Welcome to the STEM planner. Keep reading to find out more about exciting STEM developments across Scotland. Please feel free to share this planner with colleagues and school partners.
Annual STEM Survey – Help shape the future of STEM professional learning
Education Scotland is inviting practitioners across Scotland to complete the Annual STEM (sciences, technologies, engineering and mathematics) Professional Learning Survey. The responses will help to improve access to high-quality STEM professional learning across Scotland. This year’s survey is especially important as it will help us measure the overall impact of the STEM Strategy since it was launched in 2017.
Please complete the survey appropriate to your sector:
- Practitioners in early learning and childcare, primary, additional support needs, secondary (all subject areas, including those not normally associated with STEM):
- School-based technical support staff:
- Community learning and development practitioners:
STEM Nation Award
Many congratulations to St Joseph’s College in Dumfries on achieving their STEM Nation Award. The award involved impressive teamwork from the science and technology staff and valuable contributions from colleagues in mathematics, music technologies and food technology. A highlight was the school’s annual STEM speed dating event.
Also, many congratulations to Our Lady of Peace Primary School in Glasgow on achieving their STEM Nation Award. Well done to staff and pupils at the school for their amazing STEM achievements.
Primary STEM Network
Our next session is on the Future of STEM. Explore how the world is changing, AI and skills learners need to thrive. Also hear practitioners sharing their work on Digi Inventors and Computational Thinking.
Tuesday 21 November 4pm
STEM Nation Award Drop-in Session Tickets
SDG Pilot Project Showcase
Education Scotland in partnership with Advanced Clothing Solutions (ACS) have taken part in an SDG pilot project with 12 schools from North and South Lanarkshire.
ACS is Europe’s largest sustainable fashion hub and one of the most sustainable companies in the UK. ACS aspire to transform the fashion industry from the traditional linear take-make-dispose model, towards a circular fashion model that extends the life of existing textiles and diverts clothing from landfill. To achieve this, ACS enable brands and retailers to introduce a rental or resale model alongside their existing ecommerce model.
This innovative project provided primary and secondary schools in North and South Lanarkshire with an opportunity to research and do a deep dive on UN sustainability goals and challenge ACS to become even more sustainable.
Come along and hear about exciting ideas and the work that has flourished because of this project.
Learn about a possible new approach to connecting schools to some of our inspiring industry partners.
Ideal for schools looking to work with sustainable fashion and learn more about the circular economy.
Attendees also get the chance to tour the New College facility and take part in hands on workshops on textiles.
- Date: 23rd November 2023
- Location: New College Lanarkshire, Coatbridge Campus
- Time: 10 30am – 2pm
- Event format: Each school will showcase their work at the event
SDG Celebration Event Tickets, Thu 23 Nov 2023
STEM Careers
We often hear that there are many career opportunities within STEM, but what are they?
To explore and increase awareness of the wide range of opportunities available in STEM, we have pulled together some of the key websites, resources, facts and reports under different STEM career sectors.
The information contained on the STEM Nation Online Resource will help support conversations with learners about:
- the importance and relevance of STEM in their lives
- how STEM could be a pathway for them even if they don’t think it is
- the skills they develop participating in STEM and how these could be applied in a STEM career
- the pathways available to take that first step on the STEM career ladder.
STEM Careers – STEM Nation
Your Planet, Your Future – FREE STEM Careers Showcase at Dynamic Earth!
Join Dynamic Earth and a host of STEM employers on Tuesday 5th March 2024 for their in-person Careers Extravaganza – Your Planet, Your Future! Book your free place now.
Ideal for learners in P7-S6, meet scientists working to protect and care for our planet, ask questions about how they got into their career, and experience a live planetarium show. From marine scientists to renewable energy champions, step into the shoes of the vast range of careers available to play a part in our planet’s future.
As part of the day, you and your learners will take part in 3 experiences:
- In the showcase, your learners will meet a variety of scientists, including geoenergy engineers, physicists and marine scientists. Chat to them over drop-in, hands-on activities, displaying the breadth of opportunities available in STEM Careers.
- As well as the showcase of scientists, your learners will have the chance to attend a science careers chat show session, in the auditorium. The chat show will feature 3 scientists from the UK, hosted by Scientific Director, Hermione Cockburn. Hear all about the careers of engineers, marine scientists and more, and ask them any questions about how they got into their jobs and the kind of work they do each day!
- Finally, experience a live planetarium show, presented by a resident astronomer, in the 6K 360-degree dome.
Book your school’s free place before slots fill up! Support may also be available for the cost of transport through the transport subsidy – ask about this with your enquiry. Email your booking enquiry to groups@dynamicearth.org.uk or through the school booking enquiry form on the website: dynamicearth.org.uk/contact-us/
STEM Grants & Funding
STEM Grants and Funding (November 2023).pdf
List of Science STEM Festivals (Updated November 2023).pdf
Royal Society of Chemistry – Chemistry Teaching Empowerment Fund
Up to £600 towards the cost of a collaborative project or event to improve chemistry teaching and/or foster supportive and effective chemistry teaching communities. Tackle teaching challenges in chemistry, get to know fellow chemistry teachers and technicians, and develop leadership skills at the same time. Tap into the Royal Society of Chemistry’s expertise and get advice on setting up events or collaborative projects from the local education coordinator.
Applications are open to members of Teach Chemistry until Friday 17 November 2023.
Arkwright Engineering Scholarships
For S4 students wishing to have a career as a leader within the Engineering Profession with a commitment to study one of the following subjects at Higher/Advanced Higher – Engineering Science, Maths, Physics or Computer Science.
Successful students receive £600 as part of the Scholarship – funding to be used to support the purchase of components and materials to complete personal technical projects or enhance curriculum projects. Alternatively, funds may be used to purchase textbooks, reference books, or to fund attendance on technical courses, summer schools or university open days. Schools receive £400 if a pupil secures a scholarship which must be spent on equipment, materials or teacher training to enhance the delivery of STEM subjects.
Applications open from early September to mid-January each year. Teachers must nominate pupils on the online portal.
Dates for your diary
Dynamic Earth Careers Extravaganza – Your Planet, Your Future 5 March 2024
British Science Week 8-17 March 2024