Feel Ready to Take Your Next Steps

Do you feel excited for life after secondary education, or do you find it a little overwhelming?

The transition from school to further or higher education or employment is a key milestone in everyone’s journey through life, marked by celebrations such as school proms and leavers breakfasts.

As exciting as this big life change can be it also comes with a large serving of ‘the unknown’, which often leaves us feeling a little unsure and worried.

Few people feel comfortable going through change. Being out of your ‘comfort zone’ is an uncomfortable experience (it’s in the name), but it is in this uncomfortable space that we can truly learn and grow, so it’s important to embrace it and work through the discomfort.

When preparing for any big change in life, support from others can help to boost your skills and confidence so that you feel empowered and ready to face the unknown. Seeking advice from people who have experienced similar things or can give you tips on how to best equip yourself for what’s ahead is one of the best things you can do to increase your chances of growth and success.

The Academy9 team visited Grantown Grammar this month to deliver workshops which aim to support young people through their ‘Next Steps’.

S5/6 pupils attended workshops on:

  • Mindset and resilience
  • Using social media to find a job
  • Job applications
  • Apprentice vs. Graduate routes

Following the event, young people were then given access to a delegate’s pack, which includes a wealth of digital resources, such as template CVs and interview advice, that can be accessed as and when needed.

If this sounds like something you think you would love to have access to, you can sign up to access the delegates pack for FREE here. Here you will be able to download all the digital resources from the delegate’s pack.

Free Resource

Access our delegates pack

Academy9 are passionate about supporting young people through their full education journey. If there is anything you feel we could support you with please contact us here or fill out the contact form below.

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