Inclusion and Equality

From the lecture on Inclusion and Equality, I learned that inclusion is simply including individuals within a group or structure, allowing them to voice their own thoughts and opinions and for everybody to discuss their various different perspectives within society. Within inclusion there are three levels which all mean something fairly different. I learned from … Continue reading Inclusion and Equality

From the lecture on Inclusion and Equality, I learned that inclusion is simply including individuals within a group or structure, allowing them to voice their own thoughts and opinions and for everybody to discuss their various different perspectives within society. Within inclusion there are three levels which all mean something fairly different. I learned from … Continue reading Inclusion and Equality

Inclusion and Equality

This week’s class was all about inclusion and equality, we looked at what inclusion and equality are, the three levels of inclusion, why inclusion and equality are important, the equality act (2010) and Allport’s scale of prejudice and discrimination.  We also looked at a couple of the theorists who worked on the different aspects of … Continue reading Inclusion and Equality

This week’s class was all about inclusion and equality, we looked at what inclusion and equality are, the three levels of inclusion, why inclusion and equality are important, the equality act (2010) and Allport’s scale of prejudice and discrimination.  We also looked at a couple of the theorists who worked on the different aspects of inclusion and equality.  I had a pretty god idea of what inclusion and equality are but I never realised all the aspects involved in Allport’s scale of prejudice and discrimination.  Allport’s scale has five levels: antilocution, avoidance, discrimination, physical attack and extermination.

Antilocution – making jokes and insensitive remarks about another group; expressing opinions that reflect negative stereotypes and negative images based on preconceived judgements rather than facts; expressing hateful opinions about another group; name calling, ridiculing, verbal abuse and insults

Avoidance – actively ignoring specific individuals and groups; maintaining social distance, isolating, marginalising and excluding = Apartheid

Discrimination – denying equal access to opportunities, goods and services = Segregation in the USA

Physical attack – persecution, assault, vandalism and hate crimes = KKK

Extermination – genocide, ethnic cleansing = The Holocaust, Rwandan Genocide

Here is a visual representation of what inclusion and equality look like.




Religion, Culture and Unchurched Spirituality

This weeks input dealt with Religion, Culture and Unchurched Spirituality, the influence they have on each other and on wider society. We also looked at the work of a number of theorists on the subject, each with varying attitudes and … Continue reading

This weeks input dealt with Religion, Culture and Unchurched Spirituality, the influence they have on each other and on wider society. We also looked at the work of a number of theorists on the subject, each with varying attitudes and … Continue reading

Religion, Culture and ‘Unchurched’ Spirituality

  From the lecture I learned that religion shapes culture and culture shapes religion within society. Religious culture can be recognised as a form of identity through things such as the music people listen to and what they choose to eat. There are many claims within religion, culture and social issues such as material claims … Continue reading Religion, Culture and ‘Unchurched’ Spirituality

  From the lecture I learned that religion shapes culture and culture shapes religion within society. Religious culture can be recognised as a form of identity through things such as the music people listen to and what they choose to eat. There are many claims within religion, culture and social issues such as material claims … Continue reading Religion, Culture and ‘Unchurched’ Spirituality

RELIGION, SOCIETY AND DIVERSITY 2 – Unchurched Spirituality

We learned about more aspects of religion and focused on ‘unchurched’ spirituality. Before the lecture, I had never heard of the term ‘unchurched’ spirituality so I was interested in learning more about it. This means a type of spirituality that is not related with an organised religion. We also discussed more on how religion and … Continue reading RELIGION, SOCIETY AND DIVERSITY 2 – Unchurched Spirituality

We learned about more aspects of religion and focused on ‘unchurched’ spirituality. Before the lecture, I had never heard of the term ‘unchurched’ spirituality so I was interested in learning more about it. This means a type of spirituality that is not related with an organised religion. We also discussed more on how religion and … Continue reading RELIGION, SOCIETY AND DIVERSITY 2 – Unchurched Spirituality

Religion, Culture and ‘Unchurched’ Spirituality

Today’s lecture focused on how religion and social issues can be linked together in terms of claims of community, spiritual claims, impact on health etc. I found this very informative and interesting as I have never thought about how religion can impact on so many social issues such as health, it really opened my mind. Furthermore, we … Continue reading “Religion, Culture and ‘Unchurched’ Spirituality”

Today’s lecture focused on how religion and social issues can be linked together in terms of claims of community, spiritual claims, impact on health etc. I found this very informative and interesting as I have never thought about how religion can impact on so many social issues such as health, it really opened my mind. Furthermore, we looked at a few more theorists that agree and disagree with religion as culture. I enjoyed researching more into scholars such as Max Weber and Karl Marx and reading their views and opinions. I was very engaged with looking into how their views differed from one another.

Part of the lecture today involved learning about ‘Unchurched’ spirituality which I found very useful and learnt a lot. I had never heard of this term before however after some explanation it all started to make sense pretty quickly. It was interesting to read about the different criticisms that people have with it, some of which I agree and disagree with. We also discussed how religion and spirituality are very similar and closely linked however, are slightly different in their definition.

I found the lecture and the information given to us really interesting and it was given in a way that was easy to understand. However, when it came to the workshop I was confused with some of the exam style questions and I am still quite unclear on where I am going wrong and what I need to fix. Although, in order to improve upon this I will look into more of those type of questions and ask for assistance if I need it.

Overall, I enjoyed the lesson today and will continue to do further research on religion to develop my knowledge in time for the exa#


Secularisation and ‘Unchurched’ Spirituality – Is This Really The End of Mainstream Religion?

Religion within society, and society within religion spans far further than just mainstream churches such as Catholicism, Islam and Judaism. Within faith communities, different people have different ideas. For example, if we take the Christian Church, up until 1517, the Church was mainly considered to be Roman Catholic, A German man named Martin Luther devised the … Continue reading Secularisation and ‘Unchurched’ Spirituality – Is This Really The End of Mainstream Religion?

Religion within society, and society within religion spans far further than just mainstream churches such as Catholicism, Islam and Judaism. Within faith communities, different people have different ideas. For example, if we take the Christian Church, up until 1517, the Church was mainly considered to be Roman Catholic, A German man named Martin Luther devised the Protestantism movement after what was considered to be errors in the teachings and practices of the Catholic church, hence Christianity split into what we now consider to be the two most worshipped communities, the Traditional Catholic Church, and the Protestant Church.

This was really the start of secularisation, as many people began to question their own beliefs and chose which religion they wanted to follow – however, religion was still fundamental within society and it played a part on the way people lived their life; from the way they dressed to the way they worshiped.

In the 2011 Census, 65.2% of people identifies themselves as Christians, and 0.84% of people Identified as Muslim. Also, 27.8% of the people identified as ‘No Religion’. This all changed in the 2011 Census where 53.8% of people identifies them selves as Christian – a drop of almost 11.4%. The number of people who identified as Muslim increased to 1.4% – which may or may not be linked to other social factors such as immigration, and population growth. What is really interesting in my opinion, is that 37% of people identified themselves as ‘No Religion’.  Does this prove the theory that secularisation is also linked to de-Christianisation? And does it mean that once regarded one of the most important social factors in the Western World, people no longer feel the need for the faith and religion? Or does it indeed prove that secularisation is not the lose of faith, but in fact the channelling of spirituality to other sources within Western culture and society?

Many theorists and highly regarded sociologists have looked at religions place in society. Amongst the most popular theories, is the one of Karl Marx (1818-1883) where he suggests that religion is just ‘the opium of the people’ used to bear their pain and suffering. He also saw it as a tool to oppress and control the masses, giving false consciousness in oppressed people to accept their predicament. He felt that the promise of a better life was just created as part of a capitalist illusion; which included the creation of a man-made God.

Max Weber (1864-1920) had a completely different idea of the place of religion. He suggested that the protestant church founded by Luther, gave rise to the Western world as it is today. He claimed that Protestantism contributed to the socio-economic patters within the Western society, enabling an atmosphere in which the capitalist system could thrive in this sector of the world and in Western society. He saw religion as an agent of social change.

So what about ‘unchurched’ spirituality? What causes it? Well, after the tutorials today, I figured that the leading cause of ‘unchurched’ spirituality is secularisation itself. So that leads to the question – what causes people o lose faith in religion itself?

Modern Education systems expose young people to the sciences and to a program of natural thinking, allowing them to find the facts that science has uncovered, and apply that to the real world. Guleski (2013) believes education gives young people the empowerment to make decisions based on their understanding. Take Darwin’s  Theory of Evolution (1859) for example. People are now believing the facts uncovered around evolution as it can be backed up with evidence. Whereas there is no evidence proving or disproving the existence of a God or the doctrines of the Church suggesting the story of Genesis.

Also, with a booming Western society, people now have the money to afford leisure and necessity, and poorer people tend to turn to supernatural meaning for answers. Due to the income that many families now have, they no longer need to rely on the Church for prayer in the hope of gaining what they need, as they can just go out to a shop and find it. Ingleheart backs this up when he stated “When material conditions improve, the need for religious solace depreciates”.

So in theory we could say that secularisation and de-Christianisation is caused by the boom in the western World caused by Protestantism, meaning that the fall in worshippers of the Catholic and Protestant church, could be in turn related to the division of the Church itself.

I feel it is important to express at this point that this piece of writing is not an attack of any religion or form of spirituality, but just a summary of my understanding to secularisation and ‘unchurched’ spirituality and how that impacts on society today. If I have offended anybody in any way, then I do sincerely apologise, I insist that it was not intended.



Religion, Society and Diversity 2

Today I learned about more aspects of religion and focused on ‘unchurched’ spirituality.  I had never heard of the term ‘unchurched’ spirituality so I was interested to gain an understanding of what it meant. This means a type of spirituality that … Continue reading

Today I learned about more aspects of religion and focused on ‘unchurched’ spirituality.  I had never heard of the term ‘unchurched’ spirituality so I was interested to gain an understanding of what it meant. This means a type of spirituality that … Continue reading


Today’s class was again a head spinner in which we covered a lot of information on religion, culture and ‘unchurched’ spirituality.  Before attending today’s class I knew very little about what ‘unchurched’ spirituality is, now however I know a lot more about what ‘unchurched’ spirituality is.  We learned what ‘unchurched’ spirituality is, some definitions, how … Continue reading RELIGION, CULTURE AND ‘UNCHURCHED’ SPIRITUALITY

Today’s class was again a head spinner in which we covered a lot of information on religion, culture and ‘unchurched’ spirituality.  Before attending today’s class I knew very little about what ‘unchurched’ spirituality is, now however I know a lot more about what ‘unchurched’ spirituality is.  We learned what ‘unchurched’ spirituality is, some definitions, how and why it came about, the characteristics and some of the criticisms of this concept.  As well as learning about ‘unchurched’ spirituality, we also learned about religion and culture and where the two meet.  We looked at a few of the theorists who wrote about religion and culture, these theorists include: Max Weber (1864-1920), Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Bruce Lincoln (1948-present).  I am still a little fuzzy on what the clear definition of ‘unchurched’ spirituality is, but to remedy this I will look into it in more detail so as to clarify the meaning in my mind.  I think that having attended the previous classes on religion has allowed me to broaden my mind on religion, and I think this open mind will be very useful in the classroom.  It will allow me to teach children about religion with an unbiased opinion of my own and hopefully my open mind will rub off onto the children, thus making them more open the concept of religion and how the various religions differ from each other.  This in turn should hopefully make them more accepting of people’s opinions and their beliefs.

Religion, Society and Diversity Reflection PDP

After listening to the power point I have learned that Religion can be approached in two ways. The inside approach is the study and practice of one’s own religion where it is assumed that the belief in question is true. Whereas religion viewed from the outside approach is a neutral and non-committed view of religion […]

After listening to the power point I have learned that Religion can be approached in two ways. The inside approach is the study and practice of one’s own religion where it is assumed that the belief in question is true. Whereas religion viewed from the outside approach is a neutral and non-committed view of religion […]

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