Primary 5s Experience Gateway Excitement at Grantown Grammar School

The Academy9 programme aims to bridge the gap between industry and education by bringing real life professionals into schools to deliver age and stage appropriate learning activities.

This month we had the pleasure of delivering our Gateway event which saw Primary 5 pupils from associated primaries come to Grantown Grammar School to take part in some A9 Dualling-related challenges.

Grantown Grammar’s S3 volunteers mentored pupils from Abernethy, Carrbridge, Daviot, Deshar, Grantown and Strathdearn primaries through 6 activities.

In addition to learning about Health & Safety and environmental considerations, young people had the opportunity to develop and demonstrate skills in problem solving, communication and teamwork to gain points for their team, in the hope of being crowned the Gateway 2023 champions.

Our A9 Dualling industry professionals were also there to help guide participants through the challenges, highlighting the issues faced by employees working on large infrastructure projects, such as the A9 Dualling programme. Through this interactive event, young people can learn more about these problems and how they are overcome by working together to achieve a goal.

The Yellow team came out on top at the end of the day, but with only 1 point separating them from 2nd place it is fair to say it was a day of tough competition!

Check out some of our event highlights in the photo gallery below.

The Academy9 team are always looking to increase young people’s knowledge and confidence of the vast range of possible STEM-related careers within infrastructure. If you would like to see how the Academy9 team could work with you and your learning community, please contact us.

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