Support for Literacy

Addressing Dyslexia is a resource for use by parents and young people who are , or think they might be, affected by literacy difficulties as well as for those working with them in Scotland. It has advice on understanding what dyslexia is, approaching the school, working in partnership with the school and other organisations as well as frequently asked questions and other useful information.

In addition, Dyslexia Scotland is a Scottish charity set up to support everyone with dyslexia to achieve their full potential. They have a lot of useful advice and answer many commonly asked questions:


CALL Scotland is another useful site which supports those with barriers to learning. They provide specialist information and expert advice for a range of support needs including communication disability and dyslexia.

They also provide information about useful apps and programmes to support dyslexic learners, some of which is included below:

Text to speech reads back what you’ve written so you can hear any mistakes

Free text to speech plug-in if you have Word:

PowerTalk reads back powerPoint slides:

My Study Bar gives you handy access to all the support you might need on your desktop:

Useful apps to help with  planning, e-books, keyboards, readers etc.


And if you use an i-pad, make sure it’s doing everything it can.



If you are concerned about your child’s spoken communication, The Communication Trust has some interesting resources which might be helpful: