Top Tips for Remote Learning

Top Tips for Home Learning

  • Establish a daily routine. Routines help in adjusting to new situations and writing down a daily schedule makes it easier to follow. Plan one out with your child and keep it in a place where everyone can see it.

  • Why not start each day tuning in to ‘PE with Joe’. Joe Wicks-the body coach, is streaming live workouts for children.  What a great way to start each day!

  • Keep learning activities in a single place. Your child will still need to work with their school materials, assign a place where they can readily access the things the need.

  • Choose a learning space. Find a space where they can learn. A small table and comfortable chair (part of the kitchen table also works) will help your child focus on their tasks.

  • Move around even when completing online tasks. Children’s brains need movement breaks. Stand up and move around in between tasks. A few minutes brain break to stretch between screen time will help your child learn more.

  • Make time for Play. Children learn many things through play. Besides incorporating this into subject tasks make sure your child also spends a couple of hours playing with toys. Incorporating this into set learning activities and projects is even better.

  • Use the outdoors, your garden is a wonderful place for your child to explore, learn and master new skills.

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