Mentoring performance makers…

I wanted to share with you a piece of work that Electric Theatre in D&G (who developed the Big Burns Supper Festival) are currently taking forward in our region. Its called ‘Make’ and its an incubator project that seeks to develop and promote the work of emerging performance makers from the region (most of which are young emerging artists).

Make is a residential laboratory for six performance makers who are about to start a year long journey to make six new pieces of original work in Dumfries & Galloway. Guest specialists will help to inspire and cultivate the performance making process by providing mentoring to each performance project through an intensive period of creative development. Each performance maker has created an idea for a new piece of work – and that work will begin it’s journey somewhere in Dumfries & Galloway.

I have attached information that tells you more about the project, but the incubation period also allows the makers to be mentored to understand and develop funding routes for their own projects.

I will let you know when performances finally hit the theatres!

One of the six makers is a former Transform Dumfries participant, and great to see that learning coming full circle! (he is second year student at the Royal Conservatoire – Directing). Electric Theatre is a key CLN partner in D&G and some of the other makers have worked directly on educational projects with us through CREATE and recent CLN activity.

We have other exciting work with Electric Theatre that I hope to share with you soon.


Make Performance D&G

Pupils challenged to design a building for cancer charity

A leading charity is challenging school pupils to design a building to help treat people with cancer.  Maggie’s is known for its visually striking centres where people with cancer, and their families, can receive support.  The charity has now launched a nationwide architecture competition to inspire a new generation of architects.

Fife Council Youth Music Initiative – The Big Strum!

An innovative music project culminated this week with 1400 Fife primary children coming together for the first ever Big Strum in the Rothes Halls, Glenrothes.
The event celebrated the many achievements of children and their primary teachers from over 30 schools who together have been learning singing and musicianship skills through the humble ukulele – and having a lot of fun in the process!

Led by primary music specialist, Ann Rae, and supported with Scottish Government Youth Music Initiative funding, plans are already in place to include
up to 60 primary schools in Fife next session.

An independent evaluation of the project, focusing on the quality of the CPD offered to teachers and the impact on children and their learning, has been commissioned from the University of Dundee and will be published later this summer.

Photos of the event are available to view at

For more information on this approach and other Fife Youth Music Initiative related activities, please contact Sandra Taylor, Music Co-ordinator, Fife Council

National Parent Forum of Scotland – Annual Conference on Health and Wellbeing

The National Parent Forum of Scotland’s Annual Conference for parents/carers will be held on Saturday 5 October 2013 at Bishopbriggs Academy, East Dunbartonshire.

Theme: Health and Wellbeing – this includes everything that helps our children and young people to lead healthy, happy and fulfilling lives.

Keynote Speaker: The Scottish Government’s Minister for Children and Young People, Aileen Campbell MSP, will outline the Government’s plans for Scotland’s children and young people.

Register your interest with

Glow TV events

Sharing with Shetland – Higher Order Thinking Skills, 24 June, 15.45 (Repeated on 27 June at 15.45.

Sign up at
Children’s Services (Quality Improvement) are delighted to announce a series of Glow meet sessions to share practice around Shetland schools. Join Pat Brown, Headteacher at Mossbank/Olnafirth, who will share ideas about using philosophy in the primary-school classroom as a valuable approach to Higher Order Thinking Skills.

Assessment Community – Assessing Progress and Achievement, 25 June, 8.20
Join the Education Scotland Assessment Team for a series of Glow Meets taking place in the Assessment Community. This early bird session looks at Assessing Progress and Achievement and will be presented by Anne from the team.

The M Factor Final, 24 June, 19.30

Join the finalists in this year’s M Factor music extravaganza live from Dalkeith High School in Midlothian.

For full details of these and other events, please log in to Glow and view the current schedule:
(Glow log-in and password required).

Enspire Festival of Ideas – S4 Enterprise project, St Joseph’s Academy, Kilmarnock

‘Enspire’ is an exciting new festival taking place on 9 June run entirely by young people in St Joseph’s Academy, Kilmarnock. Inspired by the world famous TED Talks a team of S4 pupils from St. Joseph’s Academy in Kilmarnock have organised their own home-grown festival of ideas: Enspire.

Enspire<> is being designed and curated by an S4 Enterprise class who have established an events business called ID Launch. They have been working towards this all year. The purpose of Enspire is simple: to harness energy, creativity and ideas to make a difference by thinking differently. The festival is based around three powerful words: reinvention, inspiration and transformation. All presentations will take as their starting point the themes of reinvention, inspiration or transformation. The festival also features bands, comedy, entertainment and great local food cooked by their pop-up restaurant.

The festival is open to anyone to attend.  Please contact St. Joseph’s Academy School Office on 01563 526144 for more information.

Arts Development Officer Post – East Dunbartonshire

Arts Development Officer (Temporary)
Grade 7
Closing Date 11 June
An opportunity has arisen for an enthusiastic and committed person to develop arts provision in East Dunbartonshire for a 12 month period.

As a member of the Cultural Development Team you will be responsible for the effective and efficient delivery of arts and events across East Dunbartonshire. You will be developing programmes which support and promote community arts participation. Partnership working is a key aspect of the role, and you will also be involved in supporting a range of key programmes for 2014, such as an inaugural John Muir Festival, and the Commonwealth Games

This post is temporary, until end of August 2014

Location: Trust HQ, William Patrick Library, Kirkintilloch

To discuss the post in more detail, please contact Frances MacArthur, Cultural Development Manager on 0141 777 3143.

For more information click on the following link:

Arts Development Officer Post, East Dunbartonshire

Festival of Dangerous Ideas – free events

Tuesday  18th June
Wild Ideas – Celebrating Failure and Success (1000-1500)
West Highland College UHI, Carmichael Way, Fort William

In the first part of the day, the West Highland Way Walkers who will just have completed their 5 day walk, led by young people from West Highland College  will exhibit the dangerous ideas that grew during their journey in the  wild. In the second half of the day, Outward Bound will lead a session that will explore how they have used the research on Mindsets to develop their work with young people

View Programme and Book Online

Wednesday 19th am and pm

Modern Assessment Tools to Match Modern Literacy Practices in These Dangerous Times

College Development Network, Argyll Court, Stirling (1030-1230)

In order for pedagogy to stay aligned with this seismic shift in communication, how could the ubiquitous practice of digital photography be used as an assessment tool?

View Programme and Book Online

Dangerous Assessment Conference (1300-1600)
College Development Network, Argyll Court, Stirling

Alastair Pollitt from UCLES will put forward the argument that we stop marking exam papers.

View Programme and Book Online

Thursday 20 June 2013
Learning Through Gaming (1000-1600)
Dundee College, Gardyne Campus

As part of the Festival of Dangerous Ideas, participants at the event are encouraged be as ‘dangerous’ as possible in considering how gaming can influence pedagogy and encourage greater engagement with learning.

Speakers include Chris van der Kuyl of brightsolid, Derek Robertson of Education Scotland and David Renton of Reid Kerr College.

View Programme and Book Online

Artworks Scotland ‘Placements in Practice’ seminar

‘Placements in Practice’ seminar
Guinness Room,
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
25th June 2013, 10am-4pm

ArtWorks Scotland is pleased to invite you to ‘Placements in Practice’, a day focusing on student artists learning in a range of social contexts.

Join us in exploring good practice in student placements, and the role this experience can play in preparing artists to work in participatory settings.

The event is aimed at both Higher and Further Education institutions, and cultural organisations, and will create a space to:

·  share learning from live projects

·  have a critical cross-institutional and organizational dialogue

·  discuss the ‘recipe’ for good practice – with a view to developing guidance.

The morning will include contributions from The Sage Gateshead, Motherwell College, and the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, who will share their experiences of projects that have taken place in prisons, health settings, schools, and wider communities. The afternoon will focus on good practice and guidance.

Lunch will be provided.

The event is free, but places are limited, so please book early.

Sign up for the Placements in Practice seminar by clicking this link

Local Authority and College CLN Collaboration in the Borders

A joint event between the Scottish Borders Council and Borders College CLNs’ was held on Thursday 25th April with the aim of building links across the college and local authority networks. Participants came from Primary, Secondary, FE and HE.  Phil Orr, Borders College Creative Catalyst and Susanne Batchelor, Scottish Borders Council Creative Learning Manager led this initial session. The first part of the morning was spent looking at creativity in education, locally, nationally and internationally through film clips and presentations.

During the second part of the morning participants worked in groups to generate ideas using the ‘Ideas Trail’ toolkit, developed by UXL Ltd. Each group were given a question about Creativity and were asked to come up with 50 ideas.

  1. How do we create different spaces/environments for creative teaching and learning?
  2. How do we engage partners in creative teaching and learning?
  3. How do we assess/measure/capture creativity of students?
  4. How do we improve the way we teach to further develop creativity in our learners?

The ideas were then narrowed down during group discussions and two ‘Red Hot’ ideas were selected and presented. A general discussion was then held around the next steps and how to continue to develop the network.

Some comments from discussions:

“The creative process is a specialist term which needs an agreed definition so we all know what we’re talking about.”

“I love everything about teaching creatively but I’m really concerned about what exactly to write in my planning folder when my HT (and others I’m sure) expect teachers’ plans to detail every session to the nth degree. Looking forward to discussing it further with others.”

“Listening to like minded people – encouraged that teachers too could share the vision for change.”

“Thinking about my own teaching and that I do teach creatively but there is always room to improve and build on.”

“Networking, learning a strategy for starting creative thinking processes in my class and in other education groups of which I am a part.”

Discussion of where to go from here and take it back into the work place to develop. Opportunity to share ideas of how to overcome difficulties and promote ideas further”

“Continue to teach creatively and look to improve it, also to try to encourage colleagues to be open to creativity”


From the ideas generated and from the feedback received, the next steps for the partnership CLNs from Scottish Borders Council and Borders College are:

  • To continue the innovation conversation in schools and college through further planned joint sessions and CPD
  • To implement some of the Red Hot ideas through pilots on schools and college
  • To develop materials and use processes to allow the sharing of good practice and the continued development of creativity in teaching and learning in the Borders Region.

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