General Information

How to Apply

Call Adelphi Nursery on 0141 429 1474 or email them via

If you think you may be entitled to Eligible 2 Funding you can find out more information here;

 • If your child is eligible and you wish to apply this can be done online here. (

Please apply approx 6 weeks prior to your child turning 2 onwards.  Do not hesitate to call us to give you help and advice.

Learning Initiatives

We continue to develop the learning initiatives that we had planned. Please read our Newsletters about:

Bookbug Sessions  are held every Friday for both Playrooms – see Salma or Courtney for more information – our check the times as listed in our latest Newsletter.  Parents and Carers are always welcome to come along!

Play Along Maths sessions are led every Tuesday by Martin (Language Support Teacher and Ewan, Child Development Officer) – All Parents/Carers are welcome to come along and play games with their child to increase their awareness and knowledge of numbers, shapes, patterns.

2024 – Children have been on trips to local shops to buy exotic fruits for tasting stations to support story of Handra’s Surpise; Glasgow Green on a Gruffalo Hunt and some of our children have visited the Transport Museum.  All these visits have been to support learning and development.

Toy Fund

Although the Toy Fund is Voluntary – we depend greatly on our Families Weekly Contribution to support the life and work of the nursery.

In order to provide your child with a variety of resources (which is very valuable to their learning), we ask that you donate a small fee of £2 per child per week (or £3 per family);

These resources include:

  • Baking ingredients eg Pancake Day
  • Playdough/malleable ingredients
  • Christmas presents
  • Easter gift
  • Celebrations (Halloween, Chinese New Year, Diwali)

Nursery Toy Fund donations can be paid on a weekly, monthly or termly basis to suit parents own arrangements.

If you wish you can pay your £2 per week toyfund contribution through Adelphi Nursery Bank Account.  If this is a more convenient method for yourself

Bank of Scotland                  Account Number 16663063

Sort Code 80-22-60                Name of Account – Adelphi Nursery Fund

Please put your child’s name as reference for payment.

Arriving and Leaving

It is important that the gates at the entrance are locked when arriving and leaving. This is for safety of all children.

In line with government guidelines, please ensure that you wear a face covering when coming to the nursery at drop off and pick up times if you are medically fit to do so.


Please provide a pair of plimsoles or slippers to the nursery for your child to wear when playing indoors. Staff will change them from their own shoes each day and all children will wear nursery wellies when outdoors.

Bags/Spare clothes

Please be aware that every child has a bag at their peg which is used to hold all of their spare clothes. We have a limited amount of space at each peg, therefore, if your child has a backpack, the contents will be put into the bag provided and you will be given back their own bag.

Throughout your child’s day at the nursery, they are likely to play and explore a variety of materials that would make them dirty or wet. Please ensure that your child has a few sets of spare clothes (including pants, socks, trousers and tops) so that they can be changed throughout the day.


The children in the 3/5 playroom have been continuing to participate in PATHS lessons each week to develop their awareness of their emotions and how to express them appropriately. In the coming weeks, children will be learning about being sad, mad, and scared and also about making friends.