SQA Customised Award (SCQF Level 4)
Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Projects – An Overview
This Award, which is owned by Transport Scotland, was developed through the Academy9 education programme and was validated by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) in 2018.
The Award is aimed at S3, S4 and S5 pupils to support them to identify the relevance of school work to the workplace.
This qualification could be used to support subject specific, careers and life skills education in Social Subjects, Literacy, Technologies, Numeracy and Sciences.
The Award involves approximately 20 hours of teaching and learning.
Pupils explore the nature of civil and infrastructure engineering projects and Transport Scotland have provided the A9 Dualling Programme as a case study.
They investigate some of the main types of job roles and some of the main challenges encountered in such a project.
Three learning outcomes are successfully completed to gain the Award, and professionals from industry, such as engineers, environmental scientists, geologists could be engaged to enhance the delivery of the learning outcomes.
Supporting documentation, a teacher guide and initial lesson plans are also provided to assist teachers delivering the Award.
The below resources have been created to support teachers in implementing this qualification.

Qualifications Teachers Guide
This guide outlines all you need to know about what this qualification is and what is expected of pupils to gain this qualification.

Learning Outcomes
The below documents have been produced to be a starting point for teaching this qualification giving ‘pick up and use’ lessons with real world contexts, resource links and mapped to the Curriculum for Excellence Es and Os.
Learning Outcome 1

Outcome 2

Outcome 3

The link below takes you to the course resources for pupil use.
Academy9 pupil resource page for this qualification
Below you will find links to other useful documentation and templates for use in marking or verification in this qualification.

If you have any further questions about this qualification or its implementation please contact us.