Our Mission Statement and Aims

Our Missions Statement

Our vision in Adelphi Nursery is cultural inclusion for all our service users.

We aim to support all children to reach their full potential and support progression using a nurturing and holistic approach.

We value and respect each individual children’s rights and differences supporting them to have a voice and be heard.

In Adelphi, our main priority will be for the wellbeing, happiness and holistic development of each individual child, family and staff team.  We aim to have honest and supportive interactions with all of our families to ensure that you are supported and nurtured at Adelphi.

We encourage all our children to explore and make choices within our learning environment both indoors and outdoors on a daily all-day basis.  Our children feel safe and protected in Adelphi Nursery and we strive to nurture and develop each child’s skills for learning, skills for work and  skills for life.

We support all of our children to become confident individuals, effective contributors, successful learners and responsible citizens.

Be Bold – Be Brave – Be You!


Some Quotes from parents when asked, what does Adelphi mean to you?

“It has been great to see the progress our child has made during his time at Adelphi nursery and especially watching his confidence levels grow.

“Teachers made a great bond with all of you”

“She has loved nursery and will miss it after only a short time there”

“I am happy with all of my child’s progress and agree with everything in the key worker’s comment. I am so proud of her!”

“You took a shy little girl and made her more confident and she achieved so much. It means so much to her and to all of us too!”