Use the buttons below to register for the STEM Nation Award programme:
Settings are advised to complete a self-evaluation of current STEM practice before registering for the STEM Nation Award. This process will help you to identify your current strengths and enable you to choose which of the five STEM Nation Award elements to apply for first.
ELC settings and schools should use Education Scotland’s STEM self-evaluation framework to guide you through this process. CLD agencies should refer to the information in the CLD STEM Nation Award application guidance and the evidence template for CLD providers.
If you have any questions or require support with the STEM self-evaluation process, please contact stating the name of your setting and the local authority in which you work. This message will be picked up by your regional STEM Education Officer who will be happy to support you.
As a result of the STEM self-evaluation process, you may have identified an area or areas for development. The STEM Nation Award support page provides links to resources and organisations that can help you further develop STEM practice for each of the STEM Nation Award elements.
Your regional STEM Education Officer will be happy to assist with any STEM Nation Award enquiries. Further support is available by contacting and stating the name of your setting and the local authority in which you work.