Code Of Conduct

Adelphi Nursery Digital Learning Code of Conduct

This code of conduct outlines what we expect of pupils and parents/carers home learning. Parents/carers must read the following information and once signed the parent consent form are agreeing to the following –

• Only use Seesaw as directed by the Practitioner and only upload material that is related to the learning.

• Do not take photos of your screen or record videos or interactions in any way.

• Make sure that your communication in the online learning environment is always supportive of the learning and well-being of others.

• Understand that as a parent/carer you are responsible for logging into and out of Seesaw and other online platforms.

• During any live sessions, as a parent/carer you must be present in the room or in the next room with the door open so you can see and hear everything that is happening during the live sessions.

• If taking part in a live session or posting pictures you must make sure that the background (and foreground) is appropriate and as neutral as possible (please be mindful of what is visible behind you/in front of you) – e.g. be dressed appropriately.

• Practitioners reserve the right to remove your access from the online learning platform if they see/hear anything that does not follow the Remote Learning Code of Conduct.

Remember what we always say about social media, when you type something,’it’s always there and you can’t take it back’. So be careful of what you say and write on ALL of our online learning platforms

Seesaw code of conduct

In order to use Seesaw safely and effectively to support learning, please adhere to the following:

  • Keep login details, including invite codes, private and secure.
  • Only allow the named individual to use each profile.
  • When making posts and comments, please do so politely and respectfully, in accordance with our digital code of conduct.
  • Be aware of what you are saying and to who.
  • Keep comments relevant to the initial post they relate to – do not use the platform for general discussion about things unrelated to our nursery and the directed learning.
  • Check the suitability of posts before uploading, making sure it does not contain any personal information, such as your address or contact details. (Consider carefully what is in the background of any photo.)

If you have any questions or concerns relating to Seesaw platform, please contact our Digital Leader of Learning – Katy McHugh – on or at the nursery