Category Archives: CLD

Curriculum for Excellence Briefing 10: The Role of Community Learning and Development and Partnership Working

Curriculum for Excellence Briefing 10

This 4 page briefing explores the important contribution that CLD is making to CfE outcomes for learners through partnership working in educational establishments and communities.

It contains sections on the following topics:

  1. What is Community Learning and Development (CLD) and partnership working?
  2. How does CLD and partnership working contribute to CfE?
  3. How might CLD and partnership working further promote CfE?

This is the 10th title in the series and all other titles are available to download from the Education Scotland website.

Inspectors find excellent examples of Curriculum for Excellence implementation at Queen Anne High School, Dunfermline and in its learning community

Queen Anne High School in Dunfermline, Fife and the learning community around the school have achieved outstanding evaluations in two separate reports by HM Inspectors published by Education Scotland today.

Queen Anne High School has become one of the few secondary schools in Scotland to receive evaluations of nothing less than ‘excellent’ and ‘very good’ from inspectors since the issue of updated guidelines by Education Scotland that reflect the increased expectations now applying as a result of the implementation of Curriculum for Excellence.  At the same time, the learning community has been evaluated as ‘very good’ in all four quality indicators used nationally to monitor the quality of learning communities

The report about the Queen Anne’s learning community states:

  • Learners are achieving very well across the community, becoming more confident and active, and increasing their life chances.
  • Performance reporting is well-embedded, with robust reporting systems that demonstrate that CLD is achieving most targets.
  • Young people are achieving well through a good range of learning programmes.
  • Work with parents is well-established, with a strong focus on early intervention.
  • CLD providers are supporting a range of community groups that are achieving well.
  • CLD partners are working well together to improve the quality of services.
  • Partnership self-evaluation is leading to improvements.
  • There are good arrangements for workforce development.

The inspection found the following key strengths within the Queen Anne learning community:

  • Highly developed partnerships and positive collaborative working.
  • Continuous improvement which is embedded in practice.
  • Innovative professional learning leading to well‑trained and highly motivated staff.
  • Joint reviewing and planning with partners.
  • Well‑targeted provision for young people, adults and community groups which is improving life chances.

Read more by clicking here

Small grant support for implementing the CLD Strategic Guidance

Education Scotland is keen to support work which will contribute to the delivery of the key outcomes identified in the CLD Strategic Guidance and has set aside a small grant support stream for activities during financial year 2013/14.

Further information about the funding and details on how to submit a proposal can be found on the Education Scotland website.

Proposals must be submitted by Friday 19 April 2013, all proposals will be considered by an evaluation panel that will meet in April.

Funding will be very limited and is not intended to replace other funding streams for CLD.  A further evaluation panel may be held in September 2013 subject to funds being available.  Further information about the dates for this panel will be provided in July 2013.  We will not be able to consider applications for funding at any other times during 2013/14.

Curriculum for Excellence Senior Phase Beyond School: CLD and Colleges Explore

Wednesday 13 March 2013 (09:45 – 15:40)
College Development Network, Argyll Court, Stirling

Colleges, schools, Community Learning and Development (CLD) have embraced Curriculum for Excellence entitlements to shape the learning experience of young people entering the senior phase and facilitate transition to positive destinations.

All sectors have grasped the reality that this cannot be achieved in isolation: there has to be continued strengthening and consolidation of collaborative and partnership working.

This event explores how collaborative and partnership working between colleges and CLD can support successful and sustained transitions and support skills for learning, life and work.


  • To consolidate understanding of Curriculum for Excellence senior phase
  • To identify the benefits of colleges and CLD working collaboratively for transition processes to senior phase
  • To share and understand Curriculum for Excellence approaches used in colleges and CLD to deliver better outcomes for young people.
  • To broaden understanding of CLD policy, practice and provision and the significant contribution of this sector to Curriculum for Excellence particularly in the area of skills for learning, life and work.

View Programme and Book Online

CashBack for Creativity: Dance Fund

This new CashBack for Communities fun delivered through a partnership between Creative Scotland and Youthlink Scotland, aims to engage more young people in high quality dance programmes, helping them to develop confidence and skills for life, learning and work.

A total of £100,000 will be invested in community based dance programmes with individual proposals being able to access awards of up to £5,000. Applications are invited from organisations within the youth work sector and/or those working with young people to support the delivery of FREE dance based activities.

The closing date for all submissions is Thursday 13 December.

For further information on how to apply, visit the Youthlink Scotland website: CashBack for Communities

Community Learning and Development at SLF 2012

Making the connections between informal, non-formal and formal learning

This year, there will be a CLD village and CLD Fringe programme at the Scottish Learning Festival, sponsored by the CLD Standards Council. SLF 2012 hopes to attract a larger audience from the further education, youth work and community learning and development sectors than in previous years.

For more information visit the CLD Standards Council for Scotland website.

Download the CLD Village Fringe Programme and Exhibitor Guide here: CLD_Village_Brochure

Dance and Social Inclusion Training, 21-24 August 2012

Dance United is running a four-day training course in Aberdeen from 21-24 August which looks at how to deliver high quality dance when working with challenging groups in the community.

This Stage 1 training course has been accredited by National Open College Network (NOCN) so course participants will be able to achieve recognition at level 3 in Social Inclusion Practice in Dance.

Click here to download course details: Dance United Training Course flyer

The course is organised by Citymoves, Aberdeen in partnership with Dance United.

ACE support for community groups

The CLD Standards Council for Scotland highlights that community groups in Scotland are invited to apply for support as part of the ACE programme.  ACE stands for Achieving Community Empowerment and is funded by the Big Lottery Fund in Scotland (BIG).  It is a programme of support for community groups and within it the Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) will provide at least 10 days of support for at least 10 groups a year.

For more information about the scheme, visit the CLD Standards Council website:

Community Toolkit

Skye and Lochalsh Council for Voluntary Organisations have developed  an online reference tool for community groups of all sizes – from small clubs to larger social enterprises. Containing information on a wide range of topics, the Community Toolkit guides you through consultations with your local community, setting up a group or project, managing and developing your activities and looking after the people that use your services.  The Community Toolkit also includes a section on Generating Income and a funder’s database to help you find suitable funding sources. Find your local Community Toolkit at