Category Archives: Teachers

Serious Play: The interface between creativity, play and learning

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Beach Ballroom, Beach Promenade, Aberdeen, AB24 5NR

Registration 9.30am; Conference 10.15am‐4.00pm

This interdisciplinary conference will bring together professionals from Education, Early Years, Family and Community Learning, Arts and Culture and Outdoor Learning to explore the interface between creativity, play and learning in a range of contexts.

The conference will enable participants to share theory and practice with a view to developing new ideas and further collaborations.

There will be a range of participatory activities as well as presentations to encourage interaction, learn from each other and stimulate new possibilities.

The keynote presenter is María de los Angéles González, better known in her country as `Chiqui ́Gonzalez, Minister of Innovation and Culture of the State Government of Santa Fe, Argentina.

Chiqui has combined her skills and experiences as a lawyer, teacher, artistic practitioner and Minister to champion shared family learning through cultural activity. This is most keenly realised in ‘El Tríptico de la Infancia,’ in Rosario and ‘El Tríptico de la Imaginacíon’ in Santa Fe; six cultural centres developed from abandoned and subsequently regenerated industrial and public spaces. Each centre has a different emphasis on family learning, invention, collective construction, sharing and creating stories and play.

For further information contact: or telephone 01224 814530. To book your free place please complete the attached booking form:

Booking Form -Serious Play

and email it to:

Climate Week challenge – March 2013

Register now for the Climate Week challenge

Schools are invited to register for the Climate Week Challenge – a fun, free and easy-to-organise event to enable schools to take part in Climate Week 2013. Climate Week is Britain’s biggest climate change campaign. During the week of 4-10 March 2013, thousands of events and activities planned by organisations from every part of society will showcase real, practical ways to combat climate change.

The Climate Week Challenge can be held on any day during Climate Week. There are two versions of the Climate Week Challenge to choose from – one-hour and one-day – and the one-day version is judged nationally by a panel of judges.

The challenge is can be done by teams of four to six people of any age. It helps develop creativity, innovation and enterprise, team-working skills and experience of tackling real-life environmental issues to a deadline.

Register for the Challenge on the Climate Week website

Inspired? Get Writing! Creative Writing Competition 2013

School pupils and their teachers are invited to choose an inspirational painting, photograph, print or sculpture from the National Galleries of Scotland’s Collection and to create a piece of poetry or prose not exceeding 1,000 words in length. Works may be viewed in person, or online at

There are three categories for school pupils:

Category A School Pupils Under 12

Category B School Pupils 12-14 Years of Age

Category C School Pupils 15-18 Years of Age

There will be ten awards in each category: Winner, two Runners-up and seven Special Merit. All will be included in a public reading at the Scottish National Gallery in April 2013.

Full details of rules, and a very comprehensive and helpful resource, can be viewed on Follow the link to Education and click on competitions. The closing date is Friday 18 January 2013.

Junior Saltire Prize 2013 – designing for renewable energy

To help to raise awareness amongst young people of the exciting developments and opportunities of marine renewables in Scotland for the third successive year the Junior Saltire Award for primary and secondary school pupils is being organised.  The competition is managed by Skills Development Scotland (SDS) in partnership with the Scottish Government and SCDI’s Young Engineers and Science Clubs Scotland.

This award is open to all primary P5-P7 and secondary S1-S3 and S4-S6 pupils in Scotland. Working in teams of up to four, pupils will design and build a model marine energy device to operate under test conditions. Schools can submit multiple entries provided each is registered separately. Deadline for registration: 21 December 2012.

Connecting Classrooms: International Partnerships

The British Council’s ‘Connecting Classrooms‘ programme supports schools to develop creative learning relationships with international partners. The programme is designed to help young people learn about global issues and become responsible global citizens, supporting the development of skills which they will need to live and work in an increasingly global economy.

Connecting Classrooms offers support for international school partnerships, professional development courses for teachers, accreditation through the British Council ‘International School Award’, and the chance to share practice with international counterparts. Schools can apply for travel grants of £1500 per school to facilitate visits to and from partner schools, assisting the growth of the partnership and collaborative work.

For further information visit the British Council website: Connecting Classrooms

Career-long Professional Learning – Guidance for Teachers

Following the announcement by the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning on 6 November and the work by Education Scotland in taking forward the recommendations of the Donaldson report, ‘Teaching Scotland’s Future’, guidance on strengthened models of career-long professional learning has been published on Education Scotland’s online service.

This guidance is to support teachers to improve further their approaches to professional learning.  It consists of advice, information, links to resources and reflective questions.

A downloadable PDF is available.  To access the guidance, go to:

National Partnership Group report published

The report of the National Partnership Group (NPG) has been published on the Scottish Government website. The NPG has been working over the past year to take forward the recommendations in Graham Donaldson’s report on teacher education in Scotland, ‘Teaching Scotland’s Future’. The NPG was chaired by Professor Richard Edwards (University of Stirling), Glenn Rodger (Scottish Borders Council) and Rachel Sunderland (Scottish Government) and its membership included key organisations in teacher education.

The NPG is making a number of proposals including the development of partnerships between local authorities and universities to support teacher education and an emphasis on masters level learning for teachers. The Cabinet Secretary has accepted all the proposals in the report.

Commenting on the National Partnership Group (NPG) report published by the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, Michael Russell, Education Scotland’s Chief Executive, Dr Bill Maxwell said:

“We at Education Scotland are pleased to see the publication of the National Partnership Group (NPG) report on teacher education, and the Scottish Government’s positive response to it.

Education Scotland staff have played a key role in the work of the NPG and, in fact, our report on good examples of positive progress with the implementation of ‘Teaching Scotland’s Future’ has been published as an annex to the main report.”

Education Scotland statement

CfE and Glow News – latest issue online

Education Scotland’s CfE and Glow News update provides information about Curriculum for Excellence and support for practitioners, along with all the latest developments within Glow.

The latest issue highlights a new CfE leaflet and two posters, the Parentzone website, the new SSLN Professional Learning Resource (Numeracy), the migration of Glow to Office 365 and some Glow TV events.

Dance CPD for teachers

YDance is running an extensive programme of CPD training opportunities from December 2012 through 2013 for early years, primary and secondary teachers. Sessions include: the basic components of dance; teaching science, numeracy and literacy through dance; support for Higher Dance and National Progression Awards.

Visit the YDance website to access pdfs of both the early years/primary and secondary leaflets: ­