Tuesday 4 December 2012
Beach Ballroom, Beach Promenade, Aberdeen, AB24 5NR
Registration 9.30am; Conference 10.15am‐4.00pm
This interdisciplinary conference will bring together professionals from Education, Early Years, Family and Community Learning, Arts and Culture and Outdoor Learning to explore the interface between creativity, play and learning in a range of contexts.
The conference will enable participants to share theory and practice with a view to developing new ideas and further collaborations.
There will be a range of participatory activities as well as presentations to encourage interaction, learn from each other and stimulate new possibilities.
The keynote presenter is María de los Angéles González, better known in her country as `Chiqui ́Gonzalez, Minister of Innovation and Culture of the State Government of Santa Fe, Argentina.
Chiqui has combined her skills and experiences as a lawyer, teacher, artistic practitioner and Minister to champion shared family learning through cultural activity. This is most keenly realised in ‘El Tríptico de la Infancia,’ in Rosario and ‘El Tríptico de la Imaginacíon’ in Santa Fe; six cultural centres developed from abandoned and subsequently regenerated industrial and public spaces. Each centre has a different emphasis on family learning, invention, collective construction, sharing and creating stories and play.
For further information contact: CLN@aberdeencity.gov.uk or telephone 01224 814530. To book your free place please complete the attached booking form:
and email it to: