doing math questions as I know I have to build on my knowledge.
I took notes of the questions that I struggled with and have put together a page of mathematic reminders to stick up in my room. This is one method that should help me improve my maths level and hopefully gain a better mark in my next OLA test.
2nd Attempt:
This time going through the maths assessment I was able to remember some of the methodology that I went over last week. This made it a lot easier to calculate the correct answers. My studying over maths last week has proved to be of use as this time I scored 69% which is a great improvement from last week. I will continue to look over the theories and definitions of mathematic terminology and hopefully continue my improvements.