Category Archives: CPD

The Festival of Dangerous Ideas

13 – 21 June 2013 at various venues across Scotland

The Festival of Dangerous Ideas aims to re-establish the importance of dangerous ideas as agents of change in education – to shift the axis of what is possible!

You might be interested in the following events:

Dangerous Assessment

This conference will address the following questions:

  • how do we assess a diverse range of evidence?
  • how do we assess creative thinking?
  • do we trust our own professional judgements?

Thinking Dangerously in teacher education: Walking, drawing and extending sites for learning

The University of the West of Scotland will share initial findings from its Creative Scotland funded research project which responds to the Donaldson Report, ‘Teaching Scotland’s Future’.

Click here for full details of The Festival of Dangerous Ideas Programme

GTCS launches revised Professional Standards

A suite of revised Professional Standards for teachers was launched by GTC Scotland this week.

The revised Standards which will replace the current four Standards in August 2013 are:

  • The Standards for Registration (incorporating the Standard for Provisional Registration and the Standard for Full Registration)
  • The Standard for Career-Long Professional Learning
  • The Standards for Leadership and Management (incorporating the Standard for Middle Leadership and the Standard for Headship).

Developing Teachers in a Post PC Era, 22 March, Edinburgh

An opportunity for senior educational leaders to consider the requirements of preparing and developing teachers for the challenges and opportunities presented by the post PC classroom. The increasing presence of mobile technologies such as the iPad in our schools requires a new strategy in teacher development to realise the full potential of these new technologies. This is a free event.

For more details and how to book: click here

Enhanced Teaching and Learning with QR codes

Tuesday 19 March 2013 (16:15 – 17:00)

Enhancing Learning and Teaching: So how can this be achieved using QR codes?

QR codes are now becoming commonplace and most smartphone users are familiar with using them to interactively access information, web pages, multimedia resources etc. They offer scope to introduce interactivity in to the curriculum using mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets whilst widening the range of information and resources which can be integrated into the learning process. Used appropriately they can offer benefits such as increased engagement, self-directed learning, wider and deeper learning.

This webinar will focus on the ways in which QR codes can be created and used without the requirement for any technical skills and introduce examples of specific applications which can be used to enhance learning and teaching.

The webinar will be led by David Dyet, ICT Systems Manager, Reid Kerr College.

View Programme and Book Online

Curriculum for Excellence Senior Phase Beyond School: CLD and Colleges Explore

Wednesday 13 March 2013 (09:45 – 15:40)
College Development Network, Argyll Court, Stirling

Colleges, schools, Community Learning and Development (CLD) have embraced Curriculum for Excellence entitlements to shape the learning experience of young people entering the senior phase and facilitate transition to positive destinations.

All sectors have grasped the reality that this cannot be achieved in isolation: there has to be continued strengthening and consolidation of collaborative and partnership working.

This event explores how collaborative and partnership working between colleges and CLD can support successful and sustained transitions and support skills for learning, life and work.


  • To consolidate understanding of Curriculum for Excellence senior phase
  • To identify the benefits of colleges and CLD working collaboratively for transition processes to senior phase
  • To share and understand Curriculum for Excellence approaches used in colleges and CLD to deliver better outcomes for young people.
  • To broaden understanding of CLD policy, practice and provision and the significant contribution of this sector to Curriculum for Excellence particularly in the area of skills for learning, life and work.

View Programme and Book Online

OECD webinar: Using Evaluation to Improve Teaching, 13 March

2013 International Summit on the Teaching Profession
Using evaluation to improve teaching
OECD Education and Skills webinar series with Andreas Schleicher – OECD Deputy Director for Education and Skills and Kristen Weatherby – Senior Analyst, OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS)

Wednesday, March 13th 2013 at the following times
11:00 am Europe Time (Paris, GMT+01:00)
1:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

What: The third International Summit on the Teaching Profession will bring together education ministers, union leaders and other teacher leaders from high-performing and rapidly improving education systems, as measured by the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), to discuss how teacher quality is defined and what standards are set and by whom; what systems are in place for teacher evaluation and how evaluations are conducted; and how teacher evaluation contributes to school improvement and teacher self-efficacy.
In some countries the concept – not to mention the use – of teacher appraisal sparks discussion just about wherever and whenever it is mentioned. According to what criteria? Who decides? And what should the results of teacher appraisals be used for?  The webinars will present the report Teachers for the 21st Century: Using Evaluation to Improve Teaching  which underpins the 2013 Summit with available research about effective approaches to teacher appraisal and examples of reforms that have produced specific results, show promise or illustrate imaginative ways of implementing change.  By looking at how appraisal results are used it shows how teacher appraisal can be a key lever for increasing the focus on teaching quality and continuous professional development for teachers, in keeping with the growing recognition that the quality of teaching affects student learning outcomes.
Who: Andreas Schleicher, OECD Deputy Director for Education and Skills and Special Advisor on Education Policy to the Secretary-General of the OECD and Kristen Weatherby – Senior Analyst, OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS)

When: Wednesday, March 13th 2013: 2 webinars will be held at the following times:
11:00 am Europe Time (Paris, GMT+01:00)
1:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

Where: The convenience of your own computer. For registration see instructions below.
To register for the online briefing
1. Go to
2. Select the event and click “Register”.
3. On the registration form, enter your information and then click “Submit”.

Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email message with instructions on how to join the event.
For assistance please send a message to

Adventures in Improvised Living – building wellbeing, resilience and learning power through outdoor exploration and discovery

Venue: Crieff Hydro, Perthshire

Date: 14 March

Education Scotland would like to invite practitioners working in upper primary and secondary to this event, particularly those interested in developing their outdoor practice to achieve Professional Recognition in Outdoor Learning from GTCS.

Event Details: Click here
To attend this event, please complete the registration form

You will need the name and contact details of the lead officer nominating you for this event in order to register. Places will be confirmed on 4 March and a detailed programme for the day will be sent then.

Exploring the learning possibilities of a place near you (West and East Scotland Events)

Building on Education Scotland’s successful ‘3-18 Places Projects’, this free half day event will prepare you to build the curriculum around the possibilities of an outdoor place near your school. We aim to give you an inspiring and enjoyable day that will open your eyes to the many possibilities of teaching outdoors in a local place, and leave you with practical ideas for how to get started

Find out more by looking at the reports of two previous events below.

Download (PDF) West Report Download (PDF) East Report

East event on 15 April 2013 1.30 pm – 5.30 pm at Hermitage of Braid, Edinburgh. EH10, UK

West event on 15 March 2013 1.30 pm – 5.30 pm at Chatelherault Country Park, Hamilton. ML3 7UE

It would be great to see as many teachers as possible joining in these opportunities to develop place-responsive curriculum making.