Monthly Archives: January 2017

Learning through Dance

I thoroughly enjoyed our experience of dance on Friday morning. I had always had the idea of having fun exciting lessons with the children but wasn’t exactly sure on how to carry out a lesson effectively. I feel more confident to take a class like this now, I believe dance is important to engage with children’s learning. We started with a warm-up, where the teacher went through a couple of well-known songs and show which one got most of us engaged (tapping our feet, singing etc.) this indicated the most favoured song in the room, which everyone prefers moving to their favourite song! This instantly got us all smiling and laughing before the activity had begun. Next, the teacher had a plan for us, she explained we were going to do a dance routine to jailbird rock by Elvis. The first moves were instructed by the teacher (we were doing the waltz for 11 beats) we were they to create our own moves for the next 8 beats with our partner. This involves creativity and collaborative working. Then the teacher had us split into 4 groups (approx. 6 people in a group) each group were giving a line of the song where we had to create quick dance moves, this allowed us to interrupt the music to influence our dance. At the end, we all came together as a group and danced about for the instrumental part. I found that we felt a lot more comfortable with our peers as we were all acting silly together and it was a good laugh. This would also help promote positive relationships in the classroom.

The teaching tips given to us that lesson have boosted my confidence in delivering a dance lesson in schools. Such as allowing the children to decide which song they would prefer to dance too and listening to what they would like to do. I always find I must have the lesson planned exactly right before constructing a lesson, however, I know feel like if I have a basic plan then it can be improvised to suit the children better. I would like to build my confidence in dance further as I think it would be important for the children to see that the teacher is relaxed and confident in doing some silly, over the top actions as they would then feel comfortable to do the same. If they sense that the teacher feels uneasy or awkward they would be the same and the lesson would not be as effective.

Actions are the most engaging learning methods for children and young people as well as benefitting their physical health. I also believe that dance is an ideal method to use for the cross-curricular lesson. The styles of dance encouraged in the UK schools promotes the diversity of our changing population and other cultures. This can be linked with subjects such as social subjects for example.  It is important as children can understand and celebrate our and other countries cultures.

Dance allows children to use their imagination and creativity as well as boosting their confidence and performing skills- which are essential key skills for life. A small activity including dance encourages children and motivates them to engage with the lesson plan, it can even get them started to work for the day as they see the fun side of learning. It allows them to expressive how they feel and who they are which is positive for their mental health in the classroom too.




The ‘Perciph Center for Arts Education’ declares: “Dance is the art form in which human movement becomes the medium for sensing, understanding, and communicating ideas, feelings, and experiences.”



Perspectives on Racism

I have always been interested in the topics of Racism as I struggle to believe the cruelty that once went on in the 18th, early 19th century, especially in America. I studied the African Americans stories of segregation and discrimination for my higher history exam, so I knew quite a bit about the racism that went on. However, in our lecture this week, it wasn’t just the racism that went on, but also highlighted that racism is still going on. As naïve as it sounds, this was racismsomething I hadn’t really thought of before. I guess, I could blame it on being blind towards reality or simply the lack of media highlighting the issue. I was taken back for a moment when I read the statistics (shown on the right) of how Blacks actually feel about equality today. Other statistics were raised how a greater percentage of blacks get in trouble with the police than white and are more likely to be accused of being in possession of a weapon. It’s wrong that people assume that black people are violent just because that’s what history says. People can be so easily brainwashed by other prejudice views.

 I was intrigued by the lecture which leads me to do the required reading and watch the videos on racism. I found Clint Smiths video fascinating, the story he tells is about his children; growing up black in America. I thought it was brilliant as I always hear the stories of the children and adults that got into trouble but hadn’t considered the fear that EVERY child would be feeling. Although the children are unaware of the discrimination around them, their parents have to stress about teaching them the rights and wrongs of being a black person; you couldn’t simply follow what a white person does! While the parents have to keep their children safe they also have the struggle of keeping their childhood alive.

A few days later after reading up on recrimination and prejudice against Black people, I came across a story which took a different perspective of racism and patriarchy. it explains how a White Male has lost his job due to the company needing to hiring a black and a female employee in order to promote diversity.

This story is a difficult one as you can see that people are working on erasing racism and patriarchy in the workplace, however, is it still right that people lose their jobs over their gender and colour of their skin? I believe that it shouldn’t be stressed that you have to have a black person or a woman in the working place just so you aren’t seen as racist or feminist. We should be promoting more of giving everyone the equal opportunity to succeed but decision should be made purely on their talent, not gender or race.