Academy9 is an exciting educational initiative from Transport Scotland, linked specifically to the A9 Dualling programme. 

Academy9 has been developed in partnership with all the schools along the A9 corridor in addition to wider communities across Scotland, educational professionals, educational consultants and industry professionals.

Recognising the power of partnerships between industry and education, Academy9 is building a legacy of STEM-related skills and achievement through a series of progressive STEM activities and experiences.

These are providing future generations with the opportunity to learn both hard and soft skills and consider STEM -related careers.  

In the creation of this programme many lessons have been learned about partnership creation and these are shared below in our ‘How to Guides’.   

To get a feel for what the Academy9 programme looks like then check out our events page. 

For all our recent developments, check out our latest news page.

Please contact us if you have questions about Industry partnerships or the Academy9 programme.