Enrolment Information

Primary 1 New Entrants August 2020

Due to the school closures, our normal arrangements for P1 transition are currently postponed. Normally, our DHT, Mr Thom, would visit all nurseries however this can no longer take place.

Please keep checking in on this page for the latest information regarding the August start for new Primary 1 children.

Updated 19.3.20


Schools across the city have moved to an online application form for parents/carers to register their children for school. The management of all pupil applications to register for school, including Primary one and S1 in secondary school, is now undertaken by Customer and Business Services (CBS), rather than the school.

Please click on the link below to visit Glasgow City Council’s website to find out how to enrol your child at Broomhill Primary School.


Information about Placing Requests

Some parents may request to place their child in another school under the management of Glasgow City Council or another education authority. Such a request is referred to as a placing request. It is essential however those parents must also register their child online for Primary 1 at their local catchment primary school initially and before submitting a placing request.

Parents should note that if they apply and are successful for a Primary 1 placing request into an alternative Glasgow primary school, their Primary 1 place at their child’s catchment school will automatically be withdrawn.

If parents subsequently change their mind and wish to attend their catchment school, a fresh Primary 1 catchment enrolment application would require to be submitted online via the GCC Web, and if a space is still available at the catchment school this will be confirmed in writing for parents.

Parents should also note the successful placing of one sibling does not guarantee the placing of subsequent siblings at a later stage.

New Entrant Open Doors

If your child was born between 1 March 2015 and 29 February 2016 they will be due to start school in August 2020.

Broomhill Primary School hosted two Open Doors events in November 2019 for families registering their child to start school in August 2020.

If you are new to the Broomhill catchment area and have not yet enrolled your child for school, you can register your child for Primary 1 by clicking here and completing an online form.

Please  contact our infant depute, Mr Thom, to make an appointment to visit us.

Oversubscribed Schools

When a Primary School is unable to accommodate all the children who have registered
to commence their local school, the “over-subscription” process is applied.

Please read the following document below more details of the ‘Local School Full’ process that is applied during such circumstances.

Glasgow City Council Placing Request and Local School Full Guidance [276kb]