May 20, 2014
by K. McFaul

Scottish Engineering – Special Leaders Award 2014/2015

Leaders Award for STEM is a fun and rewarding way of finding out about careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM). We also play host to additional Special Leaders Awards which run throughout the year, each having a particular focus.

If you could be an engineer in Scotland – what would you do?

We challenge Primary and Secondary school pupils in Scotland to research and interview inspiring engineers!

This award is a great opportunity to engage pupils with real engineers who will convey the importance of STEM in their daily working lives. Schools will be able to develop relationships with industry, both local and worldwide, giving pupils a unique perspective of professions and their significance in the wider world. Our website contains resources and lesson plans which can help pupils get their research underway. Just visit the ‘Downloads’ section of our website at All successful participants will receive a certificate and winning entries will be exhibited to the public at the Barony Hall, University of Strathclyde (date TBC).

Closing date: 10th February 2015.

The Challenge

Pupils are asked to research engineering and interview a practicing engineer to interpret the statement “if you could be an engineer in Scotland – what would you do?”

Primary pupils are asked to illustrate their response, accompanied by 100 words.

Secondary pupils are asked to illustrate their response, accompanied by 350 words.

Register your school via the website Once registered, you will receive an application pack and further guidance on completing the award.

For more information about the Scottish Engineering Special Leaders Award, please visit

May 20, 2014
by K. McFaul


11th June 2014

Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh



10:00 – 10:25 am –        Registration 

10:30- 11:15 am –          Welcome to Big Ambition Scotland

11:20 –  Learning zones:

  • Expert Zone – join us for opportunity to ask industry experts questions like
    • What it is like to work in ICT and Digital Technologies?
    • How do I get in to the sector?
    • What sort of skills are you looking for in employees?
    • What the jobs of the future are likely to be? 
    • Opportunity Zone – learn from employers and education providers about the different entry routes into the ICT and Digital Technologies sector.  You will be able to hear about the different job opportunities that are available, college and university courses and other options such as Modern Apprenticeship
  • Interactive Zone – an interactive session led by industry to teach you about programming in coding languages. Hand on session giving you an important insight into the world of code

13:45 – 1405 – Lunch break

14:05 – 14:15 – Closing session

Register via the BigAmbition Scotland website:

May 16, 2014
by User deactivated

Open day – a whole cluster approach to science

Venue: Mearns Primary School, East Renfrewshire

Date: 9am to 12:30pm, Tuesday 3rd June 2014

This professional learning event presents an exciting opportunity to learn about the approaches to 3-18 sciences developed by the Eastwood High School and Mearns Castle High School clusters which have been identified through the inspection process as being very good practice.

The event is aimed at Quality Improvement Officers, Science Development Officers, science coordinators, school leaders and practitioners from all sectors with responsibility for sciences as well as national agencies and partner organisations.

The event will provide delegates with an opportunity to hear about various strengths of work taking place in the cluster including the:

  • effectiveness of their collegiate working led by the Science Ambassadors and also the partnership with SSERC
  • cross-cluster development which has produced a very high-quality programme with strong progression across all the organisers and significant aspects of learning
  • well planned discrete and interdisciplinary learning experiences from nursery to secondary
  • outstanding resources for science across all stages which are easily accessible and very well matched to the experiences and outcomes
  • learning rounds involving staff across the clusters focused on progression which provide very good evidence of how well children are progressing through the levels
  • curriculum transitions which are described as sector leading.

To book a place at this event please contact It is advisable to book early to avoid disappointment.

May 14, 2014
by User deactivated

New When and how to use Citizen Science guide

                                                                                                                                                                                 Scotland’s Environment Web has a unique set of on-line guidance and digital tools to help people set up their own public environmental monitoring projects.

Public monitoring or ‘citizen science’ can be described as “scientific activities in which non-professional scientists volunteer to participate in data collection, analysis and dissemination of a scientific project…” It can be a great, fun way to gather information and get involved – scientists need your help!

On May 7th a best practice guide on When and how to use Citizen Science was published.

It will take anyone thinking about embarking on a project through the steps which will help decide when you should choose and how to use citizen science.

Whether you are a teacher keen to get your students outdoors, a member of the public wanting to get more involved in your local environment, or an organisation wanting to set up a project, there is support available in the Scotland’s Environment Web toolkit. The tools make it easier to start and run a project, using some of the new digital technology to help. 

Click on the link to access Scotland’s Environment Website:

May 13, 2014
by User deactivated

National Women in Engineering Day June 23rd 2014

National Women in Engineering Day has been set up by the Women’s Engineering Society (WES) to celebrate its 95th anniversary. It takes place on 23 June 2014.

The aim is to celebrate the work that women do in engineering, and to showcase the great engineering careers that are available for girls.

The WES is calling on all groups (Governmental, educational, corporate, Professional Engineering Institutions, individuals and other organisations) to organise their own events in support of the day, and link them together for maximum impact through the use of the NWED logo, corresponding website, and supporting resources.

Find out how you can get involved here National Women in Engineering Day

May 9, 2014
by K. McFaul

RSE Young Academy of Scotland – Numeracy Counts

Part of the remit of The Young Academy of Scotland’s Excellence in Education Working Group is to “draw upon YAS expertise to develop teaching resources that enable teachers to make full use of the interdisciplinary possibilities of CfE [Curriculum for Excellence].” 

This resource, working within the Numeracy curriculum area, utilised the broad multi-disciplinary nature of the YAS membership to show how numeracy matters in the everyday lives and work of Scotland’s emerging leaders from the disciplines of science and humanities, the professions, the arts, business and civil society.

Through this YAS resource learners can find out how Cardiologist Marc Dweck uses numeracy in the diagnosis and treatment of heartattacks, discover how astrophysicist Catherine Heymans uses spread sheets when buying a new mobile phone and, most importantly, find out why ‘Numeracy Counts!’

Access the resources here –

May 8, 2014
by K. McFaul

GLOW TV Session Introducing circular economy of textiles

CPD session 

 28th May from 16.00-17.00

Lynn Wilson, Key Accounts Manager (Textiles), Circular Economy Team at Zero Waste Scotland (ZWS) will deliver a GLOW TV session introducing circular economy textiles and clothing industry models and how examples could be applied to class project work. It will also cover ZWS current work with the clothing industry – Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 and the consumer side of this work – Love Your Clothes ( as well as Circular Economy Business Models in clothing retail.

ZWS is commissioning a series of master classes for textile and clothing industry experts, academia and education practitioners to up skill in areas such as zero waste pattern design; assembly for disassembly; fibre processing and dry dyeing and printing, to be delivered from January – December 2015. Four places per master class (there will be 16 in a class) are offered to teaching staff responsible for national curriculum development. Those wishing to attend must apply by preparing a proposal identifying how it will contribute to their professional development and how they will disseminate the learning. An introductory one day event introducing the topics will be hosted by the Scottish Textile and Leather Association in partnership with Zero Waste Scotland in September and the date will be announced shortly.

This session and the master classes proposed will be of interest to teaching professionals across disciplines from Science to Design and Technology as well as more traditional textile and clothing curriculum areas such as Home Economics and Art and Design.

Click on the link below to sign up for this session.

Sign up here!

May 6, 2014
by User deactivated

Education Scotland STEM Conversation Day, 12th May

 STEM Conversation Day

09:30 – 15:00, Monday 12th May 2014    

Venue: Optima Building, 58 Robertson Street, Glasgow

Education Scotland would like to invite you to take part in the Stem Conversation Day.

The day will commence with a presentation about STEM, followed by four discussion activities exploring STEM in education.

 If you wish to attend please contact Louise Morton, STEM Development Officer at

You may find it useful to familiarise yourself with some of the documentation relating to Science, Technologies and Mathematics, all online at Education Scotland.

May 2, 2014
by User deactivated

Higher Chemistry Resources guide

This is part of a series of Higher Resources guides linking Mandatory Course key areas to useful learning and teaching resources.

The  pages show the Mandatory Course key areas table from the SQA Higher Chemistry Course and Unit Support Notes with an additional column containing hyperlinks to videos, animations and other resources. Content new to the course from the Higher Still Higher has been highlighted in green to further assist practitioners.

Updates will appear on GLOW 365.

Higher Chemistry Resources Guide

May 2, 2014
by User deactivated

Higher Physics Resources Guide

This Higher Physics Resources Guide links Mandatory Course key areas to useful learning and teaching resources.

The  pages show the Mandatory Course key areas table from the SQA Higher Physics Course and Unit Support Notes with an additional column containing hyperlinks to videos, animations and other resources. Content new to the course from the Higher Still Higher has been highlighted in green to further assist practitioners.

Updates will appear on GLOW 365.

Higher Physics Resources Guide

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