Author Archives: Miss Davidson

Christmas Community Events – December 2023

Dear Families,

We know that Christmas is a busy time and we are trying to condense our information sharing for you all as much as possible. However we have been made aware of few local events that may be of interest to you and your family over the festive season.

We have been contacted by a community member who organises the ‘Santa Stop Visits’ in the Robroyston area. This year it is planned for Friday the 15th of December. Unfortunately it could not go head last year due to a lack of volunteers. The team are looking for volunteers to help this year. If you are able to help out please contact the school by replying to this email and we will pass your details on to the organisers. They team are also looking for donations of selection boxes to ensure every child gets one during the community event. If you are able to help out in any way, please contact us at the school.

On Saturday the 2nd of December from 1-4pm, Robroyston Church (34 Saughs Drive, G33 1HG) are hosting their Christmas Table Top Sale & Café. A range of items will be on sale including crafts, home-baking and new & preloved items. Admission cost for adults is £3.50 and 50p for a child. This includes tea and coffee and home- baking.

The Wallacewell Community Fellowship are also running a ‘Breakfast with Santa’ event on Saturday the 16th of December. To book your place, please click on the link below –

Thank you for your continued support.


Miss Davidson

Head Teacher

We are a Unicef UK Rights Respecting School!

We are a Unicef UK Rights Respecting School!

“Children have the right to be loved. Children have the right to make mistakes. With rights come responsibilities.”

Wallacewell Primary aim to be a school where children’s rights are at the heart of our ethos and culture, to improve well-being and to develop every child’s talents and abilities to their full potential.  As part of this plan we recently applied to Unicef Rights Respecting Schools for recognition of our work. We are delighted to share that we have been awarded our Rights Respecting Schools Bronze Award on behalf of Unicef UK.

Unicef is the world’s leading organisation working for children and young people and their rights. In 1989, governments across the world agreed that all children have the same rights by adopting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). These rights are based on what a child needs to survive, grow, participate and fulfil their potential.

Wallacewell Primary Primary pupils are learning about their rights and will continue to do so through the Rights Respecting School Programme by putting them into practice every day. A Rights Respecting School models rights and respect in all its relationships.

We really hope that you will be able to support our school on our journey towards becoming a Unicef UK Rights Respecting School. You can find out more about the Convention on the Rights of the Child by visiting

For further information about Rights Respecting Schools please visit:

Class Newsletters Term 2

Click on the links below to read our term 2 class newsletters.

Term 2 Class Newsletter P1a

Term 2 Class Newsletter P1b

Term 2 Class Newsletter P2-1

Term 2 Class Newsletter P2a

Term 2 Newsletter P3-2

Term 2 Class Newsletter P3a

Term 2 Class Newsletter P3b

Term 2 Class Newsletter P4a

Term 2 Class Newsletter P4b

Term 2 Class Newsletter P5a

Term 2 Class Newsletter P5b

Term 2 Class Newsletter P6a

Term 2 Class Newsletter P6b

Term 2 Class Newsletter P7a

Term 2 Class Newsletter P7b


Road Traffic Challenges

Dear Families,

As you will be aware, the entry and exit road to our school and the overflow/drop off area have been a cause of concern for the school community for a number of years. Our increased role and the increased numbers of families travelling to school by car have added additional pressures to the existing problem.

I am writing to you today to reassure families that our school regularly liaise with Glasgow City Council to raise our concerns about the road and overflow/drop off area. We have also raised our concerns with Local Councillors. Some parents have independently contacted Local Councillors and our Parent Council will also be raising concerns this week, via letter to the local Councillors, on behalf of the parent/carer body. The school liaise regularly with Police Scotland. You may have observed an increased Police presence at the school this week as a result of multiple concerns about health and safety and numerous instances of obstruction and dangerous parking. The school and our Junior Road Safety Officers are also working with Glasgow City Council’s Road Traffic Education Team to raise awareness of the issues.

The road and overflow/drop off space is raised as something we need to improve on in any form of consultation with families. As a school we will continue to raise our concerns with Glasgow City Council but would like to reiterate that we have no control over the road space and are limited in terms of what we can do independently as a school. As such we would encourage families to raise concerns with their Local Councillors. Contact information for them can be found on Glasgow City Councils website. We would also like to encourage families to walk to school wherever possible and insist that cars are not parked on the zig zag lines. This is dangerous and causes an obstruction. Our school bus and taxis must be able to enter and exit the school grounds. Additionally, cars should not be abandoned on grass verges and the entrance to our school should never be blocked for health and safety reasons.

Whilst we fully understand the challenges and frustrations our families are experiencing in relation to drop off and pickup, we would also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that our expectation at Wallacewell Primary is that all visitors, parents and carer respect the staff and children of Wallacewell, adhere to the Nurturing Principles and respect the rights of everyone. We will not tolerate abuse of any kind towards staff members. Any anti-social behaviour of this nature will be reported to Police Scotland.

We would like to thank you all for your support on this matter. We will keep you posted with any updates via our newsletters and website.


Miss L Davidson

Head Teacher


Santa Dash for the Beatson

So folks this year the AMAZING staff at Wallacewell  Primary are doing a thing… In honour & support of our loved ones fighting cancer in our school community & beyond we are taking part in this years Santa Dash on Sunday the 10th of December to raise money for @Beatson_Charity 👋🏻🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏃🏻‍♂️👋🏻

We know money is tight just now but if you have any pennies to spare please support us by donating to the @Beatson_Charity Just Giving Page using the link below –

Thank you in advance for any support you can give.


Book Week Scotland (Monday 13th of November to Friday 17th November 2023)


We are delighted to share that we will be celebrating Book week Scotland this year between Monday 13th of November and Friday 17th November 2023.

We have lots of fun activities planned.


All classes will be walking to the library.

Mon 13th P.4b

Tues 14th P.1b, P.6a, P.6b     

Wed 15th P.4a

Thurs 16th P.3/2, P.3a

Fri 17th P.1a, P.7b, P.7a      Mon 20th P.5b

Tues 21st P.2/1, P.5a, P.2a   Wed 22nd P.3b



Bring your good quality, pre-loved books into school and swap them for a new book.



Parents and carers are invited into the school dining hall at 2.30 for a cup of tea and a look at the resources in The Scottish Book Trust’s gift bag!

P.2 – Monday 13th November

P.3 – Tuesday 14th November


The children will be given their own Reading Passport to record how many books they have read.



Halloween Celebrations at Wallacewell Primary

We are looking forward to our Halloween discos on Thursday the 26th of October 2023.

P1-3      4.30 – 5.30pm

P4-7      6 – 7.30pm

Tickets are priced at £2 which includes crisps and a drink. All money raised will go towards School Funds for our Summer Trips.

Many pupils are now on the disco guest list. Any remaining families who wish for their children to attend should ensure they send payment into school in a sealed envelope with your child(ren)’s details and DISCO written on the front.  Children will not receive a ticket, but their name will be added to our guest list.

Children should enter the disco by the main door.  At the end of the disco, parents/carers should collect their child(ren) from Gate 1 (at the staff car park). To ensure everyone’s safety all children MUST be collected due to the dark nights and no school crossing patrols at those times.

We will be celebrating Halloween in school on Friday the of 27th October. There will be variety of spooky activities in class throughout the day. Children are welcome to come to school dressed up in their Halloween costumes, but there is no obligation to do so. Anyone opting not to dress up may come in non-uniform.  NB: Costumes and make-up will need to be done at home. Those who do dress up must note that no accessories of any kind are allowed in school on the 27th  during the school day, including masks, swords, knives, wands, guns, tridents etc. This helps prevent loss and injury.

Thank you for your continued support.


Miss Davidson

Head Teacher