Thank You For First Payment

A massive thank you to the majority of parents and carers who have already paid the deposit for the trip. Mr Jack is chasing up a few more payments this week and will be finalising the list of pupils who will be attending the trip. Once this has been done we will have our first meeting together. Pupils should expect an announcement on the school tannoy.

A list of pupils names is currently posted outside Mr Jack’s class and outside the school canteen. As this list changes due to drop outs, the list will be updated as quickly as possible.

Mr Jack will be regularly checking the payments via parent pay. If there are any issues with payment please stay in touch and we can be flexible if needed. Mr Jack may communicate home with parents if payments are not up to date and communication with the school has not been made.

Thank you once again for the clear communication with families and I hope you find the information on this website useful.