Category Archives: DrySlope

One block of ski lesson finished

A heartfelt thank you extends to the 10 pupils whose enthusiasm and dedication illuminated the ski sessions at Bearsden. Witnessing their remarkable progress over just 4 weeks was truly inspiring.

Exciting news awaits! We’ve secured an additional 4 lessons with Bearsden Snowsports Club.

We’ve drawn 10 names from the participants of the ski trip, who will be notified today. To the selected pupils: kindly ensure your completed forms are submitted promptly. Any forms not returned will lead to substitution, as we aim to utilise all 10 spots.

Looking ahead optimistically, we aim to secure more funding for similar opportunities later in the year, extending participation to those who haven’t yet had the chance to join.

Using The Tow

Great to see our pupils progressing on the Dry Slope.

After only 3 weeks of lessons our pupils have now progressed the the main slope and they are using the main tow to get up the slope. An amazing display of determination and resilience and we are impressed by how far they have come so far. There was also pupils showing off and doing small jumps and they made their way down the slope. Impressive stuff, can’t wait to see how all the pupils progress when we are in Italy.

Start of the KPSS Ski Club

We’re thrilled to announce the start of the King’s Park Secondary Ski Club 2024! Ten lucky pupils were randomly selected from the forty who attended the trip to visit Bearsden Snowsport Club, where they had the chance to enhance their ski skills. We extend our sincere gratitude to the Physical Education, Physical Activity, and School Sport (PEPASS) team, as well as Active Schools, for funding these invaluable opportunities. A huge thank you to Mr G Nicol in Geography who organised the paperwork and pupils for the club.

Unfortunately, we were limited to only 10 funded spaces on the club. As we continue to monitor our funding closely, our goal is to expand these opportunities to even more pupils in the future. Stay tuned for further updates!