Duty of Candour

Duty of Candour Procedure

In the event of an unintended or an unexpected incident that results in harm or injury that lasts more than 28 days or death to any child at our setting, Adelphi Nursery will follow our Duty of Candour Policy.

We will acknowledge when something goes wrong within our setting.

As soon after the incident, we will speak to the family members affected by the incident.

  • We will be honest and be open about the incident. We will give us much detail as possible about the incident.
  • All Candour incidents will be monitored, recorded, and reported to the relevant organisations immediately after the family members have been informed. This will be done as soon as all evidence is gathered and within 24 hours.
  • We will act straight away to reduce the risk of the incident happening again. A risk assessment will be carried out and recorded.
  • We will complete ‘Action Plans’ to highlight what we intend to do to reduce the risk. The family will receive the action plans so they can see what action the nursery is taking, and we are taking it seriously.
  • We will meet with family members to reassure them. The meeting will take place at Nursery. The Manager / Deputy Manager will attend the meeting and speak with the family. There may also be other third parties at the meeting who has been caring for the harmed / injured person.
  • We will ensure that staff feel supported and confident while reporting Duty of Candour incidents. Staff will undergo training. The nursery will also make other third parties available for staff to gain support from when the Duty of Candour has been used.
  • We will continue to support the family of the harmed person if needed.
  • We will work closely with all relevant third parties to ensure the incident can never happen again.
  • We will provide further training to staff to ensure the incident cannot happen again.
  • We will provide the Care Inspectorate with an annual report for our Duty of Candour.

Review Date; February, 2025

Duty of Candour Annual Report

As part of our responsibilities at Adelphi Nursery, we must produce an annual report to provide details of the number of times we used Duty of Candour.

NURSERY NAME;          Adelphi Nursery

ADDRESS;                     40 Waddell Court, Glasgow, G5 0QA


DATE;                            February, 2024 (to date)

Do our staff understand their responsibilities relating to the Duty of Candour?

Staff have completed training for Duty of Candour. And they have attended a meeting to discuss the Duty of Candour and are all aware of the Duty of Candour Policy and Procedures which they signed after reading and understanding.


Do we have a Duty of Candour Policy and Duty of Candour Procedure?


Are they up-to date?







How many times have we had to implement the Duty of Candour Procedure this year?

 Type of Incident Number of Occurrences
A child/adult has died 0
A child/adult incurred permanent lessening of bodily, sensory, motor, physiologic or intellectual functions 0
A child/adult life expectancy shortened 0
A child/adult’s sensory, motor or intellectual functions were impaired for 28 days or more 0


A child/adult experienced pain or psychological harm for 28 days or more 0
A child/adult needed health treatment in order to prevent them dying 0
A child/adult needing health treatment in order to prevent other injuries 0